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.He was not as flexible as Lizard, andthere were minor adjustments before all were busy pleasuring one another.The sounds of licking and sucking and tiny moans of pleasure were arousingenough to Red Wolf, but what was done to his body even more so.Yet, it was nothingnew.Well, the inclusion of Moon was new.He was glad to know a female could stillentice him.That had been a worry.Lizard lifted his head. I am feeling the fires now. He rolled away and knelt todig into his pack.Red Wolf watched with half-lidded eyes, since Moon had not stoppedher work.He reached over and dipped his fingers into her warmth, and began to ticklethe tiny pink flower where all females enjoyed being touched.Moon moaned and wriggled until he could reach her easily, asking for all hewould give with her body. Lena Austin Berdache - 49 -Lizard brandished a small pot and patted Moon on her round behind. On yourback, Moon, he ordered.Moon looked up and grinned. I obey the Berdache! She flipped on her back,falling on her mat happily, and spreading her legs to display her willing wetness.Lizard knelt over Moon s head and facing her feet to allow her to take his chodisin her mouth, and then gasped. Moon is very good at this! He handed the pot to RedWolf. Use this bear grease on your stalk.I will take what Moon cannot, since we darenot touch her with our stalks, in any manner. His eyes flashed in challenge to RedWolf.Red Wolf stared for a moment until he slowly understood what Lizard meant bytaking what Moon could not.His eyes widened.Could he do this? Would it not causeharm? He looked at the pot and prayed it contained enough magic to work.Heshrugged, and trusted.The grease was slightly cool, but did not make him yelp.In fact,it felt good to slather it and use his hand to ease the ache.Lizard watched until he was satisfied Red Wolf had done as he was asked, thenput his face between Moon s legs.His hair covered what he did, but Moon s muffledsqueal said she found it to her liking.Swallowing hard, Red Wolf crawled over to kneel behind Lizard.Moon s eyeswere shut, and her mouth busy.She seemed unconcerned about what was to take placeso near her.Lizard raised his head as he felt Red Wolf poised to enter. Go slowly, my friend.It will be worth the wait, he cajoled softly.Biting the inside of his cheek, Red Wolf pushed in.Lizard s body closed aroundthe tip of his stalk, and seemed to urge him in further.He moved as slowly as he could,until he felt a new barrier.Yet, he felt it give way before him, and he kept pushing untilhe could go no further.His chodis was wrapped tightly, much more tightly than awoman could do.His breathing quickened with arousal, sounding harsh to his ears. Lena Austin Berdache - 50 -Lizard threw back his head, his own breathing deep and rasping. Moon makesme long to release, and what you do is even better.Move, Red Wolf, move! Bring us allto release.After holding himself so still, Red Wolf s body trembled with the need to thrust,and he obeyed with abandon, groaning and gasping for air.There was nothing to compare to this feeling.Every upstroke made Lizardshudder with delight, and every down stroke made him want to howl with pleasure.He did not want it to end.If it were half as pleasurable for Lizard as it was for him, hewas eager for the experience.Lizard cried out once, and buried his face deeply between Moon s legs.Like afire that moved, Moon next moaned, and Red Wolf felt her reach up around his thigh toplay gently with his berry sack.Never before had Red Wolf been squeezed so delightfully, nor had his berriesplayed with while he buried himself with ecstasy.He cried out his joy, and releaseddeeply into Lizard s willing body.Lizard and Moon joined him in the pleasure, each moaning and bucking.RedWolf did not want to stop.Never had he known so much pleasure, and thought hemight actually fly with eagles.Eventually, even he was spent.Red Wolf removed himself as slowly as he hadentered, though Lizard s body seemed reluctant to let him go.Lizard moaned with joyand fell forward until only his legs were tangled with Moon s.She did not seem tomind but lay sprawled on her mat, panting and licking her lips.Red Wolf agreed that falling on the ground was an excellent idea, but managedgrace and control enough to catch himself on his hands and roll with dignity onto hisown mat.His energy spent, he willed himself to breathe.Lizard and Moon found the strength to crawl into their places in his arms.RedWolf kissed them both. I have been a fool. He drew breath. I have wasted too muchtime on perfection and too little on love.If this is being a Berdache, then I am eager tolearn more. Lena Austin Berdache - 51 -Moon s sleepy mumble was unintelligible, but Lizard kissed his shoulder. Thenmore you will learn. Chapter SevenThe trio walked into the village of the disputing Choctaw late the next afternoon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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