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.I bet to myself that if I turned around, I would see his penis, hard and erect.I think it excited him.I thought that was sweet that taking care of me turned him on.Before long, my long tresses were tangle free.I needed a shampoo but I wasn’t getting back into that water tonight.It would have to wait until I got back to the cabin.Ah…yes, a hot shower would be heaven.When the hair brushing was over, Bullet began to rub my shoulders.I sat up in the chair a little more to give him greater access to those areas.I murmured happily when he finished.“That was nice.Okay, your turn.” I vacated the chair and made him sit down.I stood behind him and playfully rubbed my breasts in his hair.He tried to turn around to play with them but I told him no.“This first, before anything else.” Carefully, I rubbed his shoulders, then his neck.I had him lean back in the chair and I rubbed his temples too.Suddenly, Bullet was up and out of the chair.“That’s enough of that.Let’s go where we can have some privacy.Unless you want to do it right here by the fire.”“Do what? Oh…” The cold water must have made my brain slow or it could have been the beer.Smiling, I grabbed his hand and together we walked to the tent, naked, like two Bohemians.We unrolled the bags, checking them first for pests then climbed in and zipped up the tent.It was just the two of us, in our own naked world; it was quiet except for the sounds from the forest.I couldn’t believe how much I wanted him.I pushed him down on the soft sleeping bag and straddled him.His hands flew to my breasts, naturally and he played with them, gently squeezing them and touching the nipples lightly.I could feel his hardness beneath me and my moist thighs were dying to have him enter me.I rarely got the opportunity to try different positions but with Bullet, I knew I would not be embarrassed or humiliated.As smoothly as I could I turned around so my bottom faced him.I heard him moan appreciatively as I slid him inside me.Bullet raised his knees slightly, giving me something to hold on to.I grasped his knees, using them as leverage to move myself up and down, rotating my hips slowly as I did.He was so large that I could not take him all in one stroke, at least not at first but slowly, I felt myself opening, like a rose bud around him.His warm hands grabbed my rear and he guided my thrusts.He squeezed my cheeks and gave my bottom a smack.It was warm where he stung me and for some reason, I found that exciting.“Do it again!” I said in a hoarse whisper.He did and I groaned and rode him harder, bouncing up and down on his muscular body.Soon, my thighs trembled and I felt the orgasm rising inside me.“Oh, oh, oh!” He clamped his hands around my waist and pushed himself up to give me more of him.I rode out my climax, bouncing clumsily on his groin until I felt limp.Bullet pulled me toward him, he was still hard.I could feel him pressed against my thigh.“What about me? You have to take care of me too, Lilly.”“Oh yes, I want to.That was just…” Without any words, Bullet had me bent over on all fours.He was behind me, his penis rubbing against my bottom.I knew what he wanted but I was not ready to try that yet.I guess he sensed my hesitancy because he drove himself into me.I gasped again at the size of him.As he sent thrust after thrust into my warmness, his fingers rubbed my ass and I could feel my excitement growing again.He slipped the tip of a finger in and I almost climbed up the tent, it was so thrilling.I couldn’t believe how this man knew what buttons to push on me.He was all man and he knew how to turn me on—better than I did.He leaned over my back and whispered in my ear.“One day, you’ll let me have that, won’t you, Lilly?”“Yes! Yes, Bullet! I will.” He lifted my left leg up to play with my clitoris, rubbing it skillfully as he continued to pound on me.I grasped my own breast from the excitement and flipped my wild blonde hair out of my face.He liked my hair, I knew that.Just when I was on the cusp of orgasm again, he lowered my leg and grabbed me by the back of my hair.It didn’t hurt, he just grabbed enough to let me know that he was now dominating me.“Oh! I am going to cum again!” I could hardly believe it.Bullet’s hands slapped my bottom and he fucked me as hard as he ever had.Shuddering again, I lay on the sleeping bag as he made the last few strokes and released his orgasm with a loud groan.If there were any bears nearby, they left.We were two noisy lovers tonight.Bullet fell on the sleeping bag beside me, his hand reaching for my hair.He buried his face in it and kissed my cheek.“Sweet, sweet Lilly.”All I could say was, “Mmm…”Chapter TenBulletLilly Brightwood was my Kryptonite and I don’t even think she realized it.That’s what makes her so attractive I think.She doesn’t even know how beautiful she is, unlike many women I have met.Lying snuggled in her sleeping bag, she looked like an angel, a dirty angel who wasn’t afraid to make me happy.I pulled on my pants and sat on my knees digging for my shirt in my backpack.“Hey, where you going?” She unzipped her sleeping bag and stretched like a big golden cat.“Nowhere, just getting dressed.I thought we’d head back to the cabin, get showered up and head in to town.I did promise you a tour of our two stoplights, right?”She chuckled sleepily, “Yes, you did.” She sat up, tossing her blonde mane behind her; I could see her pretty pink nipples.“Hand me my bag?” I gave her the pink backpack and pulled on a t-shirt.I could feel her watching me; I hoped she liked what she saw.“So, tomorrow we go home.You ready to return to civilization?” I wanted her to say, “No, I want to stay with you here in the middle of nowhere” but I knew that was not very likely [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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