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.181 Chaos Magicby Jay LygonI knew I was turned on, man I was turned on, but I didn'trealize how much until he used that belt like a bullwhipagainst my ass.The crack split the air.The second and thirdstrikes sliced my skin, sending my blood oozing down mybutt.An unstoppable chain of muscle contractions wentthrough my groin.I came hard.Splat! On the chenille.Slam! On the exposedwood floor.Gravity pulled a sticky rope of come down to puddleunderneath me.I didn't have his permission for that."I tried to stop, Sir.Really.I couldn't.I tried," I babbledimmediate apologies.He silently untied my arms.I sank down into a properposture and begged for his understanding.I groveled, but stillreceived no sign of forgiveness."Lick your mess up," he told me tersely.I lapped my come off the wooden floor and sucked it offthe bedspread.When only wet spots remained, he draggedme to the guest bedroom by my hair.He shackled my ankle to the frame of the cot.On the cot, there were no sheets or pillows.The thin, hardpad was bound in blue and white striped cotton that washeavily stained.I smelled other boys, their urine, their sweat,their sex, permeating the mattress."If you have to piss, there's a can in the corner, but youbetter get my permission before you use it.I don't put upwith spoiled boys who come whenever they're horny.I expectyou to start acting like a submissive that knows how to servehis Dominant instead of a little punk who only reads about the182 Chaos Magicby Jay Lygonlife.Your body is mine.If you come, it's a gift from me.Youdon't make decisions."He straightened and snorted disgust at me."You're toowillful.I'm going to break you of that." He wiped the bloodfrom my ass and dabbed stinging antiseptic into the cuts, buthis care was as terse as his voice.As he left, he turned off thelight.I got hiccups.I listened to traffic slow as the hours passedand wondered why people were out driving at that time ofnight.I wondered if they knew what I'd done, as if my shamedraped black crepe over Hector's door.Distant ambulancesrushed across the city.Hard sobs shook me.Alone in the dark.Sleep? Never.* * * *After mind-fucking myself all night, I was worn down.When Hector unlocked the cuff around my ankle in themorning I didn't move.He seemed exhausted, too."Make my breakfast."He went back to his bathroom to shower.When he came into the kitchen, I bowed at his feet anddidn't even try to look at his face.Every scrape of his fork onthe plate as he ate his eggs was like fingernails on achalkboard."Aren't you eating?"I shook my head."Did you sleep at all last night?""No, Sir." But neither did you.Outside the door, in themiddle of the night, I heard the scuff of your shoes dragging183 Chaos Magicby Jay Lygonacross the wooden floor.You spent the night standing guardover me rather than sleep in the comfort of your bed.I was exhausted and miserable.Everything was going sowell until I messed up.Hector forced me to look up at him."Baby, you bring thison yourself."I nodded."I mean that you punish yourself too harshly.Punishmentis my duty.I decide how you should suffer.You keep makingmy punishments into torture.You're not allowed to do thatanymore.You're the submissive.Stop trying to be your ownDominant."He gave me a pitying glance."I thought you understoodthat I'm in charge.""I do, Sir."He put his finger to my swollen lips.His expression wasstern but loving."You lied to me.You told me that you couldfunction on your own.That's not true, is it? You need me totake control, put your life in order, and keep on top of youevery minute.Right?""Yes, Sir." I was too tired to think.What was I agreeingto?"Then you understand why you need to move in with me."He played me so well.At the time, I was so stunned andgrateful that he didn't send me away forever that I noddedyes."Use words, Sam.""Yes, Sir.Thank you, Sir." I sniffled.The only answer wasyes, but the tired synapses in my brain fired off warning shots184 Chaos Magicby Jay Lygonthe moment I spoke.I tried to muddle through what hemeant, but my mind wasn't grasping thoughts.The sleepdeprivation worked.My mind struggled to push aside thewool, but my mouth was on automatic pilot: agree with theDominant; please the top; don't give him a reason to stopwanting you."I know that you feel bad, but that doesn't mean you won'tbe punished.We'll talk about that when I get back.I don'thave time to blister your ass right now."What could I do but accept it?"Be moved in by the time I get back from my trip."I raised my chin."I won't be kept.""You're not kept.You're owned, boy.Give me your nextcredit card bill and I'll pay off the clothes.""No."He wiped his mouth and turned to me so slowly that Iquaked."That wasn't a request.It was an order."My brain finally kicked into overdrive and caught up withreal time.I stared up at him, realizing what he'd done to me,but powerless to take it back.He hid a satisfied smile behindhis coffee cup.I'd been manipulated by a Master.185 Chaos Magicby Jay LygonCHAPTER 14Hector walked into his house holding flowers.He saw mydesk in his living room and grinned.I wasn't sure what to do;he was stepping into his home, not my apartment.Figuringthat a show of submission was never wrong, I knelt down tokiss his feet.He pulled me off the floor and squeezed me in his arms.Asix-hour drive through Central Valley heat gave him a strongscent that went straight from my nose to my dick.It wasbetter than sniffing the dirty clothes in his hamper."Did you behave yourself while I was gone, boy?"Usually, I had something to confess, but not this time.The stern expression disappeared and the crinkles aroundhis eyes made his smile warm."These short trips don't giveyou time to get into trouble.Maybe I'll change my scheduleso that I come back home every couple of days or so.Keepyou in line.By the way, I bought a new flogger."Instead of ripping off my clothes and running for thebedroom, I snuggled closer."Do you want me to rub yourfeet? Get you a drink? Suck your cock?"He put the flowers in my hands and gave me a gentle pushtoward the kitchen."These are for you.There's a vase forthem under the sink."* * * *Two hours later, he had me chained to the wrought ironframe of his bed.I stood with my arms and legs stretched.Using his new flogger, he worked across my shoulders and186 Chaos Magicby Jay Lygonthen warmed my butt.The flogger seemed way too soft formy taste.Changing his pattern, his upstrokes caught theunderside of my ass cheeks.At first, each was a light touch,but my skin got raw as he put more power into each stroke."Thank you, Sir." I closed my eyes and hung my head.Theleather shackles binding my wrists and ankles had a patinafrom use.His soft assurances helped me to stay relaxed whenhe picked up a braided cat.I wouldn't say that it felt good,but it felt familiar, and the pain across my shoulders was awelcome return to ritual.We were being our true selves.The emotional exposurewas intense, which was why I hated doing scenes in clubswhere people could watch.Spiritually, I could feel aconnection with the voyeurs on the fringes in a club.Theintimacy got lost when spread among so many.There inHector's bedroom, the bond between us was undiluted.Dominant and submissive.Sadist and masochist.We werepartners in the moment.Hector set the flogger aside.He kissed me.Hungry forhim, I sucked on his tongue while he dragged his fingernailsdown my back.With his clothes pressed against me, I felt thesheen of sweat on my skin.Adrenaline surged through meand gave me the shakes.Was he pleased? "Thank you, Sir."Releasing my hands, Hector bent me down over themattress so I could rest."Good boy," he crooned to me.Hishands slid over my butt."Good boy." Cold gel pooled on myass and I heard his pants unzip."I won't hurt you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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