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.Chay tried to pull back, but Bit wouldn t let him.He growled actually growled at Chay.Chayfinally managed to grab Bit s head and push him back.It wasn t that he minded the mauling, but damn,he d at least like to know Keaton was okay. Geez, Bit.Keaton gasped and clutched his head.Ears appeared on the top of his head and his face began toelongate.Chay stared, fixated.Bit pulled his hands up and watched as long talons pushed out the ends of his fingers.That wasweird.They should have fused into paws.Chay s jaw dropped open.Keaton had just, for the first time in front of Chay, changed into histhird form, half-wolf/half-man.His face was wolf, as was the tail Chay could see waving behind him.He had a fine covering of platinum fur all over, and in some places, like on the head and back, thehair was longer.His torso was still clearly human, but his hands and legs were something in between.His cock& still very human and still very hard. What happened? Bit asked in a voice not his own.It was hoarse, low, growly, with a lisp to it. You were poisoned.We gave you blood.Don t you remember?The pale wolf head shook back and forth.Keaton reached for him again, bringing Chay to hisknees and tight against the furry body. Need, Chay.Bad.Can t control it.Take charge.Don t want tohurt you.Too strong like this.This was weird.It was still his Bit, his mate, but well, it was strange.He was human and Keatonwasn t quite.Keaton was actually larger in this form, about Chay s size.Keaton s hips surged up against him and he whimpered. Need. Chay nodded.His mate needed him.He grabbed Bit s cock.It felt the same.It looked exactly thesame too.He could do this.He pulled on the solid shaft, jerking Bit off.Keaton s head dropped to hisshoulder, his muzzle nestled into Chay s neck.Chay flinched as the cold, wet nose pressed againsthim, but didn t stop stroking.Bit let out a low growl.It wasn t fierce or angry, more of a rumbly, purring sound, the equivalentof a moan in this form.It wasn t long before Bit s hips snapped into his hand.Chay looked down, watching the slim hips rock forward and back, the thick cock slide in hispalm.His own cock jerked, surprising him.He d been too busy trying to please his mate to worryabout himself.It hadn t started out as sex, but it was certainly about sex now.He squeezed a little harder and let go.This time Bit s growl sounded fierce.Chay smiled andenfolded his fist around his prick too.He wrapped both his hands around their cocks and stroked themtogether.It wasn t long before both their hips were moving.Bit s forearms rested on Chay s shoulders and his cold nose tickled the side of Chay s neck.Thenhis tongue snaked out, licking.Chay let his head lull back.His eyes closed and he concentrated on the feel of his hands slidingover his cock, mashing and rubbing Bit s shaft against his.The heat of Bit s throbbing dick felt goodagainst him.Keaton s breathing sped up in time with the thrust of his hips.He bit down on Chay s shoulder,hard.Blood dripped down Chay s chest and back and like that he came.He screamed, actually fuckingscreamed, and shot so hard he felt like he would pass out.Cum splashed up his arm, his belly, histhighs, everywhere.There was too much to be all his.Keaton let go of his neck and howled, his hips snapping against Chay s.In mid-howl he changedback, and the sound became a hoarse yell before Keaton fell to the bed on his back.Chay followed him down, landing right beside him.They both lay panting, covered in semen.After several minutes Chay s brain woke up.What the fuck was that? It had to be some sort ofpheromone thing or something.He d never come so hard in his life.He damned near forgot his ownname.He wasn t sure if that was something he wanted to try again or mark down on his list of stay-the-hell-away-from-permanently.Shit, he wasn t even sure Bit survived it.He turned his head tocheck.The expression on Keaton s face almost made Chay laugh.Poor Bit s eyes were so wide theylooked like they were about to pop out of his head.He stared at the ceiling, blinking periodically.Hismouth opened then snapped right back shut, like he wanted to say something but just couldn t form thewords.He gasped like a fish trying to get air.Finally Chay decided to help him out. You okay? I think so. He grabbed Chay s hand, entwining it with his. Good lord.Chay nodded. You can say that again. Is your shoulder okay?Chay glanced down at it.It was already healed, the wound closed, the blood starting to dry. Yeah. What the hell was that? A side effect from giving you my blood? Yeah, probably.Don t do that any more.I don t like not having control of myself.I lost it.I freaking bit you.I can t believe I did that.That s scary.He reached over with his other hand and caressed the smooth beloved cheek. Not as scary asalmost losing you. Chapter SixteenKeaton glared down at his phone, then checked the clock behind him.This was getting ridiculous.Chay called him every fifteen minutes.He held up a finger to his class and pulled his phone off hisbelt. Excuse me.I have to take this. He punched the call button and put his back to the podium. Chay, not now.I m still alive.I m right in the middle of a lecture.I ll call you back, he whisperedinto the phone. Okay, just checking.Love you. Love you too, he mumbled, and hit end.He turned back to his class and smiled. Sorry aboutthat.Are there any questions?No one raised their hand. Okay, class dismissed.See ya ll next Tuesday.Have a good weekend. They filed out as Keatongathered his things [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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