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.These areBaker's and Dahl's for the day Irit was murdered.'Everything in perfect block letters, the time notated militarily: o8oo w l.a.roll call to 1555 sign-off.'Neat writing,' I said.'Baker always printed like a draftsman.''Compulsive.The type to sweep up.'He growled.I read the report.'First call's a 211 suppression - armed robbery?'He nodded.'Wilshire near Bundy,' I went on.'It lasted nearly an hour, then a 415 call -disturbing the peace, right?''It could mean anything.This one was near the Country Mart, but see herewhere it says "no 415 found" under type of activity? And no booking data inPage 261 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlcolumn 7? It didn't pan out.'He stabbed the paper with his index ringer.'After that, they did trafficstops, ten of 'em in a row - Baker was always one for giving lots of tickets -then another no-arrest 415 in the Palisades, then lunch.''At 1500,' I said.'Three p.m.Late lunch.''They list no Code 7's all day.If it's true, they were due for a break.'My eyes dropped to the final notation before checkout.'Another no-action 415 at 1530,' I said.'Sunset near Barrington.Are falsecalls that common?''Common enough.And it's not only false calls.Lots of times 415's end up justbeing an argument between two citizens, the officers calm 'em down and moveon, no arrests.'I scanned the sheet again.'There are no details on any of the calls beyondthe street location.Is that kosher?''On a no-arrest it is.Even if it wasn't kosher, with Baker being asupervisor, there'd be no one looking over his shoulder unless something iffyhappened - brutality complaint, that kind of thing.Basically, D-FARS arestashed and forgotten, Alex.''Wouldn't the calls come in through the dispatcher?''For the most part, but cruisers also get flagged down by citizens or theblues see things on their own and report to the dispatcher.''So there'd be no way to verify most of this.''Nope - anything else about it catch your eye?'I studied the form one more time.'It's not balanced.All the activity's inthe morning.You say Baker liked givingtickets but he issued ten before lunch and not a single one afterwards.noreal documentation for their activities for a solid hour prior to sign-off.More than an hour, if you include the Country Mart call.Even more if Bakerbogused the entire afternoon log.'I looked at him.'During the time Irit was being stalked, abducted, andstrangled, Baker and Nolan had the perfect alibi: doing police work.No way todisprove it - no reason to doubt it.Two guys with uniforms, a team.Watchingthe kids get off the bus, selecting Irit, grabbing her - both of them werestrong and with two guys working together, it would have been a snap.Bakerprobably chose gentle strangulation because he wanted to pretend he wasn'tjust another psychopath.Wanting to set it up as a sex crime, yet distinguishit from sex crimes.''God,' he said in voice that burst out of him like a wound.Looking closer totears than I'd ever seen him.'The fucking bastards.And they - I'm sure itwas Baker's idea, that calculating fuck - did more than set up a one-dayalibi.They prepared for weeks.'''What do you mean?'Page 262 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlHe got up, made a move to the fridge, stopped, sat down.'I looked through awhole bunch of their D-FARS.The pattern - busy mornings, quiet afternoons -began two weeks before Irit's murder.Prior to that they had an even workload:calls throughout their shift, Code 7's at normal times, normal lunch breaks.Two weeks before Irit was murdered, they altered it, and they continuedaltering for three weeks after.That's how calculating they were.Jesus!''Three weeks after,' I said.'At which point, Baker headed over to ParkerCenter and Nolan transferred to Hollywood.Distancing themselves.Now we knowwhy Nolan was willing to give up a plum assignment.''Covering his ass, the fuck.''Maybe something else, too, Milo.He could have been distancing himself fromthe murder because the guilt started seeping in.I'm sure that's why he killedhimself.I'm also sure Baker and the others took steps so Helena wouldn't lookinto it too deeply.'I told him about the break-ins, the snapshots in the Dahl family album.'Hookers,' he said.'Dark-skinned street girls like Latvinia.' 'Maybe Bakerintroduced him to Latvinia.Maybe Baker, by himself or with a friend, cameback and finished Latvinia off.But what I still don't get is what kept Nolanfromgoing public''Helena,' he said.'Baker threatened to kill her if Dahl squawked.''Yes,' I said.'Makes perfect sense.It would have intensified Nolan'sconflict, led him closer to total escape.' 'So who are the others?''Zena, maybe Malcolm Ponsico, til he changed his mind and received a lethalinjection.Maybe Farley Sanger, though I didn't see him at the party.Definitely Wilson Tenney.Because he was there.' I described the park worker'saltered appearance.'You're sure it was him.' 'Do you have his DMV shot?' He produced it from theattach.'Yes,' I said, handing it back.'No doubt about it.' 'Unreal - agoddamn psycho club.''Club within a club,' I said.'Meta offshoot.A bunch of eugenics freakssitting around over their three-dimensional chess boards, telling themselveshow smart they are, griping about the decay of society and one of them -probably Baker - says why don't we do something about it; the police areidiots - believe me, I know from experience, just use different techniques,clean up the physical evidence, and distribute the murders one per district.Detectives from different districts never talk to one another.Let's have somefun with it.Or maybe it started off theoretically - one of thosemurder-mystery games - committing the perfect crime.And at some point, theytook it further.''Fun,' he said.'At the core, these are thrill crimes, Milo.They can't seriously thinkthey're creating any societal impact.This is Leopold and Loeb taken a stepfurther: pleasure-kill under a veneer of ideology.Pleasure at showing howbrilliant they are, so just to be extra-cute, they leave a message.DVLL.Somecoded in-joke the police are sure never to notice.Maybe an insult to thepolice, like Raymond's bloody shoes left at the Newton station.And even ifPage 263 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthe letters are discovered, they know the message will be impossible to figureout.''Baker,' he said.'That's exactly his style.Esoteric.Leader of the pack,sucking everyone into his goddamn games.'A vein, thick and knotted, was throbbing at his temple, and his eyes burned.'Killers in blue.Oh shit, Alex, you know the department and I don't have aperfect marriage, but this! Just what LAPD needs after Mr Scumbag Rodney Kingand the riots and Mr Scumbag O.J.Just what this city needs!''Which leads me to another question,' I said.'Is Dr Lehmann doing somebutt-covering? He told me Nolan had problems Helena really didn't want to knowabout.I got a clear message to back off.If he knew Nolan had committedmurder, he'd be under no obligation to report it unless another potentialvictim was in clear danger.I can see him wanting to keep the fact that hispatient was homicidal quiet, for his sake and the department's - he gets lotsof business from the department [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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