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.I fell silent for a moment.The lowtick of a clock on the wall seemed toreverberate through the small roomwhile I tried to make everything fit into apattern I could handle. Was it useful? Ifinally asked, voice low. The datawas it worth it?He gave a grave nod. Every bit ofdata, every sample helps.I know thedirection they re going with theirresearch and have projects underwaybased on it and to counter it.Invaluable. But then he shook his head,looking suddenly weary. Was it worththe death of Brenda Barnes? No.Shewas an innocent.Dr.Nikas knew the name of the woman who d died as part of thathorrible research.That, along witheverything else I d seen of him,convinced me that he actually did give ashit.I blew out my breath. I guessPhilip s meltdown put an end to thatproject anyway.At least for now.A faint smile touched his mouth. Yes.Not at all in the way I d hoped toextract him, but they will be disruptedfor a time. His eyes met mine. Heneeds much care.You were kind enoughto give me a small sample of blood atthe main lab the other day, he said. Would you consider giving a pint? Itcould be crucial in developing a moreeffective stabilizer for Philip. He already had samples of myblood; I couldn t see any harm in givinghim more. Sure thing. I m not certain yet if it will help,he cautioned,  but I d prefer to have iton hand as I work with his issues. If there s a chance it ll help Philip,I ll do it, I replied, then frowned. What about the two others the onesPhilip turned? Tim Bell and RolandWestfeld.He exhaled. I haven t had a chanceto fully determine the nature of theircondition, he explained. How theywere converted was& perverse, and Idon t know yet if their damage can bereversed or even stabilized. His brow creased. And they are Saberton men. They stood and watched me getstrip searched, I said quietly, lookingaway. Maybe it makes me an awfulperson, but I guess I don t have muchsympathy for them right now. I sighedand looked back to him. But I really dohope you can do something good forPhilip.Dr.Nikas nodded slowly. Beforethose two were so poorly converted,their view of zombies was likely muchin line with Dr.Charish s occasionallyuseful second-class citizens. His mouthtightened, and he shook his head. Pietrowill make the final decision on whathappens to them based on myassessment.As for Philip, yes, I can help him to at least not be in continuous pain,and to curb the unnatural hunger.In time,I may discover a way to fully reverse thedamage.Your blood will help.I considered all that in silence for amoment.The two men were seriouslydamaged.They didn t seem to have thesame degree of pain issues that Philiphad, but they were unstable and bitey ashell.I definitely saw how dangerous itwas to have them roaming around withsuch screwed up parasites.Thankfully, itdidn t seem like they d converted anyothers into messed up zombies.Maybethe parasite was too damaged to spawn.But isn t condemning them to death forbeing  too damaged treating them like second class citizens and less thanhuman?There were no easy answers, thatmuch was for sure.I tugged a hand through my hair, thenlooked up at Dr.Nikas, brow furrowed. Why did Philip calm down when I bithim?It was his turn to go quiet for amoment. Technically he shouldn thave, he finally said.That only confused me more. Whatdoes that mean? I don t even know why Idid it.It just felt& right.Dr.Nikas drew a breath, hesitated,then shook his head and spread hishands. It is a characteristic that shouldnot manifest in a young zombie. I regarded him as steadily as I could. And what does that mean?He met my eyes with one of thoseI m-ancient-as-all-hell gazes that I dreceived a time or two from Pietro. Itmeans that I have never seen a zombieless than five hundred years old with theinstinct and ability to inflict a controlbite.I gaped as I tried to get theimplications of this tidbit of info to fitinto my world view.First off, that meantthere were zombies over five hundredyears old, likely including Dr.Nikas.And Pietro.I d known zombies had thepotential to live a long time, but havingan actual number from someone who no doubt knew the truth blew my mind.But even that seemed minorcompared to the fact that, somehow,little ol not-even-a-year-old zombie mewas able to do some zombie judo holdthat normally only Grand PoobahZombies could do.What the hell did thatmean for me?Dr.Nikas pushed off the counter,gave me a sad little smile. We can talkabout this more later.If you re stillwilling, I ll have Jacques take yourblood, and then Brian can drive youhome.Home.Right.Wherever the hell thatwas. Sure thing, I replied numbly.He gave me a small nod, then turnedand left me alone with my roiling thoughts. Chapter 25I gave a pint of my blood to Jacques,accepted a packet of brains in return,then checked on Philip.He seemed to besleeping comfortably, and the lines ofpain in his face had smoothed out a bit.After twitching the blanket a bit higherover his shoulders, I looked over to thewaiting Brian. Are you my ride? Whenever you re ready, hereplied. No rush.Kyle was resting quietly.Heather lay stretched out on the mattress beside himreading to him in a low voice from abook called Abaddon s Gate with a bigspaceship on the cover.They weren tcuddling or anything, but I didn t thinkBrian was thrilled about it anyway.Awhisper of an expression that might havebeen jealousy touched his face butdisappeared the instant he realized I waslooking at him.Ooooh, Brian really does likeHeather! My inner third-grader cheered.But then I had to mask a grin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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