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.Ben turned, and wrapped his arms aroundGibbs waist.He lifted his face and pressed it intoGibbs neck.Gibbs grinned foolishly. Your butt snaked. Yeah, so? Kind of ridiculous to be worriedabout my butt when you just banged it on my front porch.Gibbs hugged him back, taking comfort inBen s nearness. That had better not be the last time,Gibbs. Yeah? his grin widened hopefully. Yeah. What about when we all hook up? Gibbsasked, putting voice to the concerns he had.Ben shrugged. Then we fuck, enjoy it, andgo off on our own afterward. Like a couple? Gibbs pressed.Ben looked up at him, studying him for amoment. Yeah.I like sex as much as the nextguy, but I only date one at a time.Gibbs was struck for words.Instead oftrying to force them out, he kissed Ben, grazingover his lips tenderly, hoping they said what hecouldn t seem to.Ben rose up, deepening theembrace.He ended the kiss after a minute. I dask you to stay tonight, but I m on call.Gibbs nodded. Okay, this time.Tomorrow, you re staying over.Ben smiled warmly. Try and keep me away. Chapter Nine What the hell was I thinking?Ben groaned for the hundredth time thatmorning.He dropped his forehead to his foldedarms on the desk.With another sound of self-disgust, he rolled his head to the side, looking atthe office clock.It was still ten.Ben went to his filing cabinet.Maybe heshould just go into the field today instead of doingpaperwork that the main office required. It doesn t go any faster if you keep lookingat it, a voice said.Ben whirled around, eyes wide.He hadn t heard anyone enter.But even as his search tookin the whole room, he still didn t see the source ofthe voice.The hare gnawed a carrot in his cage,perched on the edge of Ben s massive desk.Itlooked mildly interested in Ben s suddendisruption. Who said that? Ben blurted. I did.Ben had been looking at the hare.Hecould have sworn the little guy s mouth hadmoved.It s just the carrot he s chewing thatmakes it look that way.Ben made a circuit of the small front roomof the office. Where are you? On the desk where you left me.I hatepellets.Can I have more carrots? Or better yet, aroast beef sandwich?Ben s eyes bugged.He edged toward hisdesk and the cage.A rush of adrenaline madehim laugh suddenly as he realized what hadprobably happened. Nice, Duncan.Nice trick,he yelled into the office. What did you do? Bugthe cage? Jack the radio frequency on thecollar?  That s impossible.It only sends atransmitting beep, the voice scoffed. This doesn t sound like Duncan, Benmused.He bent low to the cage, examining itclosely.The hare awkwardly turned, following Benwith his eyes. That s because it s Charlie. The only one of you that didn t show upand try to seduce me last night, Ben finished. I may be an animal in the sack, but I mnever an animal in the sack.That s just sick.Ben s gaze finally swung up to look at thehare s, noting the twitching nose, and the way oneside of its fuzzy face curled upward in a smile?He swatted his hand out for the arm of his rollingchair, caught it, and dragged it over.Ben satdown heavily.The chair creaked complaint. Charlie? he asked, feeling stupid andpossibly high. That s what I ve been telling you. Thehare s mouth moved in unison with the words, nocarrot in sight.He took a tiny hop toward the wallof the cage, pushing his ever-moving pink nose through one of the wire squares.Then the harewinked. Holy shit! Ben pushed hard with his feet.The chair rushed backward, rolling across thefloor until he crashed into the filing cabinet andcame to a jarring stop. Relax.I wouldn t have told you like this, butyou kind of pulled an unintentional trump card.Asin, you wrapped a radio collar around my neck,stuck me in a small cage, and are feeding mecardboard flavored pellets with the occasionalcarrot stick.You, sir, are a sucky host.Ben blinked.He glanced at hiscoffeemaker wondering if its contents had beenspiked.Slowly, so as not to well, he didn t knowwhat he was trying to prevent, seeing as how theanimal had startled him he reached for thephone. Are you sure you want to do that? If youtell anyone, I won t talk to you again.They ll thinkyou re crazy, the hare warned. I was going to call Gibbs or Duncan. And tell them their hare is talking?Charlie snuffled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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