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.And if we wait until dark, I ll be a werewolf. Right. Giles cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses. Here s my thinking on that.Micaela has theability to open the ghost roads where she wishes. He bobbed his head in Jacques s direction. And onemight assume that when you inherit your powers, you may do so as well. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html True, Jacques answered,  but I haven t inherited them yet. Quite so, Giles said. So, we open a breach right here.Jacques, Oz, and Angel leave immediately,which is a little after five Boston time. But  Oz began, but Giles held up his hand. One must assume you ll arrive there after dark.At which point you will, indeed, transform into awerewolf.My suggestion for that is that Micaela work a spell to render Angel and Jacques invisible toyou. I can do that, she said. So we won t see each other on the ghost road? Oz asked. What if somebody attacks us? Helooked at Micaela. Can you time it to happen at a certain point, like right before we arrive in Boston? I also thought of that, Giles cut in,  but the problem is, we really don t know how long it will take you.It s rather certain you ll be attacked, plus there s still the relative newness of the experience.In the senseof controlling it, I mean.Think of it this way: we assume it will take a certain amount of time for me todrive from the cemetery to this house approximately ten to fifteen minutes but if there were a trafficjam, it would take considerably longer.Especially if you re the one who s driving,Oz thought, but kept that to himself.Instead, he nodded.Micaela warmed to her subject.As she talked, she moved her hands expressively. You can each carrysomething, maybe wear an armband or a vest.Once they realize you ve changed, Angel and Jacquestake theirs off, and stay invisible until Xander deals with you.Oz raised a brow. Deals with me? I would assume he d bind you into the Gatehouse, Giles said. I ve tried phoning them to tell themabout all this, but the line is out again, which would seem to indicate that the conflict in Boston has heatedup once more.Xander may be Gatekeeper now, but it was clearly presumptuous to take comfort in that.He is not a Regnier.It s possible that fact has handicapped his ability to access the power he hasreceived.Still, we have little choice as to our course of action. That s not new, Oz said unhappily.Getting bound into the Gatehouse did not particularly sound like hisidea of personal bliss. I won t give up trying to reach them. Giles scratched the back of his neck and moved his head slowly,as if he had a kink. I think you ll be in good hands, Oz.Whether Xander is the Gatekeeper or themantle passes to Jacques.Oz was a bit embarrassed that he was putting up such a fuss.He didn t mean to.He was cool with theprogram, and he didn t want to be any extra trouble. I m in, totally, he said. Which leaves only one, final problem, Jacques said. Angel s asleep. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html No, I m not, Angel murmured groggily from the pitch-dark hallway. I can deal.I ve had enough rest.Micaela nodded to herself. I can open the ghost roads in the hall as well as anywhere.Angel replied,  That would be best. All right. Giles looked very serious, very concerned.Oz felt a chill down his spine.He hadn t died yet,he reminded himself, and he d been on a lot of thrill rides with Slayer and Company.Problem was, formost people, the first time one died was also the last time.Except for bad guys.They usually got extrainnings.What was up with that? I guess we may as well proceed. Giles gestured for Oz and Micaela to join him as he walked into thehall.Angel was there, hair tousled.He was buttoning his shirt and tucking it into his black pants.He lookedup and nodded at Oz.Oz nodded back.Jacques moved to join them.They stood shoulder to shoulder, and Oz took a deep breath. I think I saw this onSliders, he said.Angel actually chuckled.Somehow that made it all a little better. Wait.Armbands, Oz said.Angel went into his room and returned with a white T-shirt and a pair of scissors.While the otherswaited, he cut three strips and handed one to Oz and one to Jacques.They tied them around their upperarms. Make sure it s easy to take off quickly, Angel said to Jacques.Jacques practiced tearing it off a couple of times, as did Angel.They nodded at Micaela. All right.I ll begin, she said.She extended her arms and closed her eyes.Her voice was breathy as it dropped to a whisper.Ozcould make out only a few syllables, and he was pretty sure they weren t in English.He licked his lipsand braced himself, not sure what to expect.The last time Micaela had intervened on the breach thing, hehad been unconscious.Suddenly the hall filled with a bright white light.Micaela said,  Move toward it.Oz was a tad not okay with that; how many books and movies had he read or seen where movingtoward the light entailed dying? Okay, Micaela wasn t a squeaky-voiced dwarf woman, and Angel wasno Carol Ann, but still, creepy. You re certain, Giles said, adding to Oz s concern. Yes.Move toward it, all three of you. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlOz took the first step.In an instant, he was surrounded by nothingness.Around him, everything was the color of the pewterchess set in Aunt Maureen s TV room.Twilight time in the twilight zone.So they were on the road again.Beside him, a piece of white T-shirt floated in the air, and Angel said,  Can you see us?Another piece of white T-shirt floated on the other side of Oz. No.Can you see me? Yes.Oz took that in. Freaky [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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