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.Page 49 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlIt means their secrets are open to us."I stretched, and then winced as I was reminded of my ribs.I said, "They'llhave time enough to study them.We can take things easy now.""Not easy," André said."We have won here, but there may be counterattacks.""From the other Cities?" Fritz asked."How long will it be before we have newsfrom them?""We have it already.""But the pigeons could not travel so fast.""The invisible rays are much faster than pigeons.Although we dared not usethem to transmit messages, we have been listening to those the Masters sent.They have stopped from two Cities, but are still coming from the third.""The one in the east?" I suggested."The little yellow men failed then.""No, not that," André said."The one in the west."That was the attack in which Henry would have taken part.I thought of him,and of the two we had lost, and the bright day seemed to cloud over.But Henry was still alive.Two months later, at the castle, he told the otherthree of us -- Fritz, Beanpole, and me -- about it.From the start, things had gone wrong for them.Two of their six haddeveloped, at the last minute, a sickness which was common among humans inthat part; and their places had been taken by two others who were less welltrained.One of these had got into difficulties during their attempt to swimup the underground tunnel, forcing them to turn back and try again thefollowing night.Even when they had gained access to the City, there wereirritating setbacks and delays.They had difficulty in finding a warehousewith sufficient supplies of starch foods to make the mash for fermentation,and when they did succeed their first efforts were failures, because some ofthe yeasts would not grow.They had also been unable to find a hideout Withinclose reach of the water purification plant, which meant a lot of exhaustingtransportation of the liquor by night.But they had reached their quota by the time appointed, and Henry thought itwould be easy from that point.Although our attempt had to be made at midday,they were able to start theirs at dawn, before the first duty shift of Masterscame on.Or, at least, they thought they could.The way to the ramp leadingdown to the water purification plant, however, as in the City which we hadtackled, was through an open place with garden pools, and they found that oneof them was occupied by two Masters.They looked as though they were wrestling, pushing and tugging at each otherwith their tentacles, threshing the water and sending up gouts of spray.Fritz and I had seen a similar thing, during the night when we were searchingfor the river and a way out of the City.We had made nothing of it -- it wasone of the many strange habits of the Masters over which the scientists hadshaken their heads -- and Henry did not, either.All he could do was hopethat, whatever it was, they would soon put an end to it and go away.But theydid not, and time was passing, whittling away the minutes that remained beforethe first day shift would arrive.In the end, deliberately, he took a chance.The two Masters seemed entirelypreoccupied and they were in the pool farthest from the ramp.He decided tohave his men worm their way along the wall that enclosed the secondpool, and then dash for the ramp where the shadows were deepest.Three did sosuccessfully, but the fourth must have been seen.With a surprising swiftness,the Masters heaved themselves out of the pool and came to investigate.They killed one, and would have killed the other, he thought, if he had stoodhis ground.But this one had actually seen the incredible happen --Masters attacked by slaves -- and went spinning from the scene, howling in hisown peculiar language.He would obviously return with others: there was nohope of getting more than half a dozen containers of alcohol in the culvertbefore he did so, and that would mean the Masters alerted to the danger.Notonly there, perhaps, but in the other two Cities as well; for the messagesPage 50 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwould go to them immediately on the invisible rays.The enterprise had failed, and they must cut their losses.Avoiding capture,and the baring of their thoughts, must be the objective now -- at least longenough for the attacks on the other two Cities to go through [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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