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.`I mean, I've no doubt they'vefile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20spring%20fever%20TXT/spring%20fever.txt (26 of 80)05/05/2010 14:42:13 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20spring%20fever%20TXT/spring%20fever.txtall got plenty of work to do too, but they're willing to give up their time in order to look for a lost child,and surely that's more important.'`Is it?' he countered derisively, glancing round the steadily emptying bar.Most of the others werestarting to leave now so that they too could prepare for the morrow.`I would have said it was moreimportant for Peggy White to keep a sharper eye on her blasted kids' whereabouts, and if she didn't havequite so many of them, then perhaps she'd be able to!'`She's only got three!' Dale felt bound to protest.He made it sound as if she had a dozen or so.`Besides,even if she just had the one; you still couldn't expect her to keep track of him for every minute of everyday at that age.You have to let them out of your sight sometimes.'`That still doesn't make it my responsibility to go looking for them, though, does it?' he retorted with asullen grimace.`Well, yes, as a matter of fact, that's exactly what I thought it did, if only because of the unwritten law ofthe outback that says you help your neighbour if and whenever you can.' She shook her headincredulously.`For heaven's sake, Kurt, there's a child lost out there somewhere! Who cares how or whyhe got there? The only thing that matters is that he's found as soon as possible.'`One searcher more or less isn't going to make the slightest difference to the outcome.'`I don't know about that.If everyone thought in the same vein, then.'`Oh, for crying out loud, get off my back, will you!' he erupted in exasperated accents, slamming his canof drink down on the bar and jumping to his feet.`I'm not going, and that's all there is to it!'Before Dale could recover from her surprise at his outburst, Karl chose that moment to approach them.`Sorry to bust up your Saturday evening, but since we both came in the same vehicle I guess we'd bettermake tracks shortly.I'd like to get some sleep before setting off in the early hours of the morning,' hesmiled ruefully at his brother.Kurt took a cursory look at the watch encircling his wrist, the corners of his mouth pulling down in adisgruntled manner.`Be damned, I'm not leaving at this hour! I'm going to the movies.' And with achallenging glance thrown in Dale's direction he brushed roughly past his brother, striding for the hall.At the door he nearly collided with Corey and Bill Cooper who were also heading for the entry, butwithout a word to either of them he continued on his angry way.`Well, he's in a nice mood, isn't he?' Karl half smiled drily.`I'm afraid he seems to have taken exception to my paying I thought he should have joined the searchparty,' Dale relayed despondently.His partial smile broadened into a decided grin.'Probably because it reminds him too vividly of our firstyears at Tavener's Bridge.'`Oh?' she frowned curiously.'Mmm, I reckon Corey must have spent most of his time looking for us after we'd managed to loseourselves in those days, and.' he leant forward conspiratorially, `if you don't let on I said so, I can tellyou things haven't changed all that much now.That's the real reason he won't join that party, you know!'Shades of her Uncle Irwin! She wouldn't have believed it.`You mean he's nervous he might make a foolof himself by displaying some incompetence?'Karl nodded.`Unfortunately, neither of us seems to be endowed with the slightest sense of directiononce we leave the beaten track,' he admitted ruefully.`But you're going to Andiah,' she pointed out.'Ah, yes, but that's the difference between us, you see,' he shrugged.`I don't mind admitting I'm nofile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20spring%20fever%20TXT/spring%20fever.txt (27 of 80)05/05/2010 14:42:13 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20spring%20fever%20TXT/spring%20fever.txtbushman, so I expect they'll give me something to do that won't necessitate me charging off into thescrub on my own.Kurt, on the other hand, refuses to admit anything of the kind because he hates tothink of anyone being able to do something he can't.'`He'd prefer everyone to believe he isn't interested In helping to find Mickey White rather than confesshe lacks bushcraft?' Dale's brows peaked high in disbelief.`Apparently,' Karl confirmed on an ironic note.`Not that I suspect it does him much good, though.'`Everyone knows, anyway?' she deduced, recalling her uncle's remarks.`I've always figured it was more than likely.'`And all because of a false sense of pride,' she sighed somewhat irritatedly.`Yeah, well, he'll have to sort out that problem on his own,' Karl dismissed the matter unconcernedly.`Right now I'm for home and a couple of hours sleep.'`You're taking the car?' Dale questioned hurriedly before he could move away.`Of course I'm taking the car,' he laughed.`I sure wasn't planning on walking all the way to Tavener'sBridge.''But-but what about Kurt? How will he get home?'`Beats me,' he owned indifferently.`Although he could always try walking, I suppose.'Dale couldn't make up her mind whether he was joking or not.`You still can't just leave him here!' sheprotested.`Why not?' Karl's brown eyes widened facetiously.`He's done it to me before now, when he's had a.'He came to a rapid halt and then hunched one shoulder uncomfortably.`Well, as I said, he's done it tome.'`But it might be days before there's another vehicle going out to Tavener's Bridge!'`Then perhaps he should have thought of that before suddenly deciding he had a hankering to go to themovies,' he returned in slightly more clipped accents.`But he needn't think I'm hanging around waitingfor him just because he's stormed off in a temper.It's about time someone made him face up to theconsequences of his actions.'Once Karl had left, Dale continued mulling over his comments regarding his brother for some time,seriously beginning to wonder now if she did, in fact, know Kurt as well as she had thought she did.Some totally unanticipated revelations had come to light that evening, one way or another, and Karl'slast cryptic remark had her suspecting there were other matters also of which she was completelyunaware as yet.Kurt had often implied that his easygoing younger brother always needed someone tomake his decisions for him, but she couldn't honestly say that was exactly how it had appeared to hertonight [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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