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.I’d be the one who would fight to the end.I would be standing tall, no groveling.Marc moves to my side of the table and pulls me to him.I don’t push him away, because the reality is I need him.Sure, I’d never actually admit it, but his arm reassures me he’ll always be there for me.“You’re right, Jae,” Marc says, finally breaking the silence.“We need at least one night where we’re not in the middle of insanity.I’m paranoid I’m going to lose you.Every time we’re together, I wonder if it’ll be our last.After watching you fight Haemosu at his palace—”He stops and drags in a deep breath.“His claws tore you to shreds, Jae.”I look into Marc’s face.His eyes are wide with fear, and his jaw is set.“Does this have anything to do with your training with Jung?”“I watched you age a hundred years right before my eyes.Those memories haunt me every day.Every night.I will do everything I can to not let you get hurt like that again.That’s why I have to be prepared and train.If there is anything in my power to save you, I will do it.”“I know.A hundred times over, I know.I totally lost it there.” I I trace his jawline and then kiss his neck, breathing in his smell.“You’re right.We need to research.We don’t have much time, and knowledge is power.Tell me what you were going to say about your research.I want to know.”Marc picks up a book at the end of the table and cracks it open.“It’s all here.”It’s a myth about Bari under the subheading mythological beings.Princess BariPrincess Bari crossed twelve mountains, each full of ghosts.When she came to the river only the dead could cross, she showed them magical flowers she had been given.Seeing these, the guards of the river allowed her to cross and enter the Underworld.There she found a fortress built of iron thorns.She used the flowers to melt the fortress and free the prisoners.She became a heroine.But time and again she was asked to return to the Underworld to save loved ones.After each time she entered, she took on a silvern sheen in the real world.Finally, when she entered the Underworld to rescue her parents, she lost all her humanity.She had only a silvery ghostlike form in the real world.From that day forward, she never returned to her people, but remained in the Spirit World for all of eternity as the one who guides the dead into the Underworld.“Wow.” I reread it again to make sure I didn’t misunderstand anything.“I don’t think I’ve ever read this myth.So you think she lost her humanity because she spent so much time in the Spirit World?”The thought of being stuck in Haemosu’s land terrifies me.I don’t want to lose my life here, even if it did mean immortality.“It might be nothing,” Marc says.“But since all these other myths have become reality in some way, I’m worried that there is some truth to it.”I face Marc.“Do you think I have this silvern look?”“No.” Marc rubs his eyes and then studies me again, his forehead knitting together.“I don’t know.Maybe I’m completely paranoid, but tonight you look a little different.More sparkly?”“Sparkly?” I laugh.When he doesn’t join in, I take his hands in mine.“Listen, Marc.I love you.More than anything.But you’ve got to let me live my life.And I need to be able to tell you stuff, but if you’re going to flip out every time something happens, I can’t handle that.”“I know.I’ll try.” His mouth curves into a smile, and he shakes his head.“We are either perfect for each other or we’ll drive each other crazy.”I laugh again, harder this time.Marc drags out his tablet and types in “nine dragons” to search on the web.He scrolls through some articles until he clicks on one, his eyes lighting up.He mutters something under his breath.“What did you say?”“Kuryong.” He slaps his forehead.“Why didn’t I think of it before? This makes perfect sense.” He drums his fingers on the table as he reads.“Kuryong is located in Kumgangsan, North Korea.Translated into English, it’s the Diamond Mountains.According to the myths, once upon a time nine dragons defended Kuryong from enemies.”I nod.I vaguely remember reading about this myth in one of Mom’s books.“But what are these dragons guarding?”“Exactly.”Marc takes off down the hall while searching on his tablet at the same time.I scamper after him, cringing as I pass through the obstacle course.“There really isn’t much information on it since everything in North Korea is so hush-hush.But if the Council believes the orb is in the Kumgangsan region, and this cave is there, too, it seems too coincidental to ignore.”We enter his room.It looks about the same as the last time I was here.Piles of books stacked against the walls, and artifacts that he discovered on archaefology trips with his parents crowding his bookshelves.I pause at his bulletin board, staring at all the pictures of the two of us together.I finger the edge of a strip of photos we took in the photo booth in Sinchon.Me kissing Marc while holding bunny fingers behind his head.The two of us cross-eyed.Tongues sticking out.Pouting lips.I look so happy in every picture.Probably because I thought I was free.“Here’s the book I was looking for,” Marc says, pulling me away from my memories.“This explains the myth.”He sets the book on his desk and the tablet on a tilt next to it.According to the website, Kuryong Falls is located not far from a popular hotel called Kumgangsan Hotel.The book doesn’t explain much about the ancient myth except how nine dragons guard the waterfall.“So we’re going to assume the myth of the Nine Dragons is true.”“Dragons are dangerous,” Marc says.“Tell me about it,” I mutter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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