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.All of themwere armed with stun-guns and, more importantly, their own unique talents as rough-and-tumble fighters.On a given signal, they launched their attack simultaneously from several spots at once.Kicking in theglass of the windows, they crashed into the rooms beyond, tumbled, and kept on running.This first wavehad their stunners at the ready and set on four-a two-hour stun.Anything that moved-anything that evenlooked like it might move-was given a dose of stun rays from the d'Alemberts' guns.This first wave of assault encountered no resistance.The defenders were caught flatfooted; if there wasany trouble expected at all, it was supposed to have been from one woman whom Cheevers had pickedup in a bar-not from an army of expertly trained agents.Not a single shot was fired in defense as thosepeople still in the building at this hour fell from the d'Alembert assault.But, quick as the d'Alemberts were, they were not quite fast enough to stop an alarm from being raised.The noise of the shattering glass windows alone would have alerted the forces inside; that and the factthat several of the people had time to push alarm buzzers before they were felled meant that thed'Alemberts had won only the preliminary skirmish.The full battle royal lay ahead.More and more d'Alemberts poured in through the windows as the shock troops pressed onward.Thecorridors outside the offices became battlefields, with the buzzing of stun-guns reaching an almostmonotonous staccato.Plenty of the defenders slumped to the ground under the relentless assault, butthere were also a large number of d'Alemberts among the bodies that were soon littering the halls.TheDesPlainians were stronger, quicker, and better trained than the people they were fighting, but they werenot perfect.Within two minutes, though, the objective of this first wave was achieved-the two guards at the top ofthe front stairs had been eliminated.That left the way open for Rick's team of wrestlers-not quite asadept at climbing the ropes to the upper stories as their relatives-to come storming into the fray.Thesewere the real troops, each better than 110 kilograms of calculated mayhem.What they couldn't shoot,they simply battered their way through, berserking in combat like a horde of barbarians.Their hoarsebattle cries alone struck terror into the hearts of the building's defenders, and the sight of those movingmountains of humanity was enough to dismay even the most stalwart crook.Most of Evekian's guardswere so stunned by the thought of Rick's men charging down on top of them that they forgot to even firetheir weapons.The d'Alemberts moved triumphantly through the halls and upward to the third floor.It was at this level that they encountered blaster fire, and they had to proceed a little more cautiously.Once again the acrobats were brought in, for the speed of their reflexes was greater, if only by an instant,than those of the wrestlers.These people could roll into the corridor so quickly that the defenders wouldhave trouble taking aim; the first shots fired usually missed, but it gave the acrobats a chance to spot Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlwhere their enemies were.The d'Alemberts' first shots were usually much more accurate.Then theacrobats would roll behind some cover and wait for the opportunity to pull the trick again.Slowly but surely they gained ground until finally the third floor was theirs.Quickly the wrestling teammoved on up to the largely undefended fourth floor where Evekian lived.They found it empty.The crime boss, after waiting a minute to see how the battle was progressing, realized that his forceswere being overwhelmed.He was not one to go down with his ship, so, since there was no indication ofactivity on the roof, he headed up in that direction to his own personal copter.Once there, he figured toescape easily.He had just seated himself at the controls, though, when a female voice spoke up calmly behind him."Easy there, Tovarishch.I've got a stunner here, and I've got no compunctions against using it." At thesame time, Evekian could feel the hard plastic nozzle press against the back of his head, so that he wouldknow the threat was not an idle one.Luise deForrest moved from the back of the cockpit over to the seat beside the pilot's, her aim neverwavering from Evekian's head.The criminal leader, being both a realist and a coward, made no attemptto escape."I don't know who you are or why your people are attacking my offices," he said, "but you'veobviously made some mistake"`"The mistake, mon ami, is yours, for siccing Cheevers on me in the first place.But I'm going to let yourectify it.The two of us are going to have a nice long talk about a certain Rawl Winsted and why he cameto Kolokov.""Evekian was really rather helpful once I persuaded him to start talking," Luise reported to the Dukeseveral hours later."He didn't want to say anything at first-kept insisting I was mistaking him for someoneelse.As though anyone without something to hide would keep his offices staffed with an army like that.But eventually Rick and I induced him to part with the information we wanted.I think it was the threat tomake him a soprano in the choir that did it."Duke Etienne leaned back in his chair and stifled a yawn.It was very early in the morning and he hadstayed up all night awaiting Luise's report.He wished she would get to the point, but he knew from longexperience the futility of rushing his niece when she was relating a story. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"It turns out," Luise continued, unaware of the Duke's restiveness, "that this Evekian is a big arrangerhere on Kolokov.He doesn't necessarily do very much himself, but he arranges things for otherpeople-for a commission.If you knew the inside setup for a robbery, for instance, but didn't have thenecessary skills to carry off the job, you would contact Evekian and he'd find you just the man to help.Ifyou needed a murder committed, he'd find the killer and you would have an airtight alibi.He's sort of likea marriage broker, getting rich off of other people's talents and abilities."in the case of Rawl Winsted, he'd been asked to find an expert in dealing with miniature workings likewatches.There are plenty of legitimate jewelers around, but the client specified someone with abackground of illegality and who didn't have a scruple to his name.Evekian sent for Winsted.Part of thejob specification was that Winsted would have to agree to have the hypnotic block implanted; but he wasgetting paid so much money for the job that a slight loss of his memory wasn't so terrible a price to pay inreturn.""Does Evekian know what the job was?"Luise shook her head."He says he doesn't, and I tend to believe him.Evekian's the sort who wouldn'task, on the theory that he's not an accessory to the crime if he doesn't know what the crime is.ButWinsted performed his function, was paid, and then disappeared.Evekian thought that would be the endof it, until I showed up, claiming to be Winsted's partner whom he'd sent for to help him work on this job.Naturally Evekian didn't want anyone coming into the picture unless he got his commission on it, so hehad me picked up to `discuss' the matter with me.It didn't work out that way [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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