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.Hewas vulnerable, but also within the circle, and he d done his best to make sure no one wasnearby.Flynn panted, curled on his side.Flattened grass itched beneath his naked hip and sweatevaporated, bringing a chill to his skin.Shakily, he propped himself up, wincing as the residualsting spasmed through his muscles. God, that hurts, he muttered.Now if he could just find something to wear while he looked around.Though, at this rate,he wasn t convinced he needed clothing.Just a hot bath and a soft bed.Once he had them,maybe he d even look for Amaro and Koda to come share it with him.He may have been acaptive, but it had been one helluva great capture.Flynn was all for role-playing.Flynn circled the inside of Woodhenge, trailing his fingers over every plank as hewalked.He knew there was supposed to be a highway less than a hundred yards that way.Monk s Mound should be over there, and next to him should be Mound 44.Except, Flynn sawnothing. He squeezed through the planks and headed southward.Suddenly several men leapt upfrom the tall grass, whooping.Flynn ran.Three men overtook him, knocking him to the groundand binding his wrists with a leather thong. Stop! I ll go back, he told the men. Go where? The meanest looking one asked. I needed to look around.I ll go back to Amaro and Koda.The man smirked. No need.Amaro and Koda have been summoned.You ll see themsoon enough. Summoned where? Let me see them.Where are they? Flynn pressed, feeling just aboutpositive that being summoned, combined with the man s expression, wasn t a good thing. Silence, fox.Manaba would have a word with you. Manaba.That s the bad guy, right?The man s eyes narrowed. He was chosen by the gods.Though you ve been sent,Manaba knows you have ill purpose here.He will speak to you. Why do I get the feeling that we aren t on the same side? Flynn muttered to himself.One of the men jerked Flynn to his feet.His shoulders screamed from the strain, havingjust completed the change.The scowling leader planted his palm on Flynn s back, and shoved.The little party moved away from the clearing& and not toward the cave.* * * *The evening sky took hold, and the warriors broke camp.Under cover of darkness, theyinched forward, warning Koda and Amaro to keep their silence.Was the caution to hide themfrom the people because they wished to thwart Manaba, or was the purpose to keep Macawi frombecoming aware of a coup? If Manaba destroyed his challenger for high priest, Macawi wouldhave no choice but to leave the people with a blood thirsty high priest, when he died.One of the warriors grabbed Koda s elbow and steered him up three sculpted terraces ofthe central mound.The mound of the high priest.Hope burned brightly in his chest.The runnerhad brought word that Macawi would see Flynn.It seemed unnecessary to bring Koda andAmaro to him until the full moon climbed the sky.Yet this was the mound of the high priest sdwelling.Surely, it would go well for them to be brought here.And yet they d been tied, guarded by warriors who seemed disdainful of them.Onceinside the building s main room, Koda and Amaro were pushed to their knees, hands still bound behind their backs.Two warriors with spears guarded the only entrance of the building.Anotherroughly positioned them to the central roof support beam, and tied them to it.Koda s fingers fumbled against Amaro s, out of sight.He clutched them for support.Amaro squeezed his fingers encouragingly. What is the meaning of this? Amaro snarled. Manaba wishes to have words with you, one warrior said.Koda s ears rang.It didn t bode well that Manaba wished to speak with them, thenordered them delivered, bound.To have been found by the caves after setting out to followFlynn, meant they knew their location and therefore, likely knew their purpose. Macawi will not be pleased when he learns of this, Koda threatened. Macawi has no knowledge of your arrival, nor will he. Our tribes will search for us, will send for runners from the empire when we aren treturned, Amaro added.One of the warriors smiled ferally. They won t.Manaba will be notifying them of theirnew chiefs.I will rule your people, he told Amaro. And I, the other warrior said,  Will claim Koda tribe.Koda fought his ties, growling with anger.Amaro grabbed his wrist, and Koda calmed.Amaro had always been more aggressivethan he.If Amaro hadn t been baited by the news, he had a plan in mind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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