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.You dbetter goddamn give me something good, or I ll forget this deal you re trying to work and haul yourass straight to the police. I m not a stranger to the cops.They won t give a shit about me, the man shared easily. Youalready saw me in the station, so you know I ve been there. With a shrug, he leaned his shoulderagainst the car. Since you already know that, I ll go ahead and reveal that I overheard you mentionDaria Sarna as you were leaving the commander s office yesterday.You left the door open when youwalked out, so I could also hear the lead detective bitching to his boss about Quinn people trying tocome in and make them look like fools.I pushed past you so I could watch which car you got into andthen run the license.Logan Jeffries, retired homicide detective; that s you.Wasn t that hard to do asearch and figure out which Quinn the detective was complaining about.You also went to the Sarnahome yesterday. The man shifted his attention between Logan and Nate. Now, I didn t see anythingabout private investigation in Quinn Security s online mission statement, but it seems obvious theSarnas hired you to figure out what happened to their daughter. You sure seem to know a hell of a lot about me already. Logan made a rumbling noise, andNate guessed it reflected his displeasure at not having the upper hand. How about you give me somecourtesy in return, friend? Tell me your name, and tell me what you do. He circled the vehicle, hislimp even more pronounced after his recent sprint, and came to a pause at the back.With one browraised, full of menace, he pulled out his phone, and settled a chilly stare on the blond man. Save methe time of running your plate like you did mine.The guy dipped his head. Fair enough.My name is Riley Gibson.I recently went through thepolice academy in Miami and had just started on the job.Don t pull a weapon on me. Riley raisedone hand and reached behind him with the other. I m just getting my ID. He produced a Floridastate driver s license from a wallet. Go ahead and call that in.Have one of your people in Chicagocheck it out.I am who I say I am.We can wait until you confirm it  a flashing smile showedintelligence in his eyes  or you can give me a yes and we can start talking now.With a roll of his eyes, Logan said,  Sit tight, blondie. He snatched the ID out of Riley s hand. I m not anywhere near trusting you yet. One glance Nate s way from Logan, and Nate read the Keepan eye on him message conveyed without words. After Nate nodded, Logan stepped aside and started punching numbers into his phone.As hemoved out of hearing range, Nate once again couldn t help noticing the heavier limp in Logan s steps,and could only imagine the price he paid in pain for his efforts to catch this Riley person.Logan heldthe phone to his ear and spoke in low tones.At the same time, he rubbed at his hip and thigh, clearlyworking out some serious discomfort.Watching, Nate barely contained a bone-deep, consuming needto go to Logan, put an arm around his waist, and take some of the weight off his step.The only thingkeeping Nate s boots dug into the dirt was the knowledge that Logan wouldn t thank him for drawingattention to something in front of a stranger that could be perceived as a weakness.Hell, probably infront of anyone.Riley nudged at Nate s elbow.When Nate shifted his gaze, Riley jerked his head in Logan sdirection. Did I do that to him?Nate s snarl returned full force. Logan is just fine.He took you down without even losing hisbreath. Nate positioned himself to block Riley s view of his partner. Don t you worry or thinkabout him one bit.Hands up in surrender, Riley took a step back. No problem. In one blink, Riley went frombracing his hands on his hips, his stance full of bravado, to chewing on his lip as he shifted andwatched Logan on the phone.Vivacity drained from his gaze, and the gold in his eyes lost its luster. I m not an asshole, you know. Riley s tone moved from one of demand to something full of ascratching plea. I just need some help, and this is the only way I can ensure it. If you really need help, tell Logan what you know, and what kind of assistance you need.He snot even close to the kind of person who will steal your information and then leave you hanging.Shake on it with Logan  Nate nodded, nudging  and it s a done deal.Logan paced himself back into the conversation, and he shot Riley another measured look. While I m on hold, you d be better off confessing everything to Nate.If he cares, he will make surethe right people do too.On the other hand, if you keep me dangling on a string for much longer, and Idon t hear anything good about you from my associate  he held up his phone as if it were a bombabout to explode  I m not above using my connections to law enforcement to make your stay in ourgreat state very unpleasant. I really am a rookie with the Miami Dade police department, Riley responded quickly. Atleast I was until I had to come up here suddenly, and I lost my position. His sharp exhale clouded theair. Please don t fuck with me.Tell me I can trust you.I need someone with your expertise andconnections. He thrust his hand out at Logan.It trembled, and Nate s heart got mixed up with hiscuriosity.Those shaking fingers took away Nate s initial fear and suspicion of this person. Please,Riley added. Good faith, Riley. Logan shook Riley s hand, something visibly solid and dependable. There s nothing in it for me to jerk you around.Just tell us what you know. Thank you. After pumping Logan s hand, Riley spun and reached through his open driver sside door to the passenger seat.He backed out with a thick, document-size envelope in hand.Withtwo steps, he stood at the hood of the car, withdrawing a photocopied image from his file. Okay, so,this is Daria Sarna  he planted a picture of the blonde, blue-eyed heiress on the hood, holding itdown with his hand  and she disappeared nine days ago.From here in Arlington Heights, but wecan all agree she had significant ties to Chicago. He looked up at Logan and Nate. Right?A harassed sigh from Logan sucked up the air around them. You re not telling me anything I don t know yet, man.Nate slipped to Logan s side and put his hand on the man s wrist.He squeezed, and Logan sfocus dropped to the hold before snapping up to Nate, shots of fire heating his stare.Nate just kept hishand wrapped around Logan s wrist, letting the skin warm his hand, and somehow put his attentionback on Riley. What else do you have? Nate asked. You wouldn t think you could make a deal if you didn thave something good.Riley whispered,  Thank you, to Nate and then switched to looking at Logan again. Here swhy your case is important to me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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