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.Murmuring a minor Transform, he turneda roll of cloth into a marker that drew coarse black lines.He narrowed hiseyes, focused will and attention, and began blocking in the areas where heneeded to make the major Transforms that could convert the pallet and pillowPage 150 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlinto a liftsled like the one he d made once from a kitchen table, like thesled Daniel knew so well from his home reality.Sketching with the marker he shuffled backward on his knees, sweeping linesacross the flat in broadX s; he hob-bled to the front again and began drawing honeycomb braces aroundthe edge of the pallet.He finished, straightened his aching back, and inspected his work. Good, hemuttered. Now the hard stuff.He knelt before the pillow, touched it.As it happened before, it happenednow.Chant poured out of him with a rightness that seemed to come from bonerather than brain, as if the rightness and the elegance of the design oncemore commanded him, mind and body and spirit, as if the liftsled was using himto be born.He Reshaped the flocking and canvas into glass and ceramic, metaland plastic.Sucking great gulps of fire from the salamandrin reality, hepoured it into the Patterns his will created, pressing and shaping that fireinto the esoteric crystals that were the heart and brain of the liftfield.Helaid down layer on layer of them, embed-ding them in intricate polymers,wove more polymers into honeycomb braces that stiffened the floppymattress into something like solidity.He Reshaped the pillow intosensors and readouts, a canted control plate that would let him regulatestart-up, velocity, direction and altitude; he drew a pair of powerlines fromit to the rear of the palletsled.Dropping the lines for a moment, hesculpted twin energy sinks in the tail; he reclaimed the lines and joined themto the sinks.Then he rested a short while, until the shaking went out of hishands.Holding the tap quiescent, he inspected his work inch by inch, making smallchanges here and there to improve the conformation.When he was done withthat, he knelt by the sinks, put a hand flat on each and began feeding powerinto them until they were topped off, humming to the touch like a hive ofangry bees.He let the tap fade, let the shield dissolve about him.He got up and steppedaway from the liftsled, triumphant but too drained to crow or preen for themoment, anyway.He tossed the blankets back on the bed, spread them over theinterwoven ropes that had served to support the mattress.It wasn tparticularly comfortable, but he was too tired to care.It was a transientthing he d made, fairygold, apt to vanish if you kept it around too long, butit d last the night and it was so alien to this reality it wouldn t triggeralarms for the witches; even the god Coquoquin might not notice what washappening under her nose.Too bad it wouldn t last.He lay staring at theceiling, imagining the look on Pawbool s face if the four of them cameswooping in, wav-ing Klukesharna and demanding the antidote.He lifted aheavy hand, checked his ringchron.Nearly two hours gone.No wonder I m tired.His muscles were sore, even his bones ached; too tired to sleep, he laybrooding over his limitations.Fused through all Ahzurdan s memories was the sense of ease, theexhila-rating ease with which the sorceror handled the power that leapedto his hands, the getting drunk with that power, riding a high like no other.And Ahzurdan was second rank at his best.Settsimaksimin was somethingelse.His mind drifted to that last battle.Maks alone against all of them,him and the changers and Brann.Funny that.in a way.Maksim depending on a talisman like BinYAHtii to capture andstore power for him when he had a thousand thousand realities laid out forplundering.I don t know, Danny thought, wrong mindset, Isuppose.There s nothing like forcefields and directed energy flows in thisuniverse, they don t even have something simple.like electricity.That s it,probably.They don t have the physical analogs to show them how to handle thehot stuff.If you don t know some-thing exists, kind of hard to use it.Hmm.Wonder why Old Garbagegut didn t think of that? Wit s been sucked in, Isuppose.Thinks like everyone else here.Computer, mmf.An t it the way, theyhave all the data but can t jump the ruts.Just as well, I hatePage 151 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlto think what life would be like for ordinary folks here if h/it knew how toget h/its tentacles on that much power.Maksim now, he could handle anythingthe realities put out, if he happened to think of it.Look what he can dowithout the tap, transfer himself anywhere in the world he wants, wards recobwebs he brushes aside, hardly noticing them.At least, that s how Ahzurdanre-members him, larger than life and more powerful than a god.Danny drifted awhile through Ahzurdan s memory, mel-ancholy at the lossbetween then and now.When Ahzurdan was on his own and at his peak, he could jump the horizon to anyplace he d been before, he could snatch unwarded items half a worldaway.Me, I m lucky if I can do a simple line-of-sight snap.To savemy life, I couldn t round a corner ten feet off.Too bad.Too t0000 bad.If Icould look into the heart, If I could make the exchange without going in.Klukesharna s copy in the warded sack under the sheet.for Klukesharna inthe Heart.no use regretting what I can t do.so much simpler, though.He drifted into a light sleep.##He started awake, heart pounding, as some idiot pounded on the door.He satup. Come, he said. Door s not locked.Trithil Esmoon slipped in; she stood at the foot of the bed and inspected himcritically. You look like you ve spent the whole time sniffing dust.He yawned, dragged a hand across his eyes. I ve been working. On that? What is it? Skyboat. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, groaned himself ontohis feet. The others awake? I heard Felsrawg slamming about in her room.Simms, who knows? It s rainingout. Heavy? He crossed to the door that led onto the balcony, unbarred it and swung it open.Enjoying the cool bite of the mistblowing in under the overhang, he stood in the doorway, listening to the rain,watching the gray lines slant through the patch of light from the lamp behindhim.Across the garden court on the third floor of the other wing, he couldsee strips of yellow light tracing out shutters and balcony doors.A fewpatrons must be still up or sleeping with nightlights. It doesn t lookthat bad. Does rain make a difference? Short of a cloudburst, no problem, except we ll end up wet as the Godalau.Ifthe S sulan are as wiped out as you all think, the rain and the chill willkeep them inside, make it easier for us.The S wai?A shrug. The little I know about witches doesn t help much.Can t expecteverybody to be sleeping sound, but rain does tend to wash away alert-ness.Something we d better keep in mind too. He pulled the door shut, looked athis chron. Go see if the others are ready, it s time to move.5Since she d be a drain, not an asset, in this part of their plan, TrithilEsmoon stayed behind; she d keep busy pack-ing the gear and shifting it intoDanny s room and covering for them if the S sulan, theInn s Host, or anyone else developed an unhandy curiosity [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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