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. I ll be sure to let Max and Tony know we re not up toyour standards.Why isn t Max doing this job himself? My job is to challenge the systems already in place forpeople too set in their ways to lock a door or press a button.I m your wake-up call.That explanation, I could buy. Okay.Fine.What wereyou doing in St.Joe s? Working, he answered flatly, before his gaze flickeredbriefly to some spot over my shoulder. On my own.I msearching for a missing person.A child.It s why I came toSmithfield.Working with Max is secondary. Isn t searching for a missing person a job for the police,or the FBI? Not in this case. Aaron s mysterious smile returned and I don t know why but I believed him, or at least part ofhim.My conviction may have been directly proportionate tothe beer I d ingested, but whatever. I hate to break it to you, but you re not going to find amissing child in my kitchen drawer. You never know, he said cheerfully. There s a lot ofstuff crammed in that drawer.The ice-maker kicked on and we both jumped at the soundof falling cubes rattling into the bin.The noise reminded meof my phone falling in the book drop.Aaron had obviously had enough of me looming over him.He stacked the postcards, scooping them together, andtapped the pile neatly like he would a deck of cards. Thesewere on the wall when I got here earlier, and disappearedbefore dinner.I thought maybe they were yours but yousaid you don t go anywhere. I don t. The truth was, I turned in early, I didn t get outmuch, I was alone and I hadn t been anywhere.Christ.I wasdull as dishwater and he knew it. I came downstairs for a snack, and the cards werebundled together in the drawer.I warned you, I m nosy.It sin my nature.Wow.Unlike you, your mother really getsaround.Aaron fumbled the postcards until they spilled back ontothe counter.Wide-eyed, he said,  Oh my God.I m sorry.Ishouldn t have said it like that.I didn t mean  It s okay. Of all the things he d said and done, thosewords were the strangest and the most insightful. It s thetruth.She really does get around. Both the block and theworld.Laurie Meyers O Malley Hutton Patterson née Campbell came and went with a string of boyfriends andoccasional husbands, and always with a scheme or a plan ora ruse, dreaming of the next big payoff or playdate.Tall,blond, blue-eyed and as poised as a freaking queen, she dmanipulated Wynne and me until we were old and strongand scared enough to use the word no.I looked at the postcards, seeing them all together for thefirst time. I had no idea there were so many.Or why she kept sending them, because hers was anexceptionally loose interpretation of the word motherhood.Her constant reminder of the sunny, exotic places she dvisited had been a dig.Look where I am, Sam.I bet youcan t even find this place on a map. I don t really knowwhy Wynne keeps them.Maybe she didn t want our mother sbad relationship mojo to foil her matchmaking plans tonightso she stuffed them in the drawer. It s not really important.I was just looking for a butterknife and I found them.I don t even have my glasses.I actually laughed and he sheepishly ducked his head.Iwanted badly to tip his chin so I could look into his eyes. You are so full of shit, but lucky for you, it s sort ofcharming.Like telling me you left something in the library.For a thief of your caliber, your excuses are really flimsy. I m not a thief, so I ve never had to make excuses before.I woke up, and I wandered.Just forget what I said aboutyour mother.It was uncalled for.I apologize.Aaron bit his lip, his gaze still pinned anywhere but on myface.White teeth pressed into plump red flesh and anylingering shred of irritation vanished.I d been sparring with him all evening and I d had.fun.Such a foreign concept for me and one that hadn t madeany of my recent to-do lists.He finally looked at me, those fringed lashes sweepingagainst his smooth skin, and as he smiled, something newfilled the void inside my lonely heart.Need.And anotherthing sorely lacking in my life.Excitement.Aaron M.Saunders packed a lot of excitement in such apetite package.Even if my interest was misplaced, it wasundeniable, and palpable, and four beers convinced me itwas, at some level, mutual.The clock ticked.I imagined how the sharp edge of hisjaw would fit into my cupped hand.How I could tuck him,probably fighting the entire time, into the curve of my body.Ikept my voice low. You don t need to apologize again.Once was enough. Maybe I m apologizing for things that haven t happenedyet. I don t care. I gripped the edge of the counter, keepinghim trapped between my arms, so I wouldn t fall on top ofhim, or grab him.The scent of him made my head fuzzy, andthe heat of him hardened my tab A painfully.Reason drainedfrom my mind.He didn t move, didn t flinch, just waited for me to makethe first move.To take the decision out of his hands.If Ihadn t been half-drunk and dazed with unprecedented lust,his caution would have warned me.This is how it happens.You haven t forgotten how.Justgo for it.Seize the fucking moment, Sam.Don t be such a wuss.I gave in to temptation and slid my palm around hisnarrow waist.He didn t flinch.His pupils dilated, and thetension between us jacked to an inferno. This is probably crazy, I breathed. But I have to tasteyou.I slid my grip low on his back, pressing him closer.Hisfingertips grazed my shoulder and Aaron lifted on his toes tomeet me halfway chin tipped and mouth soft.His scentfilled me.His skin electrified me [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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