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. I allow myself a little fury although it s irrational.It s in his past, but it stillhurts.That must be how he feels about Zane and me. What happened then? Well, we did it.in one of the rooms in Michael s house, where he held the party.I don t knowhow, but Zane showed up in the room all of a sudden and started hitting me and yelling at me.Then,Michael came with his men and threw me out of the house.That s how I ended up moving to thiscondo. Oh, that happened when you were eighteen? Yeah, but I was legally an adult. That doesn t count. I move toward him and lace our bodies together. How old was the cunt?She probably used you to make Zane jealous, but you wound up getting hurt in the end. It wasn t too bad after all.I m happier now than ever not living under the same roof withMichael. I can certainly understand that.My phone buzzes in my bag, and I untangle my arms from Ace to catch the call before it s too late. Hello, I answer without looking at the Caller ID.Anger is sneaking back at Ace s face.He mustbe thinking it s Zane calling me. Lindsay, it s Edrick.Hope I m not disturbing you, but I have to remind you of the meeting in themarketing department at eight-thirty on the dot tomorrow.Michael won t be attending but you shouldbe there to oversee the new account the department is taking over. Seriously? Am I still working at Hawkins Media Group? Edrick must have known about mylatest conversation with Michael, including his intention to sell me to his associates.I faintlyremember Edrick s words about Michael s admirable work ethic when it comes to his business.He sas dirty a liar as Michael.And I m a fool for believing them. The contract you signed with Michael is still in place.You re expected to continue your dutiesand responsibilities just like any other employee at HMG.Yeah, right.Like the other employees are forced to satisfy some filthy men s sexual desires, too. So, you ll be there? Edrick asks when I don t respond. Do I have another choice? I disconnect and throw the phone together with my purse over at anarmchair and plop down on the couch. Looks like I have to go to work, I say to Ace as he takes hisplace next to me. Maybe it s not too bad, though.I ll ask around about Michael.I might even getlucky and find out something useful.  Don t, Ace says. Michael will know it the second you open your mouth.His people aren t theones you should trust. Then, how am I supposed to find out what he s up to? I lean back and rest my head on the backof the couch.A feeling of exhaustion runs through my body, forcing my eyes closed.I m trapped anddrained out of my resources, and there s no one, other than myself, who can help me out.*After a short night of restless sleep, I take a quick stop at my apartment to change into a black skirtsuit and drive to work.Although Ace offers to come with me, I politely decline and promise to meethim at his place after work.As sweet and protective as he is, I have to face my demons myself.The meeting goes uneventfully, although I d consider it high on the stressful scale in othercircumstances, but now that I m faced with the possibility of being a sex slave, the definition ofstressful has changed in my life.After the meeting, I take my place in my cubicle and fire up my computer to work on the data I msupposed to finish by the end of the day.How delightful my day would have been if this data were theonly thing I have to wrestle with, but I have my ass to protect and a person to save.That s why I can treally sit around and work on the damn project the entire day.My fingers are itching to set up ameeting with Edrick, although he s probably the last person I should try to squeeze information out of.But who knows? Anyone is prone to a slip of the tongue every now and then.Just when I start to get to my feet, my phone rings with an incoming text.I sit back in my chair andtab on the screen of my phone.A message from an unknown number reads:  Meet me at the deliacross the street in ten minutes.Who the hell is the text from?Despite my suspicion and annoyance, my curiosity wins and I gather my jacket and purse and headout to the elevators.Curiosities seem like the highlights of my day because I stumble upon Edrick inthe elevator as the doors slide open.He nods at me curtly, with a distant smile playing on his lips, and moves to the side to give mespace. Is Michael in? I d like to talk with him for a couple of minutes, I say, although I know he s notin town. I m afraid you can t. Edrick s tone is spiteful yet calm. He s out of the country for businessand won t be back until the weekend.There s nothing to talk about anyway.You should knoweverything you re supposed to know.There s no point in posing as if I m not aware of what s going on. So, you knew about his plansall along?His answer comes in the form of a smirk. Did you seriously think that amount of money would beonly for a couple of dates here and there?I did, actually.How stupid of me. I guess money makes people blind.He turns to me, and I look up at his face to see his friendly, casual self again. Look, it s not theend of the world.You ll have a few bumps along the road, but when all is finished, you ll leave withalmost two million dollars in your bank account and unbelievable fame that can take you anywhereyou want.Money and fame can eat my shit. How about Chloe? Is he going to hurt her? Michael has never been easy on his children, especially Chloe.But, as long as you do as he orders, he won t touch her.And, never ever try to involve police in this matter again.You won t getanywhere with it, and it ll just make him more upset.I roll my eyes. I learned my lesson.I just wish I knew Chloe was fine. Sorry, hun, but I can t give you that information unless Michael allows me to.The elevator doors open with a ding, and I step out alongside Edrick.He smiles at me beforeturning in the opposite direction.I glance at my watch and realize it s already eleven minutes after Ireceived the text.Hoping my mysterious date hasn t given up on me, I hasten out and cross the street.There s a Subway and a local deli next to an Italian restaurant.Having no idea what my datelooks like, or even if it s a man or a woman, I pull the door to the deli and scan the tables for my date.Only two tables are occupied, one by a women in her thirties with a teenage boy, and the other by aman in a black tie suit.The possibility of the man being my mysterious texter is higher than the motherwith a son.So I move forward to his table.He s focused on his laptop, drinking coffee, and glances up at me with a surprised expressionwhen I stand by his chair.He must be working for Michael, although his face is unfamiliar to me.Orperhaps, he s from our competition and will try to take advantage of my status as Michael s girlfriendand try to get information out of me.It might not be too bad to have friends who have the same hatredof Michael as me. Hello, I m Lindsay, I say, hoping he ll take over the talking and save me from thisuncomfortable situation. Hello, Lindsay. He smiles and his eyes roam all over me.A hand grabs my back and I spin on my heels to see who s holding me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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