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.This was where it all began, I thought.This was the place where Rayne trained to be a Water Keeper, to one day become the amazing person he was now, who would change my life in unimaginable ways.This was the place where Keepers trained to travel to Earth, to blend into the crowds or the shadows, unnoticed, using their Healing Water to help and to heal the lucky few.This was also the place where Scouts were turned into trained killers and spies.The campus was lovely, trimmed with hedges and vines, flowers and water ponds.Some of the buildings were modern, but most had an old, stately feel to them, like they couldn’t decide if they wanted to be academic institutions or elegant castles full of towers and spires.The closer we rolled toward the heart of the campus, the more active the grounds became.Groups of students congregated in open fields, dressed athletically as they ran drills or practiced fighting techniques.Many of them appeared much younger than I expected, their physical ages ranging anywhere from eleven to nineteen.There was one boy that I swore couldn’t be more than ten, at least in physical age, yet he circled around another boy twice his size as they took careful, calculated swings at each other amid a group of coed students and an instructor.Other students sat in small groups under trees.Some were talking and laughing, but most were concentrating on open textbooks.I pictured Rayne and Jax, even Honeycutt and Ash, here under these same trees, learning to become trained agents, and hopefully men.I wondered if any of them truly understood what they were headed for.I assumed even my father had once been a student walking the hallways of this school.If he had the chance to go back, would he do it all differently? I would give anything to turn my head and see his face right outside my car door.There were so many things I needed to say.And we needed him here.He should have come, if not for me, then at least for Rayne.The driver finally pulled into a parking space just outside one of the plainest buildings I’d seen all morning, with gray concrete walls covered in black mirrored windows.Although, it did have two interesting half-circle shaped rooms on either side, and an iron statue depicting William Fairbanks, my very own ancestor, standing proudly at the front of the steps.I read the words Academy Security Center above the entrance as we entered the main doors.Agent Duke and an entourage of eight men in suits filed in behind us.I wondered if they were all planning on coming with us across the Threshold.If so, I hoped that some of them were purely there for Councilman Bennett’s safety outside the border, because if they were here for me, they were highly over staffed.“Wait here,” the councilman said, gesturing to a chair in the front room.“Someone from the medical detail will take you back shortly.”All of the agents walked away with Councilman Bennett except for Agent Duke and his partner, who each moved to stand on one of my sides.I figured I better start getting used to their faces now.They were about to become a prevalent part of my everyday life.I still had no idea what the other guy’s name was; he was always quietly following orders without ever saying a word.A woman in a white coat and black rimmed glasses appeared a moment later.She held out her hand to greet me.“Hello, I’m Dr.Griffin.Please come with me.” I stood to follow, my guards trailing closely behind me like clockwork.Most of the tests the doctor performed were slightly awkward or uncomfortable; bright lights shining in my eyes, cold metal instruments against my skin, lasers pulsing waves of heat across my body.But none of it was anything I couldn’t handle, at least for a short period of time.“You should feel a slight prick,” the doctor warned before she began the blood tests.She took a small digital instrument with a pointed tip and pressed it to my fingertip.It made a short noise, almost like it was gasping for air, then a pinch of pain shot through my skin.My arm jumped as I held back a yelp.It hurt more than I was expecting.There was a stream of blood that gushed instantly down to my knuckle, but when she wiped it away, there wasn’t even a mark left where the small incision was made.“Just a few more times,” she said.She took the next finger and the pinch hit again.This time I was more prepared, so I didn’t jump, but it still hurt.Blood poured out again, like I had suffered a severe cut.The doctor wiped the blood away, and this time, I watched so intently that I could actually see my severed skin grow back together and mend itself completely.It was like a miracle.The entire time I was here in Banya I could sense the Healing Water around me in the air, could feel a new sensation of wellbeing and energy.But now I could actually see it.Each time the doctor moved to another finger I kept shooting my eyes down to stare in amazement.It was the first time I had ever witnessed the Healing Water react so instantly.When I was on Earth I needed the Healing Water just to stay alive.Here on Ambrosia, my body was finally just as strong and capable as everyone else, healing itself without a pause.I couldn’t believe how incredible it was to, literally, witness the Healing Water working right before my eyes, just from existing in the molecules of the air.I always knew the Healing Water was working inside me in the past, but it never felt so real before.After the doctor finished the last finger, she glanced over at her computer screen.“Everything looks good so far,” she said.“And in case you’re curious, your current physical age is comparable to eighteen years, three months, and two days.”She said it so fast I had to think about it a moment.Eighteen years, three months, and two days? But my eighteenth birthday was still over a month away.Was I aging prematurely? Were all the episodes of low Healing Water and near death experiences causing unneeded strain on my body? Or maybe I was just a little mature for my age, right?“Are you sure?” I questioned from across the small room [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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