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.I yielded completely to the lure ofpleasure as he stimulated the sensitive flesh.My body, havingso recently soared to great heights while he lavished hisattention on my clit, leapt almost instantly up the spiraltoward rapture.A moan escaped me.Just when I'd reached a point where I felt as if I wasnearing the precipice, he released my throbbing nipple andlifted his head.He moved around behind me.Reaching around, he cuppeda breast in each hand, massaging it as he leaned next to myear once more."No baby girl named Marlee Beauchamp in theentire state nor in any state bordering this one."Sluggishly, my frying brain sorted through what he wassaying.He'd done more checking on me.He knew I was using afalse identity.That fact alone was enough to make me look guilty as hellof what he'd accused me of.No wonder he'd been looking at me so piercingly.Cold, clear reason washed over me, but my mind was stillscrambling for a way out.Before I could decide what to say,he moved around me again.This time when he covered mypussy with his mouth, he stroked me with his tongue andsucked on me until I was teetering on the brink of completion.A jolt that was almost painful went through me when hestopped abruptly, leaving me hanging.It was like almost sneezing only more of a let down.Muchmore.I was still trying to catch my breath and fight off theblackness that was swarming around me when he whisperedin my ear once more."In fact, I was very disturbed todiscover that the only Marlee Beauchamp I could find anyreference to who coincidentally shares your birth date diedten years ago and several states away from here."Dismay filled me.He thought I was a fugitive from the law.God alone knew what he thought I was guilty of for all Iknew, I was a fugitive from the law.My ex had tried to frame me before by planting drugs in my apartment.Who was tosay he hadn't gone there after I left and done so then calledin an anonymous tip as he had before?The possibility chilled me.Why hadn't it occurred to mebefore that he could cause me trouble even if I wasn't there?I could try to explain, of course, but he wasn't going tobelieve me now no matter what I said I realized with a deepsense of dread and regret."She was my best friend," I said alittle breathlessly."We grew up together."He was silent for so long I'd begun to think he wouldn'teven respond.I felt one long, thick finger trace my cleft andpush slowly inside of me."Why should I believe you?"I gasped as currents of pleasure shot through me."I didn'tdo it to deceive you.That wasn't my intention anyway.I wasjust trying to get away.""From the law?"I bit my lip, wondering if I actually was a fugitive.If I wasand I said I wasn't, he sure as hell wasn't going to believe meif he found out otherwise."From my ex husband," I saidfinally."He was obsessed with getting even with me.I keptmoving and he kept finding me.Finally, I was reallydesperate and I thought the only way to escape was to besomebody else.That's the only reason I did it.I swear."The finger that had been driving me up the wall waswithdrawn.Was that a good thing? Or a bad thing, Iwondered?"How much did they pay you?""Who?""Don't make me ask again."It clicked then that he was talking about the hackingincident."They didn't pay me anything.I told you I didn'tknow about that."I could sense him leaning close.His mouth closed over onenipple.He teased it until I was hot and mindless with pleasureand asked me again.It took me several moments to gathermy wits, but I answered as I had before.Apparently, he wasn't satisfied that I was telling the truthnow.I gave him everything, told him my real name was CarlyBethea, told him every sordid detail of my marriage anddivorce and everything that had happened afterward, and stillhe continued the delicious torture.He was driving me crazy, keeping my body on low simmer,teasing me until I was so close to coming I was straining toreach it and then withdrawing, allowing me to cool as he pliedme on and on with questions.I reached a point where Ibegan to have tiny little convulsions of release that teased memore than they relieved me and I still wanted his touch, infact began to crave it desperately.Excitement andexpectation filled me each time he started again.I felt fevered, so out of my head with desire it felt like my brainhad suffered melt down.I felt like bursting into tears when he began to unbindme not from relief, but from the lack of it I was certain hedidn't mean to give it to me.I'd long since passed the point ofworrying about rejection and begun begging him to finish meoff.My body was on fire.Every muscle in my body screamed with complaint whenhe'd removed the bindings, quivering, refusing to hold me up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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