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.I hoped this would happen.ýÿThe information sank into his churning blood and made itsing.Safe.She was safe.Bless her! He rewarded her with a nibbleto her other breast.She hissed in response.Not only could he bedeep inside her, but he could be bare and deep inside her.Not smart, another part of him shouted.The pill wasnýÿttotally effectiveýÿýÿGive me a condom,ýÿ he told Luc.ýÿJust to be sure.ýÿ Thenhe brushed a soft hand over Kimberýÿs hair.ýÿI donýÿt want anythingto happen to you.ýÿýÿI donýÿt want anything between us.PleaseýÿýÿOh, hell.Stupid, crazy, impulsive.But something primitiveinside him erupted, shouted hell yeah, at the thought of beinginside her with nothing between them.He wanted to have Kimberin a way heýÿd never had any other woman.The pill was safer thancondoms, and he knew from experience that condoms werenýÿtfoolproof.Deke couldnýÿt keep his eyes off of her.This time, though,his gaze latched onto her healing stitches and fading bruises.Theyreminded him that he could have lost her before heýÿd ever claimedher.That would have been a goddamn travesty.He needed her.Inthe most elemental way possible, he had to have her.ýÿKitten,ýÿ he rasped.ýÿI promise Iýÿm clean.I have regularphysicals.Iýÿve always been careful.Iýÿve neýÿneverýÿýÿ Heswallowed.ýÿBe sure.ýÿýÿI am.ýÿ Smiling, she caressed light fingers down the lengthof his back.He shivered and sucked in a breath at the sudden rushof sensation.ýÿThen I can be your first in a way, too.ýÿLike she could be claiming him.Need raised another notch.He downshifted his brain and turned it off.Everything he did withher tonight would be pure instinctýÿall heart.ýÿI want that.ýÿ He shoved his jeans down his hips andcrawled up on top of the bed, lowering himself beside her. Diving into the sweet heaven of Kimberýÿs mouth, Deke losthimself in her taste, unique and clean.Her kiss was strong,demanding.Without words, she told him that she expected him togive her everything, hold nothing back.For as long as heýÿd wanted her, as much as he cared for her,could he even begin to withhold a single, scintillating thing hewanted to do to her? Sheýÿd already proven hearty enough to meethis needs with other varieties of sex.Theyýÿd be perfect together.As he clasped the back of her head to bring her deeper intothe kiss, Deke felt Luc climb up on the bed and take up position onKimberýÿs other side.He broke the kiss, then stared at Luc.Opened his mouth,then snapped it shut.How had he forgotten about his cousin? He, who hadnýÿthad sex alone with a woman in twelve years? But he had forgotten.Now he had to face the fact that Kimber would be not just hislover, but Lucýÿs.The thought stabbed him with immediate denial, completerejection.Deke shoved the instinct away, forcing logic into hislust-hazed brain.He needed Luc here.He might be willing to slide into Kimber without a latexbarrier between them.Oh, fuck itýÿhe was dying to feel her bareflesh gripping him.But he wasnýÿt willing to forego all precautions.He couldnýÿt be the lone man responsibleýÿjust in case.Giving into that fear meant that he had to share.And nomatter how much something inside him railed, he couldnýÿt be theonly man she made love to. DECADENT ýÿ Shayla Black (S.Bradley) - Berkley Heat ýÿ October 2, 2007 ýÿ ISBN0-425-21721-3 Page 130Shoving the thought from his mind, he watched as Lucýÿstongue swirled around one of Kimberýÿs stiff nipples.He took theother, laving, nippingýÿthrilled at her quick response, theautomatic parting of her thighs.Deke slid a reverent hand down the soft skin of herabdomen, then continued down into her pussy.A wet haven,drenched, swollen.She gasped at his very first touch.Under his fingers, the hard knob of her clit pulsed.Damn,she was beyond primed.Knowing that, Deke was, too.He slid lower, sliding one finger inside her.Tight.Oh,hellýÿso damn tight.Gasping.Her body closed around his finger,silently begging.Adding a second finger, he plunged deeper.Gooddamn thing heýÿd jacked off twice already today, or the moment hegot inside this vacuum of sultry heat, heýÿd explode.But getting his cock inside her, it was going to hurt her.Deke hated that fact.With his fingers, he scissored, trying tospread her open, minimize the pain.ýÿMore,ýÿ she demanded.Snapping his gaze up, he stared at Kimber.She wasnýÿttalking to Luc, who was treating her nipples like a cross between alollipop and something his Hoover would attack.She was talkingto him.ýÿDeeper?ýÿ Dekeýÿs voice cracked as he asked the question,while he thrust his fingers inside her up to the hilt.Her breath hitched as she shook her head and noddedýÿvirtually at the same time.ýÿDeeper.More.I want to be full ofyou.ýÿDeke nearly staggered at her gasping, starkly honestanswer.ýÿI want to fill you, kitten.I donýÿt think Iýÿve wantedanything more in my whole life.ýÿýÿYouýÿre making the right choice,ýÿ Luc whispered, dustinglittle kisses up her jawline.The nipples heýÿd left behind were red.No other way todescribe them.Swollen, well worked, beyond hard.Theyýÿd betender tomorrow, but given the way Kimber arched to Luc and ledhis head back to her breasts, she wasnýÿt feeling it now.The only thing she felt was ready [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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