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. I think so.Wyatt certainly thinks she does.Jo likes to be anti-establishment, but she sa house in the suburbs just waiting to happen.Unwittingly, Brittany thought of Luis s house in the suburbs.She glanced at him out of the corner ofher eye and caught him watching her.She couldn t even tell him to be less conspicuous about it withoutdrawing attention to the fact that he was watching her.www.samhainpublishing.com 131 Vivi AndrewsBrittany took a half step away from Luis, trying to put some distance between them in case Karmashould look in their direction.Though really, how much did it really matter? She was quitting on Mondayanyway. Mr.Rodriguez!Luis flinched before his conscious mind even recognized the voice.He knew instinctively that high-pitched coo was going to be bad news.Katrina Sullivan the orgiastic housewife herself plowed through the crowd toward them, waving afull glass of punch in greeting. Oh, Mr.Rodriguez!Lucy made a sour face and spoke in a rush before Katrina got in earshot. I m so sorry.She s mycousin s sister-in-law.Family.We had to invite her.If she annoys you, you have my permission to drop-kick her into the punch bowl.We re all convinced she only married Sam for his money and is cheatingon& Katrina! How lovely you could make it!Katrina Sullivan made a kiss noise in Lucy s general direction then raked her eyes over Jake in a waythat was far too ardent to be decent on the night before his wedding.Lucy was no fool.She suddenly sawsomeone she just had to speak to across the room and rushed off, pulling her fiancé behind her.Katrina turned to lock onto Rodriguez with both barrels, so to speak.Her clothing bore slightly lessresemblance to underwear tonight, but her nipples could still be clearly seen jutting from the artificiallyround spheres of her breasts. Mr.Rodriguez, you naughty boy, we ve been trying to hire you to exorciseus.Brittany muttered something about needing a lot more than holy water to purify her and Katrina sgaze swung in her direction. Hello.Do I know you? She downed half the glass of punch in a single swallow. You seem terriblyfamiliar. Maybe my voice is familiar, Brittany said, louder this time and with more acid in her tone thanRodriguez had ever heard there. Called for any appointments lately?Katrina shook her head vaguely and sipped at her punch. No, no, that isn t it.It s your face, sweetie,not your voice.The eyes. She took another gulp and leaned in to squint at Brittany s eyes.She snappedher fingers and rocked back drunkenly on her heels. You re a VanDeere! Just look at those eyes.Thoseare the VanDeere eyes. Katrina almost bowed, her demeanor instantly taking on a degree of subservience. We belong to the same club.I m sure we ve met there.A red haze settled over Rodriguez s vision. You belong to the same club? he asked Brittany, hisvoice choked.He d known she came from money.Of course he d known.He d driven her damn car.But knowingshe ran in the same circles as the Katrina Sullivans of the world wasn t the same thing as having it thrown132 www.samhainpublishing.com The Sexorcistin his face.And now the slutty housewife was practically fawning.Just how important was Brittany sfamily in that world?Rodriguez felt the punch he d drunk curdling in his stomach.They knew each other.Brittany knewKatrina the Slut.Questions insinuated themselves into his brain, sneaking in from all sides.Had she evercome right out and said she wasn t just sleeping with him on a bet? Why was it so important to her that noone know about them? Why had he dismissed his initial gut reaction that she was a brilliant con artist?What had he been thinking? Or maybe more accurately, what had he been thinking with?Katrina looked back and forth between Brittany and Rodriguez, a catty gleam entering her eyes. Oh.My.God.You bagged the Sexorcist, didn t you? I didn t Katrina cut off Brittany s attempted protest, her face twisted into a fake pout. You dreadful girl! Iwanted him for myself. She winked broadly and reached out to squeeze Luis s biceps, checking thelivestock.He jerked his arm away, but Katrina didn t seem to notice his disgust. We all did, delicious boythat he is, but to the victor go the spoils. She toasted Brittany with her punch glass, found it empty andgave a trilling laugh. Oopsies! Time for a refill.She toddled off on her four-inch heels, bouncing drunkenly toward a couple arguing heatedly nearby,waving their own empty punch glasses at one another.Brittany glared after her, her face tight and angry. That woman&  Friend of yours?Her glare swung to land on him. Is that supposed to be a joke?He shrugged. She seemed to know you pretty well.He knew he was being an ass, but he felt like an idiot.He d been falling in love, but she was justplaying him.Her secret fling.Her dirty little Mexican secret.The little rich girl slumming on a bet.The only person in the entire damn room who knew he was with Brittany was a lush who d beenbetting on whether or not she could get him into bed.They snuck around like they had something to beashamed of like she had something to be ashamed of but who were they fooling? Certainly not KatrinaSullivan.Brittany s brown eyes VanDeere eyes narrowed. Have you been drinking the punch? Everyone s been drinking the punch. It was damn good punch.The craving for another glass burnedin his stomach, but he didn t move to get more.He glowered down at Brittany. Don t change the subject.How long have you been lying to me?A small, rational voice spoke up from some dark corner of his mind, reminding him she hadn texactly lied about her background.He d known she came from money.But that little voice was quicklyoverruled by the red flash of irritation, telling him she d lied by omission by not making their classdifferences more clear.He deserved to know if he was dating someone who thought of him as the goddamnwww.samhainpublishing.com 133 Vivi Andrewshired help. I need to get rid of that punch. Brittany tried to take a step past him and he caught her arm.Shelooked at him, her eyes wide with surprise. Luis? We aren t done here.Anger was a scarlet fog in his brain, clouding over all rational thoughts.He didn t loosen his grip onher arm, though she was no longer trying to escape him.She wouldn t get away from him.She couldn t.Heneeded her. You re drunk, or drugged, or possessed, she said slowly.The low, rational calm in her voice just made his anger spike hotter. I m finally seeing things clearlyand you have some explaining to do. He was slurring his words, from anger or drunkenness, he didn tknow which.Not even the realization that he sounded like Ricky Ricardo penetrated the red haze [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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