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.“In case the cartel does have a problem finding your parents on the Internet, does your boyfriend know where your parents live?” Landon asked.Cold washed over her and her skin prickled.“Gregory has been there once, but I don’t think he knows the address.He’s horrible with directions.He didn’t get on very well with my mom and dad, and they weren’t too crazy about him.”Considering her parents were good people and she trusted her mother’s judgment, Tori knew she should have questioned her relationship with Gregory.Even her friends had made comments that, in retrospect, were probably meant to tell her in a roundabout way that they didn’t approve of him.Why hadn’t she seen that?She’d been so taken in by what he’d appeared to be.She’d thought he was intelligent, caring, and she’d liked being around him.Gradually that changed, but she hadn’t seen the verbal and emotional abuse for what it was.How could she have been so blind?That wasn’t what mattered right now.Gregory could be in trouble… Or he could be dead.She turned to Landon again.“Do you think any of my friends could be in danger? If they somehow got my address off my laptop…although it is password protected.”“How easy is your password to break?” he asked.She thought about how carefully she’d selected her password.“It’s a complicated one using lower and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.”“Good.” Landon nodded.“They’re probably fine.”“Unless Gregory gives them up.” Her voice sounded anxious, even to herself.Landon didn’t respond.What could he say? For now what he needed to do was concentrate on keeping Tori safe.It was his job to assure a witness that she or he would be protected.This time he had to force himself to tell Tori all would be fine.He didn’t like it—he wanted to tell her she needed to get out of town and go far, far away.People who witnessed crimes by the Jimenez Cartel never lived to testify against them.Landon’s gut twisted.He didn’t need to go there mentally.It would only make things harder when it came to reassuring Tori.He frowned to himself as he thought about Tori’s parents and her boyfriend, then focused his gaze on the two-lane highway that ran through part of the town.As he drove he couldn’t help but think about how beautiful Tori was.It wasn’t the appropriate time to find himself attracted to any woman, much less a witness.Not to mention she had a boyfriend.He attempted to pull his thoughts away from his attraction to Tori as he guided his vehicle onto School Terrace Road.They passed Bisbee High School and Tori stared at the school and the fields that were illuminated.“It hasn’t changed a lot since I went to school there.” She glanced at Landon.“Go, Pumas.”They headed up a rise to a shaded street with good entry and exit points and nondescript homes.Landon turned into the driveway of a home mostly hidden behind a line of mature Cyprus trees, and pulled up to the detached garage.Tori looked over the white house with fading forest-green trim and glanced at the low maintenance landscaping that was illuminated by his headlights.“Is this the safe house?”“Yep.” He left the engine running.“We’ll wait for your guard detail before we go in.”He checked in with the agents via his cell phone, and was told they were turning onto the street as they spoke.Moments later, the black SUV pulled up next to Landon’s vehicle in front of the garage.He kept the engine running and buzzed down his window as Johnson and O’Donnell got out and approached Landon’s SUV.O’Donnell was a fair redhead with brown eyes and a muscular build.Johnson’s eyes were dark, his head shaved.He had skin the color of polished mahogany and his size was equal to O’Donnell’s.“We’ll clear the place.” O’Donnell nodded in the direction of the house.“Hang tight.”Johnson and O’Donnell kept their weapons concealed as they went inside the single story ranch-style home and turned on the lights inside.It wasn’t too long before the two agents returned to Landon and Tori [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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