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.These are all negative attitudes.      The positive attitude might be characterized as an attitude of prayer.According to it, the individual seeks to ascertain the will of the universal intelligence with regard to the particular confrontation he is meeting.He does not seek to evade his responsibility, but rather to increase his responsibility by making it as fully conscious as possible by relating it to the universal purpose or "plan" of life, or of God.It does not lead to a blind and superstitious following of the answer revealed or suggested by the horary chart, but instead to a new adjustment of one's efforts in becoming conscious of the purpose behind the confrontation, and of all the factors implied in the issues.      A horary chart does not say: do this! It presents a symbolic image of all the essential factors in any critical situation, an image from which purpose to the patterning of these factors can be revealed � if the interpreter is able to see this purpose emerge.Sometimes the purpose � that is, the constructive directive or solution � is very evident.In most cases, it is not.It may require as great an effort of attention to decipher the answer outlined by a horary chart as would be the attempt to solve the life-problem by ordinary means.Horary astrology is not a saving of effort, or intelligence; it is a reorientation of effort and intelligence.It does not make life easier, but man more conscious of the total implications of the difficult turning points at which he has to make choices.It aims at providing a universal dimension to choices, instead of a strictly personal and narrow one � a "fourth dimension" of the will, in which time becomes a determinant and the proper timing of actions and decisions on the background of universal cycles is made possible, even in the smallest acts.      The act may be small, yet it must involve a vital need if the horary chart can be counted upon to give a vital answer.He who is to act must consider his questioning an implicit pledge to act consciously in an inner attitude of openness to the revelation of universal intelligence focused upon him, and to assume thereby a fuller responsibility for the actions.The responsibility is greater, in as much as the action ceases to be conditioned strictly by personal choice and becomes an expression of the guidance of this universal intelligence.He who does not know the total pattern cannot be blamed for not fitting into it.He who knows it breaks deliberately the structural harmony of universal life if he fails to live according to his knowledge.      So far, we have assumed that the person who is confronted by a vital problem or crisis is the one who erects the horary chart and seeks to discover in it the solution which the universe is potentially offering at any time to any seeker who asks in the right way.However, it is as difficult for the individual to interpret a horary chart erected to solve his own crisis, as it is for the average student of analytical psychology to interpret his own dreams.In either case we deal with the interpretation of symbols; and if the interpreter is subjectively involved in the crisis � if it is his own crisis he is likely not to be objective enough to interpret the symbol without coloring the interpretation with his own emotional and intellectual biases or confusion.      Thus the need, in most cases, for an interpreter who should be a "mediator" between universal intelligence and the confused or impotent mind of the enquirer � a mediator who should be able to focus in complete mental tranquility and detachment the message of this universal intelligence.Thus also the value of commonly acknowledged principles and rules of interpretation as means to guide the interpreter; for the more the latter bases his judgment upon the traditional meanings rooted in the common experience of those who came before him, the more his mind is likely to become a steady focus for the expression of universal intelligence a focus unblurred by individual biases or argumentative attitudes of the intellect.      In horary astrology the individual faces the universal; the part faces the whole.Horary astrology works because the whole acts upon the part whenever that part is in vital need.Just as the human body as a whole secretes instantly anti-toxins and hormones to come to the help of any injured cell or organ, so God (as personification of universal intelligence and spiritual vitality) always seeks to restore harmony and health in every individual whom life has thrown off balance.This divine effort to re-establish harmony in every disturbed individual is the substance of "Grace." It is the Whole coming to the help of every one of its parts.Horary astrology is a dramatic presentation of the operation of this divine Grace.Every properly timed horary chart is a celestial pantomime through which the universe seeks to impress a message upon every man in a state of crisis or vital difficulty.      It must be "properly timed," and horary astrology offers technical means to show whether or not the question has been asked at a significant time.These are the traditional "considerations before judgment" and even more perhaps the state of correlation between the horary chart and the natal chart of an enquirer.A horary chart is "radical" if it shows itself to be in dose structural relationship to the situation it is called upon to resolve into harmony.Here also the fact that an astrologer is asked to cast a horary chart helps greatly to establish a proper timing.The chart is properly erected for the time when the impartial mediator (the astrologer) becomes aware of the situation � when he is asked the question.He is to provide the focus of the interpretation, the channeling of universal intelligence into humanly understandable words and directives.It is thus as his attention is at first focused upon the matter that the "act of Grace" is released which can solve the problem.      The real function of horary astrology is to establish a state of relationship between universal intelligence or divine Grace and the individual person buffeted by the cyclic storms or repolarization and the baffling confrontations of experience.It is not "fortune telling" as an escape from personal responsibility and effort, still less for curiosity's sake.It is instead a sign of the conscious binding of the individual to the rhythm and purpose of the universal Whole in which he accepts full and deliberate participation.From this Whole the individual receives understanding and healing, and the key to his many problems, in proportion as he is willing to consciously fulfill his function and his destiny.THE THIRTEENTH STEP -The Establishment of Larger Frames of Referencefor Individual ChartsNo individual exists in a vacuum.He is related to other individuals, to groups of various kinds, to vast collectivities of men organized into societies, nations, cultural and religious denominations.He is one at root with mankind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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