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.Ibit my bottom lip, butterflies flutteringwildly inside me.Tomorrow night Iwould have some fun, one way oranother.After paying for the dress and heels, we headed to my house, relaxing on the backporch.I confessed to Hilary that I wouldlet down my guard and give Kurt a fairchance.Who knew, maybe we reallywould hit it off.She was thrilled, and tomy complete shock, she pulled a box ofcondoms from her purse and tossed themin my lap. What the hell? I shrieked. Yougonna set up a health clinic? Hey, better safe than& well knockedup.I tossed them back. Yeah, I m good.Hilary reached back, slid open thescreen door behind us, and tossed themon my kitchen counter.I opened my mouth to complain whenshe smiled. Is that Oliver? Oliver was skipping toward us.Abortcondom conversation.Hilary lookedpleased when I shot her an irritated glare.I turned my attention back to Oliver. Yeah, I nodded, smiling to myself.Something about the small tot alwaysmade me smile. Hi, Cassandra, he said as hestopped in front of us. Hey buddy, this is Hilary.You mether at the carnival last week. I remember, Caleb is your friend,and he s awesome!She giggled, nodding in agreementwith him. So how have you been? I asked,placing my glass of water on the table beside me. Great, sorry I couldn t come backover last night.Daddy had an importantmeeting so I had a sleepover at mycousin s. You stayed over on a school night?My voice came out as disturbed as I feltabout it. Yeah, Daddy said his clients werefrom out of town. His face melted into aslight frown.He looked down andinstantly the smile was back when he heldup a paper bag he d been holding. But Ibrought over my artwork now, andDaddy even helped me pick out awesomeframes to hang them.I couldn t help smiling.Logan was agrown man, who was I to care what or who he did in his free time.His clients, ashe called them, were definitely from outof town, so at least it wasn t a full lie. All right, let s go hang them up. Istood up. I ll race you! With a playfulgrin, I ran past him. Chapter ElevenLowered InhibitionsI stood outside Haven for what felt likeforever, my entire body painfully aliveand rigid.My hands were clammy andtrembled as I ran them down my shortblack dress and pulled on my bestconfident smile.My feet carried me at asnail s pace through the door, theunnerving need to turn around and runwas echoing through my mind.This was agiant step for me, enormous, but one Ineeded to take in order to put myselfback out there in the dating world.Just the word dating terrified me beyondjustified reasoning.Mark had been myfirst and only boyfriend.What was Isupposed to know about dating andabout what men expected? Cassandra? A tall, dark-haired manstepped away from Caleb, who wasleaning against the bar with a clipboard inhand.Caleb winked with a soft smile andheaded off behind the bar. Hi, you must be Kurt, I said,holding the smile on my face as smoothlyas possible.My cheeks stung from theforce it took, but it was the only way tocontrol the bundle of nerves racingthrough me as he drew closer.I was going to kill Hilary for this.The man was at least thirty-five, andconsidering this was my first real dateever, he was not what I was expecting.I dnever even considered dating someonemore than five maybe ten years older, letalone almost fifteen years.I had to admitthough, she wasn t lying.He washandsome in a rugged sort of way.His hair was long, hanging just pasthis jaw, tucked behind his ears and Icouldn t help noticing his eyes, an intense,deep-grey shade that clouded with a darkglimmer when he did a quick once overof my body.He was dressed in simplebeat-up blue jeans and a plain white tee.The man was all muscles with a largeamateur looking tattoo running up his forearm.I knew Hilary s intentions were not tohelp me find a steady boyfriend, but moreto help dip my toes back in the water.Thecondoms sitting on my kitchen table rightnow proved that point.Judging by Kurt scool demeanor, he looked plentyexperienced in helping a girl do just that. Wow! I knew you were pretty but He titled his head to the side, his lipscurling up into a crooked smile. seeingyou up close, gorgeous is be a morefitting description.I smiled, biting my lip as heat spreadover my cheeks. Thanks, you re not toobad yourself. Okay, I could do this.Taking my hand, he placed a small kiss onmy knuckles.I felt my confidence grow as Kurt guided us over to a small table inthe corner.He was making tonight even easierthan I expected.He was sweet, attractive,and with a few drinks, I would have thecourage to open up and try to get toknow him a little.One fun date couldpossibly be the best thing for me.Part ofme wanted to hit it off with Kurt just so Icould officially move on from my pastwith Mark.The bastard would no longerbe my only lover.If we heated things up tonight in thatdepartment it would also help soothesome of the ache I felt whenever I spenttime around Logan.As much as I hatedto admit it, Logan did things to my body I couldn t explain, and until I put outthose flames he kept igniting, I wasbound to attack his perfect body sooneror later.That was not an option.Against all rational thoughts, in theback of my mind, I found myself thinkingif all I wanted was a night of passion,maybe giving into Logan could be done with a mutual agreement that it neverbe spoken of afterward.Just sex.Nobodywould have to find out, and nothingwould need to change.I shook my head clearing the absurdidea.What the hell was the matter with me? Icouldn t stand the complication thatwould cause, us being neighbors.Not tomention, I was completely repulsed at hislittle ménage à trois the other day.I was definitely not his type.Sitting across from Kurt, I held upthe menu debating what I was in themood for.Well, beside a careless one-night stand, preferably with my arrogantneighbor. So, what made you want to workhere at Haven? I asked, lowering mymenu to catch his gaze.It wasn t the mostappealing job in town, not like Logan sanyway.I inwardly berated myself forthinking of him yet again. I um, recently moved to town.Needed a job and Caleb was nice enoughto offer [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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