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."Theyneed feeding."I know, I know, " she snarled, having forgotten."You don't have to keep tellingme!""As you wish, " it replied passively.Fay looked at its bland face and wonderedwhat, if anything, was going on in its mind.Was she imagining things, or had itreally seemed earlier as if it was beginning to act on its own?She turned away and stared moodily out the side window of the Shelby.Findinginconspicuous victims had been getting harder lately.She'd already taken asmany of the kids from Jenks as she'd dared.The ones she'd fed to her allies hadfile:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%.%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html (199 of 434)3/16/2004 9:27:01 PM file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Diana%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).htmlbeen punks or druggies, mostly.Kids nobody would missAnd nobody was surprised when they turned up dead.But it's starting to getnoticed.I heard that a couple of people are saying that there's more problemsthan usual this year at Jenks.So that left the kids out.Which meant that she was going to have to go hunting."Downtown?" she said aloud.The Servant shook its head."You hunted downtown three months ago.You toldme to remind you that you might be recognized if you went there again.She tried to think of other well-stocked hunting grounds."How about theFifteenth Street Bridge?""The police cleared it out last week." One of the Servant's jobs was to keep upwith the news, which was why it spent so much time watching TV."Shit, " she said in disgust."The campground?"The Servant shook its head."The rangers aren't letting anyone camp there formore than a week anymore; too many vagrants were living there.And theabandoned house at the airport burned down a month ago."What does that leave me?" she asked it.The Servant was silent as it checked its memory for her."Across the river, or outnear Sand Springs, " it offered."One of the other high schools.Or serendipity.file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%.%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html (200 of 434)3/16/2004 9:27:01 PM file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Diana%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).htmlShe didn't like any of the choices.All offered hazards she didn't want to dealwith, not as low on energy as she was."Next time you see a place to eat, pull in," she ordered."I want to think about this a while.She hadn't had time to blink before the Servant was slowing the car and pullinginto the parking lot of a Ken's Pizza right on the edge of the Tulsa city limits.There was actually a city limits sign right on the weed-covered verge.The pizzaparlor was so close to the edge, Fay realized, that while the restaurant itself waswithin the city boundaries, the line stopped at the edge of the parking lot.The Servant parked the car smoothly, and as Fay emerged from the air-conditioned interior, she could hear voices, angry voices, from the trash areabehind the building.Her interest piqued, she turned and shaded her eyes against the last rays of thesunset.Two uniformed Tulsa police, both female, were giving a young teenager onmotorbike an unnecessarily hard time.One was examining his license socarefully Fay wondered if she was checking it for wear or fly specks; the otherwas reading him a lecture on traffic safety at the top of her lungs, to the vastamusement of a group of his peers in the next block.Both of them looked distastefully butch, so far as Fay was concerned.She mighthave passed them by altogether, except for the look of sly self-satisfaction on theface of the one delivering the lecture.Fay prided herself on being unusually deft at reading people.As she followedfile:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%.%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html (201 of 434)3/16/2004 9:27:01 PM file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Diana%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).htmlthe Servant into the restaurant, the reason for that self-satisfaction dawned on her.They're bullies, both of them, she decided with a surge of delight.Bullies whoput on badges just because it gives them an excuse to push people around.Whichmeans they're not likely to do things by the book.Which also means that they'revery likely to actually break the law they're supposed to be enforcing just for thesake of their own ego-tripping.Which makes them fair prey.How marvelous! I begin to believe that my Servant is prescient!While they ordered, Fay was watching to see if the pair entered the restaurant.They did.A few moments later, the manager came over and spoke with them ina low, urgent voice.The second of the two, the one with dark, curly hair,responded in tones that could be heard all over the dining room."Look, I don't give a fart if my jurisdiction ends at the edge of the lot.If I want tobust somebody's ass, I'll bust his ass, and they can argue about it in court.Good, Fay thought with satisfaction.So they know.That will make it all theeasier.The manager left, his ears and neck flushed, and glanced at her out of the cornerof his eye as he passed.Probably hoping we didn't notice, she thought, and yawned, pretending that shehadn't overheard the woman.file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%.%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html (202 of 434)3/16/2004 9:27:01 PM file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Diana%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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