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.No fucking way.Ipreferred at least the semblance of carving out my own. Good.That s exactly what I wanted to hear.Now would you mind putting onsome pants? I think this conversation can be carried out in a more businesslike mannerif you re at least partially clothed. Gerald took a seat in the wing chair that stood bythe dresser.Tyler and I exchanged a puzzled look, and I shrugged.Picking up my pants fromthe floor, I handed Tyler his, and after donning them, we seated ourselves on the edgeof the mattress. Kate Steele Soul Familiar 3: Fated 70 What s going on? I asked. I thought you d be pissed that Tyler and I are backtogether. Alex, sometimes I despair of your intelligence.I thought you, at least, wouldfigure it out. Figure what out? Can you name me one instance of a soul familiar bond that was broken by theCouncil?I thought about it for a moment and came up with nothing. No. I d be surprised if you could.It s never happened. Then what s the purpose of all this? Why did we suffer through this falseseparation you put us through? Would you have restored us if we hadn t managed itourselves? I ll admit I was getting pissed. No, I wouldn t.This was all part of the test.Every couple faces the combat, aknown entity and afterward there s more, something that they, as a couple, defeat andkeep to themselves. But why? Why do you make it so hard on us?Gerald s impassivity melted and he gave me a sympathetic and somewhatsomber smile. We re long-lived creatures, Alex.We need a companion to share ourexistence, someone who will keep us from self-destructing as the years go by.We can tindulge in the human habit of marriage and divorce, marriage and divorce.Suchconstant heartbreak would destroy us. When the soul bond is formed, it must be tempered in the fires of adversity totest its strength, to make sure it won t shatter in the first battle.It may seem cruel, buteveryone before you has endured this and everyone after you will as well.In the longrun, when you have time to think about, you ll understand that it s truly a kindness.I silently contemplated his words and couldn t deny their validity. I think Ialready understand.So is it over? The test? It s over.You and Tyler have officially joined the ranks of the soul bonded.Congratulations.Welcome, Tyler. Kate Steele Soul Familiar 3: Fated 71 Thank you, he responded.Gerald rose from his chair. Well, I m off.You boys carry on. Thanks, I said, and we followed him to the portal.For all Gerald s explanationmade perfect sense as to why we d been put through the ringer, I could feel his regret.These things couldn t be easy for him either.I instinctively knew he wasn t a man whoenjoyed inflicting pain on anyone. Hey. Yes? Are we still invited to dinner?His smile this time was true and warm. Of course.I ll have Mattie contact you. We look forward to it& Grandfather.One finely formed brow rose.His smile was unaffected and the twinkle in hiseyes intensified. As do we& Imp.I laughed as the portal winked out and turned back to Tyler. Well, you heardthe man.He said carry on.I grabbed him and giving him a solid push, landed both of us in the middle ofthe mattress.I was totally pleased with the results, but what I didn t expect was to havethe breath driven from my lungs when a three-headed dog and a short gargoyle landedon top of me.What ensued was a four way wrestling match punctuated by utter chaos.By the time the bodies were sorted out, the bedding had been pulled from themattress, and we were all on the floor with it.I lay back, gasping for air betweenwhoops of laughter.When he d managed to catch his breath, Tyler was the first one to speak. Hey?How come Trip s still here? The spell s broken, right? It is.Trip is now a free agent.I m guessing he s chosen to stay with you, withus. That s good.I d miss him, Tyler admitted, giving one of Trip s heads a rub.I smiled indulgently then noticed something. You know what? I m starving.Let s eat. Kate Steele Soul Familiar 3: Fated 72 Sounds good, Tyler agreed. Let s order out and hey, let s invite Bobby andKent over. That s a good idea.I want to see the imp, make sure he s getting along allright. I levered myself up off the floor, gave Tyler a hand and got Trip and Kohemoving. Come on guys, food.The two of them scampered out the bedroom door ahead of us, Tyler on theirheels, and me following after.My lover looked back at me, his violet-blue eyesexpectant as he waited for me to catch up.We paused at the top of the stairs andexchanged a lingering kiss.I couldn t be happier.I d found my place in the scheme ofthings, my soul mate, my family, and I intended to enjoy it for however long the creatorof us all let me.Just about to take the first downward step, Tyler stopped and sniffed the air. What? You know, maybe we should take a shower first.We re a little fragrant forcompany.I took my own sniff.We were redolent with tart male sweat and the musk of sex. You re right, but what about those two? I asked, indicating Kohe and Trip [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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