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.Darien sat and purposefully shoved aside the infernal puzzle that had distracted himthe day before. For what?Chris removed his glasses.Darien watched his face, fascinated by his first glimpse of itwithout the glasses, as Chris used a small rag to clean the lenses.He looked less& imposingwithout them. For humoring Nathan last night. Oh.That? That wasn t a problem at all.I had fun.Chris studied him for a moment.How cool.His eyes were usually hazel, but in theright lighting -- like now -- they looked brown.Then he smiled that small little smile andput his glasses back on. Good.I m glad.Nathan can be a little& much at times.Darien chuckled. So can I.I m sure you ve noticed.Chris s smile took on the look of a smirk. Go ahead.I know.I m a chatterbox.Chris laughed, making Darien s heart swell.He vowed to do anything he could to causethat laugh often.Chris slid a neat stack of papers from the corner of the desk to the spot before him. Yes, well, thank you just the same. How long have you two been dating?Chris looked up, startled. Nearly five months. Exclusively? 36 Jet MyklesA blink and a pause, but the answer that came was:  Yes.Not sure, huh? Perhaps Nathan wasn t so much.Darien wanted to ask.All night, both at dinner and through to this morning, curiosityhad burned in him.He wanted to know how serious they were.He wanted to know if theywere as close to breaking up as he thought from last night.But how sad was that? He wantedthem to break up because he was attracted to Chris? No, he wanted them to break up becauseNathan really didn t treat Chris right.He d been dismissive and inattentive all night.Everyconversation that had actually involved Chris has been started by Darien, not Nathan.Thathad to mean they were on the outs, right? What?Darien startled, blinking up at Chris. What? You re staring at me.Smooth move, Ex-Lax. Am I? Yes.What is it?Darien felt his eyes get big.He bit his lips together.What the hell could he say?Certainly not what he was thinking.But he so wanted to know!  I was just wondering&  Yes? Are you& I mean, are you guys& ?Chris sat back in his plush chair, folding his hands across his belly. Yes?Darien sat forward, gripping the edge of the desk. You re the top, right?The look of incredulity didn t belong on Chris s face, but there it was.Eyes wide,mouth agape.He even flushed a little. I m-mean&  Darien stammered, afraid he d gone too far.Him and his big mouth.Wasthat really better than what he d been thinking? Yeah, he d wondered, but even he knewthat was pushing the bounds of politeness. I mean, Brent and Hell have my way of thinking Heaven Sent 4: Faith 37on this one all messed up, and it s just& I mean, I m pretty sure you re the top, but you neverknow, right? I just -- He broke off, feeling his face heat as he looked down at his lap.Oh,great, Einstein.He s gonna throw you out of here.Laughter filled the office.Deep, joyous, surprised laughter.Darien looked up to seeChris s head thrown back against his seat, his hands spread over his flat belly as though tohold it in.His eyes were closed and his mouth wide open as he laughed.After a moment, hishead came forward, teary eyes opening behind his glasses, but one look at Darien and hecracked up again.Darien grinned, loving this. It s not that funny.Which only made Chris laugh louder.He fell forward over his desk, forearms bracedon the top, head hung between his shoulders. Chris? came a voice from the doorway.Darien looked over his shoulder to see Chris s assistant, Max, who usually sat in thenext office.Max glanced at Darien with a curious smile.Darien shrugged. You okay, Chris? Max asked. I m fine, Chris panted, waving a hand at the man. I m fine.Darien screwed his lips to the side, waiting for the laughter to die down.Chris took off his glasses and wiped at the tears streaming down his cheeks.A beautifulflush marked his face and neck, and when he looked up, his eyes shone like Darien hadnever seen them before.Darien nudged the box of tissues from the edge of the desk closer to Chris.Chris took a few and dabbed at his eyes.Peeks at Darien threatened to start himlaughing again, but he held it in.He sighed, still chuckling. 38 Jet MyklesDarien waited to speak until Chris was mostly calm. Well, are you going to answer myquestion?One look and Chris was off laughing again. Heaven Sent 4: Faith 39Chapter FiveWhen Darien was playing his drums, nothing else existed.The world and all itsproblems got pounded into the background by the beat of the bass drum at his feet, and thecrunch of the snares kept it at bay.He was barely aware of his own body.Even when he wasjust practicing, really just keeping in shape, he lost himself so wholly that he rarelyacknowledged the presence of another.Which was why he didn t know Chris was there until he passed a final drum roll overthe toms and happened to glance up to see the man in the doorway [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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