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.To sum up, she is prone to be either "down in the dumps," or "upin the air," and it is necessary to strive to cure her of both depressionand elation, which are alike harmful.Equipoise must be cultivated to aidin attaining and maintaining health.Were Fixed signs on the angles thiswould be next to impossible, but with Common signs there she is more adapt-able and reachable.Regarding the ailments to which this woman is subject, we note firstUranus in high elevation, conjunction the Dragon's Tail, whose influence issaturnine, that is to say, obstructive, crystallizing, and hardening.Bothare in the airy sign Gemini, which governs the lungs, and square to Saturnin the Twelfth House, which denotes confinement-in prison, hospitals or upona sickbed.This gives us at once the key to the trouble.Sometimes thetidal air is almost stopped by the Dragon's Tail and the square of Saturn; Uranus prevents asphyxiation by the conclusive movement of the lungs knowsas coughing, which clears away the obstruction and enables the heart to[PAGE 643] THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPESagain circulate the blood.The blood is unable to throw off its poisonous carbonic acid because ofthe obstructive power of the Dragon's Tail in Gemini, and the square of Sat-urn to Uranus in the sign of the lungs.The arterial and venous circula-.tions are also impeded by the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus with Saturn,hence, malnutrition and carbonic acid poisoning are in evidence.The hard-ening of the lungs and consequent cough, label the case as tuberculosis.Elimination of urine is retarded by the square of Mercury to the Moon,which is in the latter part of Libra, the sign of the kidneys.Mercury gov-erns the sensory nerves, while Mars rules the motor nerves and muscles.Mars is in good aspect, showing that the mechanical apparatus is in goodcondition, but that the trouble is nervous.This may be alleviated by ma-nipulations, and so may the sluggishness of the bowels indicated by Saturnin Virgo.The Mars hour would be the best time, the Sun hour next.Besidesthis treatment dry rubs with coarse gloves will stimulate the skin and aidin eliminating carbonic acid from the system.Whole wheat bread toasted,plenty of fresh milk given while still warm (for them it contains themaximum quantity of the ether which is so necessary to restore the vitalbody), and as much green uncooked food as the patient can take should begiven, for that also contains a maximum of ether.Onions are particularly[PAGE 644] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSvaluable nerve-builders.A person with Taurus rising, whose Saturn is not in the degrees includedwithin the patient's First or Sixth House, will make the best healer forthis patient.NO.26--TUBERCULOSISASC: 8:56 VIRGO SUN: 5:01 TAURUS SATURN: 8:33 GEMINIMC: 5 GEMINI MOON: 24:09 ARIES URANUS: 24:35R VIRGO11H: 10 CANCER MERCURY: 25:20 TAURUS NEPTUNE: 2:09 TAURUS12H: 12 LEO VENUS: 20:16 GEMINI2H: 3 LIBRA MARS: 11:35 LEO3H: 2 SCORPIO JUPITER: 26:22 CANCERA Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com GOOD ASPECTS: Uranus trine Mercury and Neptune, Moon sextile Venus; Sat-urn sextile Mars.BAD ASPECTS: Moon conjunction Dragon's Tail; (Dragon's Tail: 22-33Aries); Moon square Jupiter; Sun square Mars; Uranus square Venus.[PAGE 645] THIRTY-SIX EXAMPLE HOROSCOPESThis is the horoscope of our friend, James Casey, who wrote such helpfularticles in the "RAYS." He passed into the invisible worlds in June, 1918,and as he has no relatives connected with our society who might read thisdiagnosis and feel badly on that account, he gave us permission to use iffor the benefit of his fellows.He was born on April 24, 1884, 2:00 P.M.,in Harlem, Iowa, and became afflicted with tuberculosis while living in Den-ver, Colo., the Mecca for all who are afflicted with this disease.You will notice that Saturn, the planet of crystallization and obstruc-tion, is placed in Gemini, the sign which rules the lungs, and although Sat-urn is the highest elevated planet in the horoscope, besides beingunafflicted there is always a weak spot in the anatomy where he is found.The hot, inflammatory and disruptive Mars is in Leo, the sign which governsthe heart, square to the Sun, which is ruler of Leo, in the sign Taurus,which governs the throat and all the passages there.This is a configura-tion which usually produces fevers, inflammation, wounds and hemorrhages.Thus there was a tendency in the system toward tuberculosis, and you willfurthermore notice that there are four Common, flexible signs on the angles,the Sixth House sign, Virgo, being on the Ascendant with the spasmodicUranus afflicting Venus, the ruler of the venous circulation, which isplaced in Gemini, the sign ruling the lungs.Uranus gives a tendency tocoughs and spasms, so you see that the condition is very well outlined inthe horoscope.The four common signs show that when he became subject to[PAGE 646] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSillness the Virgo nature was too weak to throw it off and he simply made uphis mind that he was going to die from it, hence there was no help.If hehad been able to throw off the feeling of impending death and to struggleagainst the sickness there is no doubt that with this horoscope he couldhave overcome.For a more detailed analysis of the conditions which resulted in death,see pages 477-480. NO.27--ADENOIDS AND CONSTIPATIONIn this figure the planets occur in four groups: Neptune is in conjunc-tion with Mars, Saturn in conjunction with Uranus, Mercury in conjunctionwith the Sun, and Jupiter in conjunction with the Moon.The last two groupsare also squaring each other.Venus is alone and forms a trine to Jupiter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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