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.This may be a one-handed session unless you find aspecial way of holding the book.Sandwich any part of your body that you can reach comfortably, and place your handsdirectly over those places that you cannot sandwich.For example, it would be hard tosandwich your own heart between your hands, so place both hands over your heart.If you are working on an inaccessible place, like the middle of the back, you can usedistant healing techniques as described in chapter 12.To make sessions as strong as possible, pump the breath by exaggerating thebreathing techniques.If you lie down, you can do the fire breath for much longerperiods without feeling dizzy.In this way, you can alter your vibration moreprofoundly and be more effective.(People with certain heart conditions may not beable to do this safely.If you are unsure, check with your physician.)This can be a great time to try combinations of techniques; that is, you can do morethan one technique at the same time.For example, you could be doing toning andthe amplified resonance technique (chapter 12) while you work on yourself.Be patient.Many people will gladly spend forty or sixty minutes when working ona friend, but can hardly find five or ten minutes to work on themselves.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 155 Chapter Ten: Self HealingQuantum-Touch The Power to Heal 156 Chapter Eleven Healing AnimalsChapter 11HealingAAnimalsPPLICATIONMonkeys are my favorite people." S- UnknownQuantum-Touch The Power to Heal 157 Chapter Eleven Healing AnimalsWorking with animals can be a wondrous joy, since their love is so available and theiraffection is so generously given.Our pets and other animals do not judge us for our age,weight, race, or lifestyle.What's more, they have no prejudices favoring Western allopathicmedicine -they simply respond to love.Quantum-Touch has worked wonderfully well on all sorts of animals: dogs, cats, horses,mice, turtles, even bunny rabbits.It seems to make no difference.Everybody seems to likeanimal stories, so I'll tell you a few.When I arrived in Maine to teach a class last year, I stayed at Billie's home.As she hadadvertised, she had ten cats, all longhaired Maine coons.In my conversations with Billie, Ihad learned that Julius (who has a technique named after him in chapter 5), Billie's favoritecat, had been very ill for a couple of months.She had taken the cat to the veterinarian a fewtimes, but they could not help him or even figure out what his problem was.As soon as I gotto her home I saw cats everywhere, but off to the side was one cat whose fur was all scruffy,and he looked as if he had passed out on the arm of the couch.I immediately knew that Ihad found Julius.I put my bags down and walked straight over to him, and introduced myself (in catlanguage, this meant letting the cat sniff my hand).Julius seemed terribly limp and weak, hisfur was slightly damp, and he appeared to hardly have the strength to lift his head.I startedto run energy into his abdomen and within a minute or two, I realized that I was dealing withwhat I call the "blocked pattern" of energy as described in chapter 3.As I ran energy in forabout five minutes, the vibration was only starting to get a bit stronger.At that point, Icalled Billie and Heather and asked them to help me.Heather and Billie are bothaccomplished Quantum-Touch practitioners, and group sessions are generally much easierand faster.The three of us ran energy for another ten minutes, and Julius got up to stretch and thenjumped down to the floor.I didn't think much of the session at the time.A couple minuteslater I had found a cat toy consisting of a stick with a string and a ball at the end of thestring.As I dragged the ball around the floor, I was surrounded by a circle of cats thatQuantum-Touch The Power to Heal 158 Chapter Eleven Healing Animalswere politely waiting for the ball to get to them before they would take a good swipe at it.When Julius saw the game, he did something that Billie said she had never seen himdo.He started leaping a couple of feet, straight up in the air almost like a gazelle.He didthis three or four times as if he were bouncing towards the game.When he got there, hecompletely took over as he repeatedly jumped across the entire circle to get to the ball.Afew minutes later, Billie opened her door and Julius was the first one outside.Julius has had no more health problems since that single session.When I returnedabout seven months later to teach another Quantum-Touch class, I had the opportunity tospend time with him again.He seemed to recognize me and was extremely affectionate.I decided to run energy into him to see what would happen this time.He just loved itand got more and more excited.This time, he grabbed my hand and was licking andbiting and scratching me in a playful manner that was beginning to hurt a bit.After afew seconds of this, Julius looked at me and saw I was not enjoying this andimmediately stopped biting.He got up and walked away.An hour later, Billie told me that Julius had done something else that he had never donebefore - he had caught a bird.It seems that both sessions really brought out the kitty cat's"inner tiger." I have heard similar stories about cats wanting to go into hunting modeafter a good Quantum-Touch session.On another occasion, a friend had a dog (a Newfoundland) that had problems with itssacroiliac.The dog could not walk, and they had to take it to a veterinarian in anambulance.The vet said that in most cases like this one, the dog has to be put to sleep.When I saw the dog, he was home again and unable to walk.After two sessions over atwo-day period, the dog was walking again with no problems.You may recall in the first chapter how I ran energy into a frightened young bunny andit reacted by rolling onto its back and stretching out as far as it could.My friend Henrihas had very similar results with her turtle.He's an 8-inch-long African Sideneck, andby nature extremelyQuantum-Touch The Power to Heal 159 Chapter Eleven Healing Animalsshelter-conscious.In the wild, hishabitat would be at the water's edge, nearoverhanging ferns, or burrowing into tightspaces to escape predators.He avoids anykind of exposure, and never basks in thesun.Henri writes, "When I run energyinto him, I hold him in my lap.One handcups his upper shell, the other isunderneath.Within seconds, he closes hiseyes.As I continue to run energy, herelaxes totally, extending his neckforward, his arms and legs spread-eagle.We can stay like this for minutes orhours."I'll tell you one more story to whet yourappetite for doing sessions on animals.Afriend asked me to do Quantum-Touchwork on her horse.I'm not one of thosepeople who spends time with horses, but Ithought I would enjoy the new experience.On a sunny afternoon, I was runningenergy into the horse's back, and she said that I was "putting the horse to sleep." "Ihope you don't mean in the veterinary sense," I told her.She said, "No, you are actuallyputting the horse to sleep." "How can you tell?" I asked."Just look at his eyes," shereplied.I looked at her horse's eyes and saw that they were drooping and closing, whileher lower lip was hanging and trembling.A moment later the horse's head just dropped,like a person who falls asleep sitting up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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