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.They were a gentle and kindly folk, used toobeying orders, and now there was no one to tell them what to do.At last Unk Nunkie, an old Munchkin who had taken up residence inthe Emerald City, pushed through the crowd.Unk was a man of few words, but awise old chap for all that, so they made way for him respectfully.First UnkNunkie stroked his beard; then pointing with his long lean finger toward thesouth he snapped out one word-"GLINDA!"Of course! They must tell Glinda.Why had they not thought of itthemselves? Glinda would know just what to do and how to do it.Three cheersfor Unk Nunkie! Glinda, you know, is the good Sorceress of Oz, who knows moremagic than anyone in the Kingdom, but who only practices it for the people'sgood.Indeed, Glinda and the Wizard of Oz are the only ones permitted topractice magic, for so much harm had come of it that Ozma made a lawforbidding sorcery in all of its branches.But even in a fairy country peopledo not always obey the laws and everyone felt that magic was at the bottom ofthis disaster.So away to fetch Glinda dashed the Grand Army, his green whiskersstreaming behind him.Fortunately the royal stables had not disappeared withthe palace, so the gallant army.sprang upon the back of the Saw Horse, andwithout stopping to explain to the other royal beasts, bade it carry him toGlinda as fast as it could gallop.Being made of wood with gold shod feet andmagically brought to life, the Saw Horse can run faster than any animal in Oz.It never tired or needed food and when it understood that the palace and itsdear little Mistress had disappeared it fairly flew; for the Saw Horse lovedOzma with all its saw dust and was devoted as only a wooden beast can be.In an hour they had reached Glinda's shining marble palace in thesouthern part of the Quadling country, and as soon as the lovely Sorceress hadPage 46 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlheard the soldier's story, she hurried to the magic Book of Records.This isthe most valuable book in Oz and it is kept padlocked with many golden chainsto a gold table, for in this great volume appear all the events happening inand out of the world.Now, Glinda had been so occupied trying to discover the cause offrowns that she had not referred to the book for several days and naturallythere were many pages to go over.There were hundreds of entries concerningautomobile accidents in the United States and elsewhere.These Glinda passedover hurriedly, till she came to three sentences printed in red, for Oz newsalways appeared in the book in red letters.The first sentence did not seemimportant.It merely stated that the Prince of Pumperdink was journeyingtoward the Emerald City.The other two entries seemed serious."Glegg's box of Mixed Magic has been discovered," said the second,and "Ruggedo has something on his mind," stated the third.Glinda pored overthe book for a long time to see whether any more information would be givenbut not another red sentence appeared.With a sigh, Glinda turned to theSoldier with the Green Whiskers."The old Gnome King must be mixed up in this," she said anxiously,"and as he was last seen in the Emerald City, I will return with you at once."So Glinda and the Soldier with the Green Whiskers flew back to the EmeraldCity drawn in Glinda's chariot by swift flying swans and the little Saw Horsetrotted back by himself.When they reached the gardens a great crowd hadgathered by the Fountain of Oblivion and a tall green grocer was speakingexcitedly."What is it?" asked Glinda, shuddering as she passed the dreadfulhole where Ozma's lovely palace had once stood.Everyone started explaining atonce so that Glinda was obliged to clap her hands for silence."Foot print!" Unk Nunkie stood upon his tip toes and whispered itin Glinda's ear and when she looked where Unk pointed she saw a huge, shallowcave-in that crushed the flower beds for as far as she could see."Foot print!" gasped Glinda in amazement."Uh huh!" Unk Nunkie wagged his head determinedly and then,pulling his hat down over his eyes, spoke his last word on the subject:"GIANT!""A giant foot print! Why so it is!" cried Glinda.Page 47 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"What shall we do?" cried the frightened inhabitants of theEmerald City, wringing their hands."First, find Ruggedo," ordered Glinda, suddenly remembering themysterious entry in the Book of Records.So, away to the little cottagehurried the crowd.They searched it from cellar to garret, but of course foundno trace of the wicked little gnome.As no one knew about the secret passagein Ruggedo's cellar, they never thought of searching underground.Meanwhile Glinda sank down on one of the golden garden benches andtried to think.The Comfortable Camel stumbled broken-heartedly across thelawn and dropping on its knees begged the Sorceress in a tearful voice to saveSir Hokus of Pokes.The Camel and the Doubtful Dromedary had been discoveredby the Knight on his last adventure and were deeply attached to him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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