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.""Mr.Chairman," said Baley."I had a conversation with Dr.Amadiro yesterdayafternoon.Because itGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlwas his intention to keep me until the storm broke, he spoke more lengthilythan he intended and, apparently, more carelessly.In referring to Gladia, hecasually referred to the robot, Jander, as her husband.I'm curious as to howhe knew that fact.""Is this true, Dr.Amadiro?" asked the Chairman.Amadiro was still standing, bearing almost the, appearance of a prisonerbefore a judge.He said, "Whether it is true or not has no bearing on thequestion under discussion."Perhaps not," said the Chairman, "but I was astonished at your reaction to thequestion when it was put.It occurs to me that there is a meaning to this that Mr.Baley and you bothunderstand and that I do not.Itherefore want to understand also.Did you or did you, not know of thisimpossible relationship betweenJander and the Solarian woman?"Amadiro said in a choking voice, I could not possibly have."That is no answer," said the Chairman."That is an equivocation.You aremaking a judgment when I am asking you to hand me a memory.Did you or did younot make the statement imputed to you?""Before he answers," said Baley, feeling more certain of his ground now thatthe Chairman was governed by moral outrage, "it is only fair to Dr.Amadirofor me to remind him that Giskard, a robot who was also present at themeeting, can, if asked to do so, repeat the entire conversation, word forword, using the voice and intonation of both parties.In short, theconversation is recorded."Amadiro burst into a kind of rage."Mr.Chairman, the robot, Giskard, wasdesigned, constructed, and programmed by Dr.Fastolfe, who announces himselfto be the best roboticist who exists and who is bitterly opposed to me.Can wetrust a recording produced by such a robot?"Baley said, "Perhaps you ought to hear the recording and come to your owndecision, Mr.Chairman."Page 289 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Perhaps I ought," said the, Chairman."I am not here, Dr.Amadiro, to have mydecisions made for me.- But let us put that aside for a moment.Regardless, of what the recordingsays, Dr.Amadiro, do you wish to state for the record that you did not knowthat the Solarian woman considered her robot to be her husband and that younever referred to him as her husband? Please remember (as you both, beinglegislators, should) that, although no robot is present, this entireconversation is being recorded in my ownGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmldevice." He tapped a small bulge it his breast pocket."Flatly, then, Dr.Amadiro.Yes or no."Amadiro said, with an edge of desperation in his voice, "Mr.Chairman, Ihonestly cannot remember what I said in casual conversation.If I did mentionthe word-and I don't admit I did-it may have been the result of some othercasual conversation in which someone mentioned the fact that Gladia, acted aslove-struck toward her robot as though he were her husband."The Chairman said, "And with whom did you have this other casual conversation?Who made this statement to you?" the moment, I cannot say."Baley said, "Mr.Chairman, if Dr.Amadiro will be so kind as to list anyoneand everyone who might have used the word to him, we can question every one ofthem to discover which one can remember making such a remark."Amadiro said, "I hope, Mr.Chairman, you will consider the effect on themorale of the Institute if anything of this sort is done."The Chairman said, "I hope you will consider it, too, Dr.Amadiro, and come upwith a better answer to our question, so that we are not forced to extremes.""One moment, Mr.Chairman," said Baley, as obsequiously as he could manage,"there remains a question.""Again? Another one?" The Chairman looked at Baley without favor."What isit?""Why is Dr.Amadiro struggling so to avoid admitting he knew of Jander'srelation to Gladia? He says it is irrelevant.In that case, why not say heknew of the relationship and be done with it? I say it is relevant and thatDr.Amadiro knows that his administration could be used to demonstratecriminal activity on his part."Amadiro thundered, "I resent the expression and I demand an apology!"Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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