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.Curtis shrugged. I guess that s true.Chauncey could see the disheartened look his mate sported.Hedidn t like it. What s wrong, honey bunny?He growled when Chance, Sloane, and Bryce snickered.He evensaw his pa smiling.What was wrong with the endearment he gave hismate? He liked it.Chauncey growled louder when he saw Brycemouth honey bunny to Chance.Bastards.Just wait until they mated.They d see what it was like. Knock it off, boys, his pa warned.Chauncey had to figure out how his pa did that.His back wasturned, and he still knew what was going on.The man was utterlyamazing. We aren t doing anything wrong, Pa, Chance defended. Isn tthat right, honey bunny? he said to Curtis right before Chaunceystood, placing his mate gently on his feet, and then tore after his twin.He could be a single child of the set, really.Who needed a twin?Chance s eyes widened right before he jumped from his chair andtook off.Chauncey gave chase.He was going to show his brotherwhat pain really was.He shot past Riley, his oldest brother, and ranafter Chance who had gone out the kitchen door. Whoa, whoa, whoa, Chance shouted as he jumped the corral,running into the herd of cows. I meant no harm.Now, calm down,Chauncey, before you make me mad.Chauncey growled as he leapt the fence. Bring it on, fuckhead.Chance charged him, tackling Chauncey around the waist andtaking him down.Chauncey rolled, pinning his twin beneath him. Say  uncle.  Not on your life, Chance shouted as he squirmed free,blanketing Chauncey s back, trying to take him down. Curtis s Dads 81 You ll have to work harder than that.Why don t you set yourpurse down first? Chauncey taunted as he twisted out of his brother sgrip.He pinned Chance again. I m the only one who gets to call himthat.Say it.Chance bucked, dislodging Chauncey. I can call him honeybunny, too. He laughed as he shot past a couple of cows.Chaunceygrowled and gave chase. Breakfast is ready, Pa shouted from the back porch. Truce? Chance asked as he walked up beside Chauncey. Hell, yeah.I m starved.They walked back toward the house, hopping the fence andheading in.Their pa pointed toward the steps, standing between them and thetable. You two smell like shit.Go shower before you sit down at thetable.Chauncey looked down to see cow dung clinging to his clothes.Chance wasn t any better.He had the crap all over his back.Hewrinkled his nose as he headed for the stairs and then cut to the left,chasing after Curtis. I need a hug. Chauncey Lakeland! Curtis shouted as he ran around thekitchen. If you touch me, I won t be touching you.Chauncey stopped in his tracks. Spoilsport. He chuckled as heheaded up the steps, walking straight into his bathroom.He tossed thesoiled clothes in a bag before jumping into the shower.He grinnedwhen, five minutes later, his mate was climbing in with him. Need help? Curtis blushed as he grabbed the towel, his eyeslooking everywhere but at Chauncey. Hell, yeah. He grinned from ear to ear as he held his arms up,letting his mate guide the washcloth anywhere he damn well pleased.A low growl left his lips as Curtis washed over his hairy chest.Hismate s fingers played with the wet strands, looking enraptured as hisfingers glided through them. 82 Lynn Hagen Have I told you that I love everything about you? Curtis askedshyly as his fingers continued in their play.Chauncey s heart thundered behind his ribs.This was the firsttime Curtis had declared his love.This was a special moment, amonumental moment.He swallowed as he lowered his arms. No. I do, Curtis whispered, his gaze fixated on one of Chauncey snipples.Chauncey tucked a knuckle under his mate s chin, lifting it soCurtis was gazing at him with his grassy-green eyes. I love you, too,honey bunny. His chest tightened as he stared down at his mate. You have a mountain to overcome, I know this, but alwaysremember you are safe with me.Curtis nodded, his Adam s apple bobbing as he smiled weakly upat Chauncey.He couldn t take it anymore.Seeing his mate standingthere all slick with water was driving him insane.He bent forward,capturing Curtis s lips.His mate moaned as the palms of his hands plastered againstChauncey s wet chest.It was the sweetest kiss ever.Chauncey pushedhis tongue into Curtis s mouth, his mate opening for him.Chaunceygrabbed Curtis s hips, bringing him closer as his cock came fully tolife [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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