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.As Roy hesitated, Ash came off the ground in a single lithe, catlike movement.Hegripped Roy s shoulders, staring into his eyes for a long moment.Then he kissed Roy,deep and true.Roy s body responded instantly, the tiredness from the trek wiped awayin an instant.Kissing Ash was revitalizing, as though the essence of the young man filled Roy sreservoirs, replenished his strength.He felt the blood racing through his veins, sensesheightened, the whole world more real than it had been a moment ago.Roy s arousal was sweet fire across his nerve endings.Ash s hunger was just asstrong.Roy could taste it in his mouth, feel it in the controlled urgency of Ash s bodyagainst his.Unable to hold back any longer, Roy dragged at Ash s waistband until hewas able to tear Ash s pants down and off.Ash shoved Roy s trousers to his knees then pushed him to sit on one of the logsbeside the fire.Roy gasped as the rough wood met the underside of his thighs, thenforgot the momentary discomfort as Ash straddled his lap. Ash made a guttural noise in his throat, then leaned forward.The head of hiscock hot and wet bumped against Roy s shaft.With a groan, Roy braced his chestagainst Ash s shoulder, then ran his hands down Ash s back to cup the tight, roundmuscular buttocks.Breathing hard, Ash reached between them, sliding his palms around both theircocks.Roy gave a needy, urgent cry as his meat pressed against Ash s, then wasencircled in a strong hand.With a grunt, Ash slid lower, his ass cheeks pressing intoRoy s hands.Roy dropped his head against Ash s neck, growling his need, rocking his groininto Ash s clever hands.Ash smelled of sweat and man and something deeper,something wild.Roy couldn t contain himself; he inhaled Ash s musk deeply, then sethis teeth in the muscle of Ash s shoulder.Ash threw back his head and yelled.His hands stroked faster, harder,sandwiching Roy s cock against his own, and he started to thrust his hips in time.Gripping Ash s ass cheeks as they moved in his hand, Roy s fingers skated overAsh s pucker.Roy released Ash s neck with a grunt, then pressed his index fingeragainst Ash s hole.Ash froze for an instant, then, as the bare tip of Roy s finger breached him, beganto move again.Slower this time, his breathing deep and heavy, his entrance quiveringaround the intruder.For Roy, it was too much.The heat of Ash against him, the insistent hand on hiscock, the incredible tight grip of Ash s ass all combined with the heady, perfect scent ofAsh.He shouted as his load tore free, bracing himself against Ash.Ash held him, pumping his own cock with his other hand.His juice spurted acrossRoy s stomach and thighs, and he roared his release to the night.It was sometime later that they remembered dinner.The food was good, and Roy ate hungrily. I thought we had no stores of meatremaining?  We didn t.I think this is what you called impala.I got the beast an hour after youleft this morning. You got it? How? I saw the impala just a few hundred yards away.There was a rifle in the hut, andI knew we needed the meat.There was indeed an old rifle in the hut, Roy reflected, and it was even loaded.Butthe thing kicked like a mule and threw to the left when fired. You must be a goodshot, Roy said pensively.Ash looked down. Just lucky, I guess.Just for a moment, Roy saw a golden lion crouched to spring.He knew withoutgoing to look that he would find the rifle clean and his ammunition undisturbed.But henodded without comment and took a second helping. I m glad you like it, Ash said, sinking to the ground at Roy s feet and leaningback against Roy s legs.Roy twined his fingers in the soft gold curls at the nape of Ash s neck.Ash s hairwas getting longer by the day, turning from the close-cropped cut of an Englishman to ashaggy golden mane.Roy loved it and said so.Ash looked up, amusement glinting in his eyes. I was talking about the food.Roy grinned back. Oh.Ash settled himself more comfortably against Roy s legs, staring into the fire.Hewas silent for a long time, then, just as Roy was about to propose butchering theantelope carcass before it got any later, he spoke. I m very glad that you said what youdid about your home.That you feel that way. He lifted his gaze to Roy s face. I neverthought of Leicestershire as home.I was a fish out of water there.And now, here& Ash stopped, hesitating.With a wry smile, Roy gently tugged one of the golden curls. Here, you are a lionon the veldt, he said softly, only half teasing. Ash stared, then smiled. I feel like I belong.Roy pulled Ash onto his lap and enfolded him in a tight hug. You do, he saidhuskily. You belong to me, Ash, and don t you forget it. He kissed Ash hard, rockinghim against his body.Ash wrapped his arms around Roy s shoulders, holding on.In the end, they sat that way until the cool evening made the hovering mosquitoesfierce enough to brave the smoke from the fire.They hurried inside as the insectswhines crescendoed, and both applied Roy s ointment to their exposed skin.Roy opened the army trunk that stood under the mosquito-netted bedroomwindow and brought out two pairs of tropical linens. I ve never worn these in politesociety, he said, grinning as he handed one pair of the cream trousers to Ash,  butmosquitoes can t bite through them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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