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.Jesse would never go for it even if it would defeatthe purpose of setting a new path.No one would believe Vicki wasn t sleeping with them both.She rolled, and the bed creaked forebodingly.Joel held his breath until she settled, one palmpressed to his chest.A happy sigh escaped her, and Joel gave up.For tonight there were no solutions,just the warmth and comfort of being there with her.Tomorrow they d deal with some of the chaos.Or at least that was the plan.Unfortunately, morning arrived at about three a.m.He opened hiseyes, not sure what had woken him.It sounded again, metal on metal creaking ominously, and the bed quivered.Shit.He scooped Vicki up and attempted to roll to safety, but it was too late.They crashed downward,her body hitting into his with enough force a gasp escaped.Vicki called out, sleep slowly shaking from her eyes as she blinked hard. What& ?The mattress lay at an awkward angle under him, Vicki cradled on top. I think we broke yourbed.She planted her hands on his chest and pushed, and the final legs gave way, jolting them to thefloor. Oh&  Vicki changed to a kneeling position, slipping to the side,  & fuck.Joel sat up, now fully awake.He rolled off the mattress to examine the mess.The legs had simply folded.Instead of a bed, she now had a mattress layered on top of a pile of twisted metal. Umm, sorry.Vicki tugged the blankets around her shoulder as a snort of laughter escaped her. Don t worryabout it.Their eyes met and they grinned.She patted the mattress. I m glad that didn t happen earlier while we were in the middle offooling around. Me too. He rejoined her, the warmth of her naked skin waking up other parts of his body as well.Only she yawned and rested her head on his chest, so he ignored his hard-on and held her as shefell back asleep.Joel peeled himself away in the morning, somehow getting out of bed without taking her all overagain.She reached a hand over the empty spot left behind. Joel?He squatted.Knelt on the floor, really, to reach her. I ve got chores.You come out to the ranchlater for your lessons, okay?He pressed his lips to her temple, so sleep warm and soft Damn, leaving her was tough.Now heunderstood better why Blake was a grumpy ass some mornings.He dragged on his things from the night before, eyeing his watch on the drive to the ranch.He hadenough time to grab a coffee and change so he didn t get his good clothes wrecked.He slipped into the trailer and pulled to a stop.Jesse rotated from where he was holding up thekitchen counter, coffee pot bubbling away beside him.His twin looked him over. Walk of shame, eh? Like you haven t come home wearing the same clothes before. Joel breathed in deep, the scent ofcaffeine nudging the back of his brain. You make enough coffee for two? Of course. Jesse cleared his throat. Everything okay last night? You took off like a shotgunblast.Joel grabbed the cream and sugar while he waited for the coffee to be ready. Had a bit of trouble,but it worked out okay. Really.They waited in silence, and it was the weirdest thing.Jesse didn t look too happy.Joel scrambledfor a reason. You pissed because I spent the night with her?Jesse shook his head. I told you what I thought, you told me.It s none of my business, right?Only& Dead silence again.Awkward, and confusing.This wasn t how it was around Jesse, ever.They were both upfront andhonest.This tension between them was stupid.Joel chose to ignore it, looking instead for a few otheranswers. Last night did you hear anyone talking about Vicki?Jesse snorted. Um, yeah.Asshole. I don t mean the usual, I mean anything out of the norm. Maybe Vicki wouldn tappreciate him sharing this, but he had to know. Someone hit her.Jesse tensed. Hit her? Like how?  Across the face.Some woman called her a whore.That s why I left so fast.She was pretty shakenup. Fuck. Jesse stared out the window. Yeah, some of the guys were talking about the Hansols.Sarah got caught in Mike Lanhott s bed. And someone must have mistakenly pointed out Vicki as Sarah. Joel had been right.How the hellcould he help Vicki when idiots like that decided to cause trouble?  Whoever it was needs a butt-kicking.Jesse seemed to jerk himself to attention.He fiddled around as he filled two travel mugs andhanded one over. I asked you before if you knew what you re doing.I ll ask again.This seems like acrazy situation.You really want to get in the middle of it? Damn it, Jesse, enough.I m in the middle, there s no changing that.Jesse literally backed off, pacing to the far side of the room. Fine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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