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.THXSThe use of onboard communication systemsTHXVin ASCIITIFE120 mm above the water (in calm water)TIJLIf we have a sudden drop in pressure after the valve is supposed to be closed, this is caused by a leakTIKJBad management and poorly maintained old ships over several years have proven to be fatalTIMWThe side from the wind.TIPHAs stated by shipper?TIQAone whistle or equivalentTITO13TIXVIXTJCMHeating of the feed-waterTJEODischarge to a shore facility onlyTJJIhave self-bailing arrangementsTJKBDistress relay callTJQWFire control plans.TKABfor radiotelex-traffic in the MF/HF bands between ship and shore stationsTKBUIn stairways and corridorsTKEDInternational Maritime Organization (IMO)TKFXto enhance the safety of lives at seaTKGCaccess hatches capable of being opened and closed from both sidesTKGRIncrease cylinder oil consumption, determine fuel quality and readjust the fuel oil purifiersTKLDOnce a monthTKRNDry extinguishing remedy.TKTIWithin 24 hours, or within 14 days in relation to serious injuriesTLDL6TLEFYes if the cargo compartment is designed for temperature down to -48oCTLKFTable 11 and 13.TLNNThe ITU List of Coast StationsTLPTCT2, WT2 port, WT2 starboard.TLPV4000m3/h at 120 meter liquid column.(delivery head).TLRORemove any contaminated clothing and flood the affected area with slowly running water.Make sure that the contaminated water drains away freely and safely.TLRPAccording to the specific eductor`s performance curve.TLTIPlace the heel of one hand, two finger breadths above the bottom of breastbone.Cover the hand with the heel of the other hand.TMEEIt depends on the installationTMFCIt is important that the rotation direction is correct to avoid dry running.TMMMDistribution and weight of the containers?TMQKTotal weight in tons of cargo, equipment, complement, stores and supplies on summer freeboard in saltwaterTMRETins of 850 g eachTMSDFatty fishTNAUWoodTNBSCut it with the safety knife stowed on the exterior of the canopy close to the painter attachment pointTNJVcontinuously after having been immersed for a period of 10 seconds under 100mm of waterTNLKBecause the Captain expects fog early in the morningTNLMBehind one`s back and over one of the shoulders.TNODNoTNOXDevelopment of nitrous gases?TNPOan area excluding sea areas A1 and A2 within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one Inmarsat geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is availableTOCEThe main supply line to be blanked off prior to the work.TOHKThey are not normally used for pumping oilTOIXBlocked condenser.TOPM8TORAThe master shall notify next of kin/ Norwegian Consulate - arrange for burial/ repatriation of coffin/ashes - and maritime inquiryTOTUcentre, alternately towards each endTOVLChecking that lifejackets are correctly donned.TPCAStart air supplyTPDUZero-point is accurate, but 100% input is not giving 100% outputTPDVAble to effect a complete change of air of the space being ventilated 16 times an hour?TPEO1 to 2%TPGIIncrease the jacket cooling water temperature to avoid the sulfur dew pointTPHCa first-aid outfit in a waterproof caseTPLC200 metersTPLEOne for each person on board who is not provided with an immersion suitTPNTThe Norwegian ConsulateTPXQIncomplete combustion owing to wrong mixture of air and oil [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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