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."There's a monitor room full of view screens, whereour people can spy on them.Since you've been here, men keep going there towatch you, to watch you dancing naked, or bathing.They get excited.I'mafraid a group of them will break in here sometime and you know."Still she said nothing, didn't even nod, but she was definitely frightenednow."And if they do, I'm afraid they'll kill you afterward, so you can't identifythem.But I have an influential position here in the ministry.I believe I canget you transferred to a private apartment, away from here, where you'll besafe."At last she spoke."I don't know.I I'm afraid."He put his hands on her hips and stared at her."You prefer to die?"She licked dry lips."You still have a choice.But you'll have to make it now.I've watched youmyself, and I want to be with you.Take care of you and protect you.Otherwise If you're lucky and aren't murdered here, you'll have to stay inthis room the rest of your life.Without friends." His hands had slid behindher, cupping her buttocks, drawing her against him."But if you let me, I'lltake you out of here," he murmured."I'm an influential man.A wealthy man.Your life with me will be very good." He pulled her skirt up in back, foundher buttocks bare, as he'd expected, and pressed her harder against him as hesqueezed them.His voice turned husky."Also I'm a very good lover."He kissed her roughly, then stepped back and pulled her dress open, thepress-seams parting with a hissing sound.He stared for a moment, thenwrapping his arms around her hips, lifted her, carried her upright to her bed,and dropped her on it.She'd done nothing to resist or help him; now she laythere, exposed, smooth-skinned, staring at him with wide and frightened eyes.Hands shaking with urgency, he pulled off his clothes.* * *It was an hour later that he left her room, slipping furtively down the silenthallway.Now there was danger again.He left the lift tube on five, found bothcorridor and monitor room empty, and put the control cards back into themonitors.Their screens returned to life.Tain lay curled in a naked ball onher bed, face down, arms around her head as if to shield it.He could tell shewas crying, and a pang of conscience touched his chest.Suppressing it heleft, seeing no one till he passed through reception, where three securityPage 30 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlofficers sat, two reading, one dozing.He nodded to them as he passed through, gesturing them to remain seated.Asfar as they were concerned, the new vice minister had stayed late,familiarizing himself with the policy and regulation files.It seemed to him he should feel exhilarated.Instead, as he walked down thelamp-lit, tree-lined avenue toward his apartment, uncertainties nagged.Whatif she reported what happened? Maybe he should have strangled her.Surprisedat the thought and repelled by it, he shook it off.Still though, she mighttell, unless he got her out of there.She'd been crying.Causing her to cry hadn't been part of his imaginings.What did she think of him? The first time he'd been quick as a boy.Latershe'd responded, even if not as freely as he'd fantasized.Pleasing her hadbeen part of it, and he realized now how unlikely that had been, under thecircumstances.Kargh, but she was beautiful though! If only hecould marry her! Every man onKlestron would envy him.But he'd gotten engaged to Leolani, and there was noway out of it not that wouldn't ruin him.Leolani was the daughter of theArchprelate of Khaloom, and after the sultan and his own father, thearchprelate was the most powerful man on Klestron, not to mention being theprobable successor to the aging sultan.It had seemed a brilliant idea to makehim his father-in-law.The thought slowed his steps.Ithad been a brilliant idea.It still was.Maybe this business with the prisoner hadn't been such a good idea.Maybe heshould let be, forget her.What would Leolani be like in bed? With herfather's wealth, she'd have the advantage of tutoring from one of the bestbride's aunts on Klestron.Although that guaranteed nothing.In the finalanalysis, it all came down to interest.But the prisoner! She was so damned beautiful! So exotic! Those long smoothlegs, those smooth and lovely breasts.By the time he'd reached his apartment and showered, his mind had settledconsiderably.He and Leolani were to live on her father's estate, thirty milessouth of Khaloom.He'd spend part of his time living there and part in hisapartment here, that had been agreed on.Even her father split his timebetween his estate and the city; that was common among men who were importantin government.He'd bed Leolani at home and the prisoner in the city.And ifLeolani learned of her, there'd be no problem finding someone willing to takethe beautiful alien in.He opened his liquor cabinet, took down a bottle of well-aged brandy, andpoured a double in a brandy glass.As he inhaled its fragrance, a thoughtoccurred to him:Maybe the archprelate kept a mistress in the city! Unlikelyperhaps, but possible.He'd hire an investigator to find out; it shouldn't bedifficult.If so, and if he was found out himself, he wouldn't need to worryabout the archprelate's reaction.Meanwhile he'd broach the matter of the prisoner's release tomorrow.Casually.If the Minister or the Intelligence Director asked what his interestwas, he'd point out that it had been himself who, on Terfreya, had taken herto the ship, where she'd lost her memory and been brought here.That he feltresponsible for her being here.If necessary, he would also mention thevoyeurism in the monitor room, and its possible effect on staff morals.Theymight well ask then, would almost surely ask, if he was willing to become herguardian, and he'd waffle a bit before saying yes.Page 31 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlRisky, of course, but not unreasonably so.He'd set the prisoner up in a small apartment in his own building, hedecided, an apartment on another floor, for appearances' sake, with a singleserving girl who'd live in and keep her company.The cost would be no problemfor a scion of the Thoglakaveera family.And if he was careful about it,keeping a low profile, Leolani would never know.EightAmong the white robes of his five councilmen, the Kalif's carmine robe stoodout like a vivid red jewel.He seldom used his gavel with this group; hedidn't now.He simply looked them over and spoke."We're all here; let's begin.I presume you've read and digested the reportfrom Sultan Rashti regarding his expedition and its results.Any comments? AlbThoga."A thin-faced exarch, almost emaciated looking, opened his narrow beak."Wediscussed this a year ago, when we got his preliminary report.He should havebeen deposed then, as a matter of principle, and the matter closed!""Thank you, Alb Thoga," the Kalif answered dryly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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