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.I'll need to give those people something to chew on.Some kind of moral ownership of it and some kind of moral reasoning to illustrate that what we do is good.All smiles.Here we go."Thank you all for coming to this impromptu gathering, folks.I know this is a disruption to your day, but in light of the events down in DC earlier this afternoon, Fitzgerald Industries—me, mainly—felt it was vital to have a conversation about what happened down there and how it relates to what we're doing here."Okay, so far, so good."For those of you who were unable to see the worldwide broadcast, down in Washington, a second dragon, the same dragon that was seen down in Boston breathing fire into the sky, held what amounts to a news conference.He claimed that he was now 'our dragon' and that he was here to help protect humanity."The group of people had a wide array of responses.Some cheered, some gasped.Most simply murmured.This development was significant for them in a personal way."I can completely understand all of you thinking and wondering about how this development affects you personally as employees here at Project Amethyst, as well as how this affects the whole of Fitzgerald industries.Well, I'm here to hopefully address your concerns and fill you in on some details that have been kept secret for some time."A few people clapped."Our dragon, Amethyst, was taken into our protection after an expedition found her in Asia.I can't say exactly where, as that's still secret.I can assure you that when Amethyst was taken here, she was already well on the way to being brain dead, as she is now.My father's wishes were for her to be brought to a place similar to the one we have created for her where she could help others live better lives.I am told her last words to the team that stabilized her were something to the effect of, 'Please use me to make the world a better place.' And for ten years, people of Project Amethyst, we have done just that.Amethyst is in many ways our generation's Henrietta Lacks.We have given back so much to humanity by harvesting the incredible gifts this dragon has provided to us.We are doing her an honor by providing our services to civilization, and I want to thank you for all that you do." Alec clapped hard and put on his best show of emotion.He thought forcefully of his kitten, the one that died in his arms when he was seven after being hit by a car, and how his father died painfully of lung cancer.The memories dredged up old emotions, and tears started to run down his cheeks immediately.Alec could see multiple people well up in response.Perfect."Obviously with the knowledge that our dragon is not the only dragon in the world, we need to change how we do things around here.We'll be reaching out in the next few hours to get in touch with the Federal Government on how we can best talk with this new Tesser dragon, and how we can move forward in a way that is both respectful to this new community and that protects humanity's best interests, as well as the best interests of the company at large.We want to be a responsible corporate partner with the world, especially as it changes so dramatically.Also, as we are heading to the end of fiscal quarter four, we'd like to make another announcement as well.Due to Fitzgerald Industries' incredible success this year, we are sharing a package of retention and loyalty bonuses.As a thank you for your incredible dedication to the work we do here, and your discretion in keeping the privacy of the corporation, I'm happy to announce bonuses for every person in this room, starting at no less than five thousand dollars."The applause was immediate and tremendous.Money talks baby.So far, so good.Here's the last big hurdle."Now, I know some of you have questions for myself and the organization, and I want you to know many of them will be answered in the next week or two as we sort out what those answers actually are.This is news to us as well.Having said that, do any of you have a pressing question about the bonuses or the events of the past few weeks?"A hand shot up from the middle of the crowd.Alec pointed at him, and he asked a question."When will the bonuses show up in our paychecks?"Alec nodded, agreeing with the sense of the question.I know him, perfect."I can't say for sure, Tony, but the paperwork has already been submitted to payroll, and unless I'm mistaken, it'll be a week or two for them to get everything in order.I'd say you'll all have your money no later than Thanksgiving.Pretty exciting."Another hand shot up.The girl asked her question before Alec called on her."What do we do now as far as telling people what we know? I'm having a real hard time not running my mouth at night right now to my roommate.""Well, I think our Human Resources department would remind you that you signed a legally binding contract to keep everything we do here at Fitzgerald Industries very secret.That includes pillow talk with spouses and slipping up with our roommates.Medical Research and Development is a very cutthroat industry to work in, Megan, and nothing has changed so far as that is concerned.I'd say now more than ever your respect for the company's need for privacy is vital.I know I'd appreciate it, and I know all the people here in this room want to keep their jobs.Making sure that we keep our tongues from wagging will ensure that.Great question, Megan; thank you.Anyone else have any questions?"An older man on the edge of the group raised his hand.Alec recognized him as one of the senior biotechnologists.Alec inclined his head, and the man spoke.He had a faded European accent."Mr.Fitzgerald, I watched the announcement on one of the televisions in the break room.I'm feeling overwhelmed as I'm sure many of us here are.All of what's happened in the world has made me rethink everything.Goblins, Trolls, Dragons, warlocks and witches.It's almost more than the rational mind can fathom.But I am working on dealing with this change [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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