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.He stopped beside the road and put hishands on his sides. All right, ladies.Change of plans.You walk infront.Without paying him much attention the two pagessimply walked on, and when they had passed him,Obyann followed. Nulfie, Rahendo asked with large, round eyes,  Nulfie, Rahendo asked with large, round eyes, why does Obie want us to walk in front of him?Arranulf gave him a big brother smile. I am not certain, Rahendo, but I suppose he wantsto stare at our asses.Rahendo tittered.Obyann, who had heard everyword, just as Arranulf had meant him to, snorted. That must be it, Rahendo said. He wants tofeast his eyes on our perky, fleshy, luscious asses.And then he will dream of them.They both erupted with laughter. Cut it out guys, Obyann said, clearly annoyed. You're not funny.Nobody's laughing. He wants to touch them as well, Arranulf said inas serious a voice as he could muster. Oh, yes, he wants to caress our soft, voluptuousasses. Rahendo agreed..and fondle them. Arranulf added..fondle them fondly, a hand on each curvy, juicyass, Rahendo managed to say between fits oflaughter and demonstrating with his many ringedhand just what gesture he had in mind. Are you done already, you retarded, sexobsessed freaks, Obyann snarled. The merest brush against our alluring, meatyposteriors will drive him mad with a hitherto unknownhankering, Arranulf said gravely. He might lose what little restraint he has and tearthe pants from our beguiling, bewitching, sweet,sweet, succulent asses, Rahendo managed to utter,whilst almost suffocating with mirth.  The sight of our glorious, silken buttocks mightinspire him to endow them with tender, needy,enraptured, hot, hot kisses, Arranulf bellowed. He may not be able to resist licking our tasty,crunchy, yet smooth butts. He might be tempted to use more than his handsalone, Arranulf howled. Our innocent, tender asses might never be safeagain from his lustful, groping claws.We aredoomed.doomed, I say.Arranulf and Rahendo had to support each otheror they would have fallen over.Obyann meanwhilehad adopted a dark blueish color. When I get my hands on you, it will not only beyour asses that will suffer, he yelled. Forget myhands, you dirty, stinking pukes.I will bring my feetinto contact with your scrawny butts, and not exactlyto caress them either.You will not be able to sit onthem for a week when I'm done with the both of you,you hear me, you demented, cheeky, perverted,inbred, creepy shrimp.And the same goes for you,you conceited, vainglorious, puffed up, degenerate,deviant, debauched, depraved, lecherous, ducalsodomite.My feet will stick so far into your assesthat my toes will be tickling your tonsils.He crouched down, looking for some stones tothrow at his tormentors. He's really angry, I think, Rahendo said, suddenlyback to his usual worrying state. He knows a lot of fancy words, Arranulf saidrather pointlessly, getting a little worried himself. He can write none of them though, Rahendomused, shaking his head. A triumphant  Aha made them look backwards,and when they saw that Obyann had found somedangerous looking projectiles, they started runningaway. Stay put, you measly cowards.Take yourpunishment as men.Ha, who am I kidding?He ran after them.Long before he could catch upwith them Arranulf and Rahendo came to a fork inthe road. You take that one, Arranulf panted. I'll take theother.He can't run after both of us.You'll be saferbetween all those new barracks.Many places tohide. Idiots, Obyann muttered under his breath.Thatthey might be, but they were fast idiots, and by thetime he came to the bifurcation he had lost sight ofthem.He realized that they most likely had split upand there was no chance he would get them. Oh well, it'll keep.As soon as I can write I'mstarting a list.Ruldo, Arranulf, Rahendo.Undertheir names I'll write their crimes.Under that theirpunishments.I'd better get me a large piece ofparchment.Better still, three pieces.And I'll learn towrite in really small letters.Tiny letters.Yes.This blissful prospect, and more resolutions in thesame vein, improved his mood.He had taken theway that led to an allotment of new barracks.After afew minutes he began to regret his choice. By the Gods, have they emptied the sewers intothe Amirathan Militia? Look at them.Thugs andcrooks, the lot of them.They look as if they'd gutyou for a few sarths.I'd better look for a fast way outof here. He looked around.It was then that he sawRahendo, standing in a small alley, engaged insome kind of conversation with three militia men. Has the little bugger gone crazy? Each one ofthem could kill him with one blow.What in thename of all that is holy is that weird half-witthinking?He was about to call out to him, when he saw thatthe three men had driven the young page against thewall of a barrack.He couldn't understand what theywere saying, but the expression on their faces toldhim all he had to know.He ran into the alley. Ha, here you are, he said when he had reachedthe little group. Come, say goodbye to the nicegentlemen.We have to go.We can't be late for ourevening shift.He took Rahendo, who looked even moredepressed than usual, by the hand and started to pullhim along.One of the men had something else inmind.He blocked the two boys by putting his handagainst the wall.Tall, unshaven, and with a rancidsmell, he appeared to be the leader of the littlegroup. How cute.Look guys how he takes care of hislittle boyfriend, he smirked at his companions.He grinned maliciously at Obyann. Is he? Is he your little sweetheart? he asked,making lewd kissing gestures. None of your business, Obyann said, fasteninghis grip on Rahendo's hand. Well, the more the merrier, I say.There are three of us, and now there are two of you.We had justinvited your little friend here for a fun filled evening,and now you're invited too.I'm sure that aftermessing around with this little one you willappreciate some real men fucking you.Don't worry,your little sweetheart can watch while he too is beingnailed.The three men laughed out loud. Isn't it exciting, my little alley cat? he said toRahendo. Imagine, soon you will have your firsttaste of a real man's dick.Three, in fact.I hope youpracticed on your boyfriend's little tool.But don'tworry, we'll teach you everything you need to know.Over and over again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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