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.Before Cyrus could stop Moon, Duncan, riding on a jet ski, pulled up to the side of the boat and jumped on to the deck.He pushed Moon to the floor and when Moon turned his head around, Duncan caught him in the face with a solid right cross.The force of Duncan’s blow caused him to drop the gun, sending it skipping across the deck to the other side of the boat.He grabbed him by the shoulders and made him sit up,“Don’t be so stupid,” Duncan said, “We need to let them die in the explosion, not take a bullet in the head.”Moon lowered his face, felt the side of his cheek with one hand, and raised his free hand as if he were surrendering.“All right, all right, but Dana’s escaped.”“How did he escape? There is nowhere for him to go.”“We’re only twenty five miles out, Dana will be to shore in about an hour.”“This idea of keeping them off balance by having the boat go in a circle was dumb, Moon,” Duncan said.Moon shrugged his shoulders.Duncan turned to the man on the Jet Ski, pointed to the east, “Get him,” he said.Lao sped off.While Moon and Duncan were arguing, Cyrus made a move toward the console to start up the engine.Before he could reach it, Moon stopped him by placing the barrel of the colt on Max’s temple.Moon walked Max over to the other side of the boat and pushed him down.He signaled to Cyrus to sit beside him and he complied.Sitting beside Max and rubbing the side of his bloodied jaw, Cyrus noticed that the fishing vessel now appeared much larger, he observed that as soon as the Grady had stopped, it started drifting toward the trawler and was now less than twenty or thirty feet away.He could see the trawler’s name, Diane Marie, printed clearly in large black letters on its bow.It was much wider and heavier than the Grady White, probably forty ton.And though it was not powered at the moment, its momentum was much greater than that of the Grady and when they collided, it would be the winner.The prospect of hitting the trawler and sinking frightened Cyrus, but before he could warn either Moon or Duncan, he was distracted by a commotion on the other side of the boat.Duncan held Briana by her pant’s belt and pulled her back.She waved her arms wildly in an attempt to strike Duncan.Grabbing her by both arms, he sat her back down on the rear seat.An Asian man appeared on the rail of the Diane Marie, just above the Grady.“Throw down a line!” Duncan yelled out, keeping his colt trained on Briana.Moon grabbed a pole from below and used it to slow down the boats movement into the side of the larger trawler.A line, with a monkey’s fist knot on one end, landed on the deck behind them.Duncan put the nine-mike he carried up to Briana’s head.“Grab hold or I’ll finish what I started on the pier at Rincon Island.Don’t get any ideas about resisting.You are expendable; I only need those two for the plan.” Briana climbed up the knotted rope and onto the deck of the trawler.Duncan kicked at the fishing gear and clutter that covered the bottom of the boat.He found the broken bottle of Chivas Regal and threw it overboard with a sigh of disgust.He handed Mike’s nine mike back to him and took back his colt, then he said, “Go down below and bring up a couple more bottles of scotch.”Moon walked down below and came back with two bottles of Chivas Regal, he handed one to Cyrus and one to Max.He pointed his nine-mike at Cyrus and said, “Start drinking pig.”“You go ahead, I don’t drink.If you want to shoot me, be my guest.”“You think you’re a hero, don’t you?” Moon said, “So you don’t care about your life, what about Briana’s?”“You wouldn’t kill her, Moon; you still want her, don’t you?”“Oh yeah, I want her all right, I want her to take a cap from my nine mike in the back of the head, especially after she’s been with a pig.”Cyrus stared back at Moon and then spat at him.Moon darted to the side to avoid the bloody phlegm.“You’re the craziest pig I ever saw,” Moon said and then he kicked Cyrus again in the side, in the same spot he had hit him with the bat.“O.K.you’re a hero and you got guts.But you better start drinking or I’ll blow a hole through your partner, here.” He pointed his gun at Max’s chest.Cyrus took a sip, gagged and wheezed, and then spit it out.He could hardly breathe [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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