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.Someday, you ll have to tell me about your parents. You can overanalyse these things, you know. Warrick looked at his watch. Not to hurry you, but what does any of this have to do with work? My job is to assess the fitness of SimTech employees to use the sim.You vebeen going into the sim with him.Warrick tilted his head, looking at her with curiosity. He has a name.Whydon t you use it? She hadn t even noticed. You ve been in the sim with Toreth.And at thatpoint he, and his relationship with you, become my concern.He leaned back in his chair, pointedly relaxing. Everything has been bookedand logged.The computer passed his psych test.He won t do enough hours toqualify for your attentions.It s all been done according to the protocols. I m sure it has. Warrick wouldn t lie about something so easily checked. Have you had sex in the sim? Yes. The quick, confident answer didn t match up with the resentment in hiseyes that she had the power to ask these questions. Which protocols?He crossed his arms. P-Leisure.And, before you ask, yes, it was SMS  hewanted to know about it for the investigation.He signed the release.She sighed. Warrick, you know how I feel about sense-memory stacking.It sdangerous. It s nothing of the kind.With the proper screening and supervision. It s addictive, she said firmly.Warrick shook his head, his fingers tapping on his biceps. One studentoverdoing things doesn t make an addiction. Tara developed an addiction to the sim, and the excessive immersionprecipitated her breakdown.Those are facts, Warrick, and your personalfeelings about the sim do not change them. We have precautions in place.It won t happen again. Tacitly conceding thepoint, without acknowledging it. And what happens when the technology is sold to the general public? Other precautions will be put in place. He shook his head, again half smiling. Marian, the world is full of things that are dangerous if people misuse them.SimTech can t be held responsible for the irresponsibility of others.If weavoided technology because some people might hurt themselves with it, thenwe d still be in the caves, worrying about burning our fingers. Sex is hardly a necessity for survival. Then, as his eyebrow arched, shequickly added,  Exotic virtual sex, I meant.  I realised.But the sim isn t simply about SMS, as you well know. Of course not.No doubt Para-investigator Toreth has some suggestions forother uses.Warrick froze in the chair, absolutely still.Marian cursed herself silently such carelessness was unforgivable, however angry his obstinacy made her.Odd and infuriating in itself that he could effortlessly cut through years oftraining and hit a nerve every time. I won t sell technology to I&I, Warrick said, icily precise. They will neverhave it while I m alive and in charge of SimTech.That she didn t doubt. I know.I m sorry, Warrick  truly I am.I misspoke.But addiction is a danger, and it will do SimTech no good to face the problemlater, rather than now.He nodded. I appreciate that.You know we re always working on safetyimprovements.Besides   His voice sharpened again. You can always goround me and speak to P-Leisure directly, as you know.As she had about Tara.Marian was poised to launch into the results of her lastattempt to talk to P-Leisure when she suddenly realised that he d very neatlysidetracked her from the real reason she d called him in.She tried to find aroute back to her concern. If you are going to use an SMS protocol with a non-employee volunteer, Iwant to talk to him, to make sure he understands the risk.His eyebrows went into action again. That s a rather sudden concern forToreth s health. I m still worried about you.You didn t get those bruises in the sim.Whathappened to Tara can happen to him and you ll be the one who gets hurt in thefallout.I don t think you understand the risk you re running by pursuing this. I m not  pursuing anything.Or anyone, come to that.We met, we fucked, weliked it.That s it.If it weren t for the sim, once or twice would have beenenough for him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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