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.I smelled the spicy scent of his skin and heard the muted thump of his heart."Yes and no."I opened my mouth to protest."It's simply a policy, a habit not to share many details with those not directly involved.You know that.Shifters may be fierce, but we can't take on the entire world and expect to win.The peace is fragile; any whispered rumor could unbalance the whole process, setting off rounds of violence, causing my kind to be hunted like no other."I understood and showed so with a slow bob of my head."Being a human isn't a downfall.It's just not part of the family unit."I tensed.Tugging, I struggled for release.He relented marginally, keeping a loose grip on me, lest I should bolt.Those eyes bore down into my own as he quickly explained, "I… you…" His mouth closed as he gathered me onto his lap once more, cuddling me tighty.He rubbed his chin over my crown while holding me close."I've never dealt with a human in such a capacity before.""But…"He shushed me with a quick kiss."I'm trying to apologize.""Oh." I blinked up at him and returned the chaste meeting of lips."Go on."With a tiny smile, I watched his facial expressions morph as he squirmed."I… I'm sorry." He managed to get out, looking sheepish and frustrated at the same time.It reminded me of the boys when they had to apologize for their actions, particularly to one of the little girls in their day care class.His response only endeared Meat to me more."Was that hard?" I teased, blinking away the last of the tears."Yes." He growled, pulling me around to straddle his lap.His lips peppered kisses across my face as he rocked his pelvis against mine."I'll show you something else that's hard."I squirmed a bit, pushing at his chest."Now, hold it right there, Mr Liger." I peered into his sparkling eyes.He arched a brow and grinned mischievously, all the while rubbing my back."You don't want to enjoy a Meat Popsicle?"I rolled my eyes and tugged on a lock of his hair."For a furry with exceptional senses, you aren't too observant today."Meat tilted his head in question.Kissing his nose, I delivered the blow."Sorry, but you shall have to wait a couple more days for such… activities."A grin popped onto his face."Why? Sex is messy anyway… so…""Pervert!" I struggled as he held tight, chuckling in amusement.Unable to get free, I settled for slapping him lightly on the chest."You're so mean."Meat planted another kiss on my forehead."That's not what you said the last time you were in my lap like this…"Chapter 11I trudged through the alley leading to the back door of Hot Lava, intent upon speaking with Meat and setting up our next date plans.If I caught him stripping on stage, all the better.A new Transformers movie just came out, and Bas volunteered to take the boys this evening, allowing me a few hours of freedom.Secretly, I think he wanted to see the movie himself, the boys just provided a good cover for his tough alpha reputation.Bas and I met a few years back, when I first started working for the PPD.As a black panther shifter Enforcer, he traveled all the time, but when in town, he made a point to stop by and speak to me when in the office.Not too long after, he showed up at my doorstep injured.I took him in, cared for him, and fed him.Like a stray cat, he stayed.We sort of adopted one another and he's been a solid support since.Hello Kitty ruled the wardrobe decision today.I sported the shirt and shoes, while tossing in pink jeans and socks to match.Considering the DNA of my boyfriend, I figured he would appreciate the irony of the outfit.Hearing a loud thump, I paused, scanning the long narrow passage in front of me.Misha stood at the next doorway, her left side to me, watching something with interest.My 'something is up' radar binged loudly.Hurrying over, I peered around Misha, viewing what drew her attention.A large darkened room full of boxes sitting on a cement floor outlined the scene.Noises pulled my attention from the walls to more of the center area.Two men paced in a circle, both large and bulky with dark coloring.Meat stood in the center, lightly shifting and twisting, trying to keep them both in view.One sleeve bore red blood stains already."You'll be begging for death before we're done with you." The taller of the men sneered while waving a dark metallic device resembling a Taser in the air.The other guy flashed a knife back and forth with practiced motion.A Taser? Either he couldn't afford a gun or they really wanted my boyfriend just incapacitated instead of dead.I glanced around until my gaze landed on the evil Misha.She stood leaning with her back to the wall, filing her nails despite the violence in front of her.Anger bubbled and boiled over in my system.Stomping over, I stopped just short of stepping on her brand new shiny red shoes."What the hell are you doing?"Her gaze flicked toward me, then raked me from head to foot.Her mouth curled in obvious disgust."Where did you get that nasty outfit? The Goodwill Store?"I bit my tongue and pointed to the action."Why aren't you helping Meat?"She shrugged."He's a male.Males fight." I opened my mouth but she continued, "Besides, if I got involved, it would only piss him off.""But he's hurt!"She looked up once more then returned to her nails."He's fine.""Ohhhhh.You're pathetic!" I left her in my wake, taking myself and my hot pink Hello Kitty tennis shoes into the action.The bad guys glanced at me as they continued their strategic maneuvering, coming closer to make a swipe before backing away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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