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.The accountant handed her report in.The accountant handed it in.4.Have you left off Carmen? Have you left Carmen off?Have you left her off?5.The judge let off the pickpocket.The judge let the pick­pocket off.The judge let him off.6.I told him not to light up the cigarette.I told him not to light the cigarette up.I told him not to light it up.7.The EPA tracked down the polluters.The EPA tracked the polluters down.The EPA tracked them down.13c1.It was tracked down.2.They were handed in.3.They're always let off.4.She was hit on.5.It was left off.6.It was called off.7.It's being closed off.8.It's closed off.9.It was lit up.10.It was lit up.13d1.burned down2.taken off3.talked down to4.set up5.screwed out of6.let out7.called in8.pointed out9.run into10.piled up11.given back12.handed back13.taken apart14.planned for15.run over16.looked at14a1.wound up2.fill.out3.put away4.stick.up5.dress up6.dries up7.put.away8.winding up9.stuck.up10.winding.up11.dressed up12.dries up13.wind.up14.stick up15.filled out16.put away17.stuck up18.put away19.used.up20.butts in14b1.dried up2.dressed up3.filled out4.stuck-up5.used up6.wound up7.put away14c1.Janice dressed up her son.Janice dressed her son up.Janice dressed him up.1.The sun quickly dries up the water.The sun quickly dries the water up.The sun quickly dries it up.3.Filling out the entire form isn't necessary.Filling the entire form out isn't necessary.Filling it out isn't necessary.4.Ed put away six beers in an hour.Ed put six beers away in an hour.Ed put them away in an hour.5.They stuck up notices.They stuck notices up.They stuck them up.6.I'm winding up my clock.I'm winding my clock up.I'm winding it up.14d1.He wound up in the hospital.2.She kept butting in.3.It dried up.4.He put them away.5.They're put away.6.They're dried up.7.You wound it up.S.It was wound up.9.She dressed up.10.She was dressed up.11.He filled it out.12.It was filled out.14e1.hung up2.paid for3.hooked up4.cutoff5.broken-down6.set up7.filled in8.screwed up9.caught up10.worked up11.grown-up12.cut up13.burned-out14.backed up15.wake-up16.piled up15a1.blew.away2.set.up3.came through4.fix.up5.tell.on6.comes through7.heading/headed for8.fix.up9.comes through10.heading/headed for11.go with12.dried out13.blow.away14.come through15.set.up16.go with17.came through18.blown away19.went with20.came through21.went with22.head back23.go with15b1.He's going to fix you up with a table next to the fireplace.2.She's sure that her father will come through.3.It's going to blow him away.4.He'll fix it up.5.It will be fixed up.6.He won't tell on her.7.It's going to blow them away.8.They won't come through it.9.She'll fix herself up.10.She'll be fixed up.11.I'm going to head for Tucson.12.I'm going to head back to San Diego.13.He won't set Mike up with his sister.14.She isn't going to go with blue.15.It's going to blow away the competi­tion.16.He's going to come through town.17.It's going to dry up.18.It'll be dried up.15d1.came up2.fell through3.light.up4.put up5.track down6.lit up7.closed off8.screw.on9.call.off10.backoff11.hand in12.left.off13.sign in14.signed out15.let.off16.came across16a1.thinking about2.carry.on3.counting on4.go for5.believe in6.get through7.count on8.get through9.held off10.put.past11.carried on12.held off13.went for14.going for15.carry on16.get.through17.believe in18.carry on19.believe in20.get through21.goes for22.get through23.count on16b1.She goes for it.2.She didn't get through studying until 11:00 p.m.3.They carried them on.4.They kept carry-on bags with them.5.She's thinking about spending the sum­mer in Bolivia.6.He doesn't believe in it.7.He couldn't carry on his career as a dancer.8.You held off having children.9.I wouldn't put steal­ing past him.10.She's going to try to get through to her.11.I can't count on him.12.He carried on.13.You can't count on it.14.They believe in monsters.16d1.stuck-up2.fixed up3.used up4.put away5.wound up6.wrapped up7.filled out8.dried up9.dressed up10.screwed on11.closed off12.lit up16e1.wound up2.goes in for3.put up with4.looking forward to5.give up6.feel up to7.see.about8.get around to9.get out of10.get.over with11.left off12.worked out13.broke down14.took.in15.put.up16.broke out17.butt in17a1.came over2.falling apart3.rip.up4.heading/headed into5.got back at6.came over7.worn down8.go about9.grow out of10.falling apart11.wear.down12.fell apart13.come over14.grows out of17b (any two of the possible sentences shown are accept­able)1.Taylor comes over.Ms.Taylor frequently comes over.Ms.Taylor comes over frequently.4012.Sometimes these cheap toys fall apart.These cheap toys some­times fall apart.These cheap toys fall apart sometimes.3.Nervously he went about making the bomb.He nervously went about making the bomb.He went about making the bomb nervously.4.Eventually Sally will grow out other childish behavior.Sally will eventually grow out of'her childish behavior.Sally will grow out of her childish behavior eventually.5.Reluctantly Jim headed into the swamp.Jim reluctantly headed into the swamp.Jim headed reluctantly into the swamp.Jim headed into the swamp reluc­tantly.6.Suddenly Pat ripped up Mike's letter.Pat suddenly ripped up Mike's letter.Pat ripped up Mike's letter suddenly.7.Soon Frank will get back at Todd.Frank will soon get back at Todd.Frank will get back at Todd soon.8.Gradually he wore down my resistance.He gradually wore down my resistance.He wore down my resis­tance gradually.17c1.It was ripped up.2.It was ripped up.3.It's falling apart.4.They came over.5.He doesn't know how to go about applying for a mort­gage.6.We're going to head into the city.7.She grew out of it.8.They've worn down.9.They're worn down.10.He's gotten back at you.11.They came over before Columbus.12.She came over and looked at my paper.13.He fell apart.14.She'll grow out of it soon.15.It's falling apart.16.They're trying to wear her down.17d1.find out2.get along3.go through with4.chickened out of5.set up6 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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