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.But they also knew that he spoke with no one.He severed ties with the majority of our neighbors and family members, a sign of disrespect and disgrace in our culture.But he did it to protect me, to protect the truth about vampires existing.“They tortured him with questions.Beat him, slapped him and I was forced to watch every second,” Kai’s rage was surfacing second by second as he relived the tail.I felt horrible.Kai had never shared his story to this intimate of a degree in details.“Your ranks murdered my father, an innocent man who protected our secret existence.He sacrificed everything to ensure I was hidden and no one else discovered the truth.You knew this when you executed him.You broke his neck right in front of me!” Kai screamed slamming his fist on the table.I was at his side in a millisecond hoping I could reign him back in.I couldn’t allow him to do something he might regret.“Kai,” I whispered gently rubbing his arm.He looked at me with tears in the basins of his eyes on the verge of spilling.“Thank you.” I waited for him to compose himself.He stared into my honey brown eyes while he pulled himself back together and calmed down.I returned to the head of the table and looked at the High Authorities.Vamps live for so long and typically we slowly lose our humanity along the way.When you witness the world in its evolution of war, democratic impulses and downward spirals of deceit acting out on constant societal secret missions of blunder, you harden yourself to the reaction.You begin to close yourself off little by little no longer fazed by repetition or delivery.You’ve seen history repeat itself several times after a hundred years, let alone four hundred.It’s not that you can’t be impacted; it’s that you won’t allow yourself to be for it shows vulnerability.A tough exterior is needed to survive.Weakness in our world is human emotion.Being married to a mortal in our world is considered a tragic mistake.A vamp will always have the upper hand over you since you feed your human side every day you live with them.You will forever be an easy target of abomination when your partner can’t keep up and is easily killed.You weaken yourself for the length of their existence for you will always be fighting to keep them alive and protected, rather than keeping yourself alive and prized for war.Our kinds were at odds with each other, easily roused up and egged on.We live for action since we live for so long without it.No vampire lives by a schedule; we live by our impulses.If we feel rowdy, we play with our food.If that’s not enough, we spice up the hunt by seeking out our own.And for many vampires, that’s how they were initiated into attacking vampeens and vice versa.Looking at the right side of the table, the High Authorities appeared controlled, but you could see the hint of emotional relation buried far behind their eyes.We’d all lost loved ones, but to witness their murder, especially with a parent, was a play of torment.Even they couldn’t deny that.“Laurence, why has the Vamp Army been at odds with the Bladangs? This has been going on for over a century,” I prompted.“They attacked us for the first time exactly forty years prior to Pearl Harbor in our Waikiki base.It was a slaughter.They killed every last officer on the island.We do not sit back and allow our enemies to descend without repercussions,” he stated defensively.“Kalel.Was this attack your retaliation in honor of your father?”“Yes and we would do it again to protect our family name,” he stood straight across from Laurence and never looked away when delivering his answer.His hand was poised and fingers flickering ready to withdraw his dagger should anyone breathe wrong.“Kalel, calm down.We are discussing and preparing to negotiate,” I warned.He looked back and forth between me and Laurence, his jaw taunt and defiant.He finally nodded once in agreement.“Do I have your permission to speak freely without offending anyone?” I looked at both parties around the table.“You’re in America Lex.Say whatever you want,” Gabi said giving me a controlled smile.I knew she wasn’t angry with me, moreso trying to uphold appearances for the ranks.“Yes Alexa.You may speak your mind.We’re not as ignorant as you may assume,” Felipe stated.His claws were out.“Do we agree that this enemy clans thing started with the attack in Hawaii?”“No, it started with the murder of my father,” Kai disputed.He clutched the chair in front of him harshly.No one sat down preferring to stand at attention to protect themselves from quick moves.“Understood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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