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.Abýdos A town on the south side of the Hellespont, opposite Sestos (2.712, 6.61).Acháemenid The Persian kings, including Cambyses, Cyrus, and Xerxes, and their empire, conquered by Alexander the Great; used loosely to mean Parthian (2.54, 8.264).Achíllas King Ptolemy XIII’s general who murdered Pompey (8.659, 758, 830, 10.435, 499, 528, 662).Acóreus A priest of Memphis who tells Caesar about the Nile (8.577, 10.217, 241).Áctium Southern promontory of the strait leading into the Ambracian Gulf in western Greece, where M.Antonius had his camp during the sea battle of that name, which he and Cleopatra lost to Octavian in 31 BC (5.515).Ádriátic The enclosed sea between Italy and Illyria/Dalmatia (2.430, 651, 661, 3.199, 4.424, 429, 5.404, 675), also known as the Upper Sea (2.423).Áegae A town on the Cilician coast, east of Mallos (3.238).Aegéan The sea between Greece and Asia Minor (1.112, 5.674).Áegis The “storm shield” of Pallas Athena, displaying the Gorgon’s head (7.178, 658).Áeolus/Aeólian In myth, the minor god in charge of the winds (1.482, 2.704, 5.669, 9.571).Lucius Afránius Consul in 60 BC, commander of Spanish legions for Pompey, surrendered to Caesar, fought at Pharsalus but escaped, was captured after Thapsus in 46 and executed (4.4, 357).Agáve In myth, mother of Pentheus, king of Thebes; driven mad by Dionysos, she dismembered her son with other Theban women in a Bacchic revel (1.616, 6.398, 7.907).Álans A nomadic Scythian people living north of Pontus (8.262, 10.573).Álba(n) The ancient town of Alba Longa and the Alban Mount, southeast of Rome, seat of the old Latin League and site of annual Latin Games presided over by Roman magistrates during the Republic (1.215, 574, 3.92, 5.427, 7.464, 9.1227).Alcídes The mythic hero Hercules (see also), descended from Alcaeus (4.652, 660, 676, 682, 6.435, 9.455).Alexander (the Great) Son of Philip II of Macedon, conquered the eastern Mediterranean, Mesopotamia, and Central Asia, inaugurating the Hellenistic period and leaving an ambivalent example of imperialism for those who followed (8.280, 9.186, 10.334; see also 10.1–64).Álps The high, extensive mountain range that forms the imposing natural boundary between the Italian peninsula and continental Europe (1.200, 237, 328, 330, 593, 734, 2.452, 564, 666, 3.315, 8.997).Ambrácia The region north of the gulf by that name, in western Greece (5.718).Ámmon The horned oracular god of Libya’s Siwa Oasis, equated with Zeus/Jupiter (3.308, 4.706, 9.642, 648, 658, 719, 737, 10.47).Amýclas The humble sailor who takes Caesar out on stormy seas (5.564).Antáeus Earth-born Giant of Libya, killed in a wrestling match with Hercules (2.174, 4.620, 627, 643, 672, 678).Antónius/Ántony (1) Marcus Antonius (consul 99 BC), a famous orator, friend of Marius, who turned against him, and who was executed in the civil strife of 87 BC, grandfather of (2) and (3) (2.128).(2) Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony, 83–30 BC) served with Caesar in Gaul and in 49 BC as tribune of the people defended his interests, fleeing to his camp when the Senate passed its war resolution; always a right-hand man of Caesar, he rivaled Octavian as Caesar’s heir, with whom he defeated Caesar’s assassins and divided the empire as a triumvir; he ruled the Roman East with Cleopatra until their defeat at Actium in 31; afterward he committed suicide in Alexandria (5.513, 10.86).(3) Gaius Antonius, younger brother of (2), as a naval officer for Caesar in 49 BC he was blockaded and surrendered, and after Caesar’s assassination he was captured in Apollonia, Greece, by Brutus and later executed (4.430).Ápis (1) The god worshipped at Egyptian Memphis in the form of a live bull (8.581 see note, 9.194).(2) A river of eastern Italy (2.429).Apóllo Greek god of healing (see Paean), prophecy (especially at Delphi), and, as Phoebus, identified with the sun god (3.191, 5.73, 87, 162, 181, 204).Áppius Claudius Pulcher (d [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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