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."I thought it would be you," he said morosely.Orace came in like a baronial butler, put down a tray of whisky and glasses,sniffed loudly, and departed.Murdoch stared at the door which closed behindhim with the penumbras of homi-cide darkening again on his square features."I could kill that guy twice, and then drown him." Murdoch grabbed thewhisky-bottle, poured three fingers into a glass, and swallowed it straight.He compressed his lips in a grimace, and looked up at the Saint again."Well,here I am and who the hell asked you to bring me here?""You didn't," Simon admitted."Didn't you tell me you'd keep out of the way next time?""That was the idea.""Well, what d'ya think I'm going to do fall on your neck and kiss you?""Not in those trousers, I hope," said the Saint.The trousers belonged to Orace, who was taller but not so bulky.As a result,they were stretched dangerously across the seat, and hung in a gracefulconcertina over the ankles.Murdoch glared down at them venomously, and theyresponded with an ominous rending squeak as he moved to get hold of the whiskyagain."I didn't ask you to pull me out, and I'm not going to thank you.If youthought I'd fall for you, you're wrong.Was that the idea, too? Did you thinkPage 42 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlyou might be able to get under my skin that way make the same sort of monkeyouta me that you've made outa Loretta? Because you won't.I'm not so soft.Youcan slug me again and take me back to the Falkenberg, and we'll start againwhere we left off; and that's as far as you'll get."Simon sauntered over to the table and helped himself to a measured drink."Well, of course that's certainly a suggestion," he remarked.He sat downopposite Murdoch and put up his feet along the settee."I've always heard thatIngerbeck's was about the ace firm in the business.""It is.""Been with them long?" asked the Saint caressingly."About ten years.""Mmm."Murdoch's eyes narrowed suspiciously."What the hell d'you mean?""I mean they can't be so hot if they've kept you on the over-head for tenyears.""Yeah?""Yeah as we used to say in the movies.Stay where you are, Steve.If you tryto start any rough stuff with me I shall hit your face so hard that you'llhave to be fed from behind.Besides which, those pants will split.""Go on."Simon flicked open the cigarette-box and helped himself to a smoke.He slippeda match out of the ashstand and sprung it into flame with his thumb-nail."Now and for the last time," he said, with the caress in his voice smoothedout until it was as soothing as a sheet of ice, "will you try to understandthat I don't give a good God-damn how soon you have your funeral.Your mothermay miss you, and even Ingerbeck's may send a wreath; but personally I shallbe as miserable as a dog with a new tree.The only reason I interfered on theFalkenberg was because Vogel wasn't half so interested in shooting you as inseeing how Loretta would like it.The only reason I pulled you out again  ""Was what?""Because if you'd stayed there they'd have found out more about you.You'reknown.Thanks to your brilliant strategy in tearing into the Hotel de la Merand shouting for Loretta at the top of your voice, the bloke who was sleuthingher this after-noon knows your face.And if he'd seen you to-night on anidentification parade that would have been that.For Loretta, anyway.Andthat's all I'm interested in.As it is, you may have been recognised already.I had to take a chance on that.I could only lug you out as quickly aspossible, and hope for the best.Apart from that, you could have stayed thereand been massaged with hot irons, and I shouldn't have lost any sleep.Is thatplain enough or do you still think I've got a fatherly interest in yourfuture?"Murdoch held himself down on the berth as gingerly as if it had been red hot,and his chin jutted out as if Ms fists were itch-ing to follow it."I get it.But you feel like a father to Loretta huh?""That's my business.""I'll say it is.There are plenty of greasy-haired dagoes making big money atit.""My dear Steve!""I know you, Saint," Murdoch said raspingly.His big hands rolled his glassbetween them as if they were playing with the idea of crushing it to fragmentswith a single savage contraction, and the hard implacable lights weresmouldering under the sur-face of his eyes."You're crook.I've heard allabout you.Maybe there aren't any warrants out for you at the moment.Maybeyou kid some people with that front of yours about being some kind offairy-tale Robin Hood trying to put the world right in his own way.That stuffdon't cut any ice with me.You're crook and you're in the racket for what youcan get out of it."Simon raised his eyebrows."Aren't you?"Page 43 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Yeah.I get one hundred bucks a week out of it; and the man who says I don'tearn 'em is a liar [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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