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.“I promised I wouldn’t touch you if you didn’t want me to, and I won’t.You have my word.”And suddenly, it all clicked into place.Maybe she wasn’t powerless, after all.She had one very dangerous weapon in her arsenal.She hadn’t recognized it straightaway because she’d never wielded it before, but there was no question she possessed it.If Drake Blackbourne didn’t want to let her go, she was going to make him pay for keeping her here.It was a risk, to be sure.What if he broke the dragon code? What if his word wasn’t his bond?A sizzle of fear slid through her, but she tamped it down.He hadn’t lied to her so far, and she was willing to take the risk.Because right now, the only thing that mattered was wresting some control, any control, over this situation from her captor.Her mental health depended on it.Still facing the fire, she wet her lips and then reached for the waistband of her boxers.Heart knocking, she tugged them slowly down over her rounded hips.Drake’s harsh intake of breath gave her that last push, that one extra dose of bravado she needed to continue.She bent low to shimmy the shorts past her knees and then let them drop to the stone floor.“Willa…”Drake’s voice sounded like he’d been sucking on glass and a surge of adrenaline blasted through her.It felt good.Like strength.Like power.She let her fingers drift to the hem of the t-shirt she wore.Up until now, this was a test run.The shirt was long, and covered her to mid-thigh, but once it was off, she would be truly bared to him.She focused on keeping her hands from trembling and then slowly, inch by inch, she pulled the t-shirt up.Past her bottom, to her waist, and then finally, over her head and off.She stood, back straight, posture proud as she waited to see what he would do now.For a long while, there was no sound.No movement.It seemed like even the air had frozen.All she could hear was the crackling of the flames in front of her and the sound of her pulse in her ears.Finally, his deep voice rumbled behind her."I don’t know what game you’re playing, little wolf, but I've put up with enough of your antics tonight."She forced the nerves fluttering in her belly to calm and craned her head to peer over her shoulder.The intensity of his gaze sent a shudder through her that she barely managed to suppress.“I’m not sure what you mean, Drake.My clothes were soaked and I’m freezing.If you don’t approve, you can leave the room.”He shook his head slowly and folded his arms over his chest."You can't be trusted on your own.Clearly, you need a caretaker."His words fanned the flames of her little rebellion even higher.“Like a child?” she asked, keeping her tone low and even.She turned slightly, angling her body so that her breasts would be visible in profile."No.Not like a child at all." His gaze trailed down her neck and lower, causing her nipples to draw tight into peaks.His jaw flexed and he let out a low growl.“Like a woman who doesn’t think before she acts.”The triumph she felt at his obvious struggle was tempered by the fact that she wasn’t nearly as unaffected as she pretended to be.Maybe it was time to call back the troops.Retreat and live to fight another day.Because even now, as his firm mouth tightened into a grim line, she found herself wondering what it would feel like.What he would taste like.And if he sensed that, she was doomed.The last thing she needed was to allow this man yet another inch of power over her.He chose that moment to take a step toward her, pointing to the pile of clothes on the floor."You've had your fun.Now put your fucking clothes back on, Willa.” His voice was low and menacing.Exactly what she needed to get her head back in the game.She didn't bother to respond.Instead, she sucked in her stomach and turned to face him full on.Willa Stone, buck-naked, all up in this place, motherfucker.Read it and weep."Do not push me, woman [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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