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.Tredegar.You see, there is a runaway child in town and I daresay our Maxwell has made a new friend." Her eyes narrowed to thin slits."I knew you were keeping something from me, Maxwell Unger.""I wasn't!" he yelled."I don't know any runaways!""Lying will get you nowhere fast." Mrs.Crumlin heaved a great sigh."Very well, Phineas, let the boy go." She smoothed her dress and the apron over it."The authorities have granted me permission to discuss Maxwell's future."Max felt Dr.Tredegar relax his ironclad grip."Until this week I had orders to keep silent," she began."Now I can talk about your apprenticeship, which is linked to the government's exciting new defense strategy."Max went rigid.Were they going to make him a Dark Brigadier? The thought of wearing a mask, goggles and the High Echelon's standard-issue cape, and marching in lines and shooting rifles at owls revolted him."I won't join the military!" he shouted."I hate uniforms! I'll go AWOL!" He wasn't sure what AWOL meant, but he knew it wasn't good.129"Let me finish!" she snapped."You will be training a special attack animal to defend our domes and keep the borders safe."Max flashed back on the plague wolf with its spiky fur, sharp teeth and foaming mouth."Train wolves?" he asked shakily, going cold all over."What nonsense! Wolves have been extinct for decades," replied the doctor, his voice tense.Liar, thought Max, but he said nothing.Face flushed, Mrs.Crumlin leaned forward."Foolish child, I'm talking about a creature with superior fighting talent, designed by the smartest scientists in the world.It attacks, destroys and always wins because it has no fear."Her last two words were like a blow to the head."Skæks!" whispered Max.A deep and profound terror flooded his body, and his stomach turned."I--I--" he stuttered."I won't do it, those things are disgusting! It's not in my nature!""Oh, but we have medicine to alleviate your fears," said Dr.Tredegar reassuringly."And we have ways of changing your nature as well," he added darkly.Max could hardly breathe.He had no doubt that at last they were telling him the truth, but he didn't want to hear it."What works in your favor, Maxwell," said Mrs.Crumlin, "is that these creatures have no eyes." She smiled uncertainly.Her pale, doughy face reminded Max of an underbaked cookie."Attempts were made to graft eyes onto the skræks," explained Dr.Tredegar."But the transplants failed.Unfortunate, that."Max felt his stomach twist at the memory of the squirming body, the torn wings, the missing eyes."No!" he screamed."I won't do it!"130With a fierce cry of despair, he doubled over.How could this possibly be his destiny, training gene-spliced mutants to kill?"The High Echelon selected you years ago, Maxwell, when Project Skræk was in its infancy.You were considered perfect for the role," twittered Mrs.Crumlin."They were looking for a smooth stone amid the broken ones, a tabula rasa, as it were, untainted by civilization, a child of the Prophecy, plucked from a state of naïveté." Her eyes shone feverishly."That would be you, Maxwell.For the High Echelon decrees there can only be one Skræk Master.""You're out of your mind!" he cried, his voice at once disgusted and incredulous.What was all this talk about stones and prophecies? Mrs.Crumlin was obviously delusional.Maybe she'd listened to too many episodes of Flamingo Valley."When everyone from Cavernstone Grey moves into the domes, you will move in with the skræks." Mrs.Crumlin clasped her hands to her bosom."You'll need to familiarize yourself with them, of course, learn their ways and so forth.I've no doubt you'll adjust in time.And of course you will be given hardworking assistants.""The word skræk comes from old Danish," said the doctor with a wink."Translated, it means fear."Max stared at him, appalled."Skræks are rather unpleasant creatures, I'll grant you that," chimed in Mrs.Crumlin."Still, they are a marvelous experiment, genetically designed to protect us from radicals, traitors, runaways and the like.They will hunt our enemies down and, if necessary, exterminate them."Max's stomach did a double flip.He didn't need anyone to explain the meaning of exterminate.131"Of course, their main objective will be to seek out and destroy any remaining silver owls." Her voice struck a gleeful note."No one will be safe in this country until each and every one is eradicated."Max stiffened.They wanted him to kill the things he loved most? Was this their plan, to twist his love of silver owls into something hateful and repulsive?"The High Echelon thinks of everything--including the no-fear gene." Mrs.Crumlin's tone was falsely soothing."These injections will make your Transmutation much easier.No fear, Maxwell, think of it.And your conscience will be crystal clear.No feelings of guilt at all."Max looked at her, stunned.He would be no better than a robot, without thought or emotion.And the no-fear gene--that was the one Rose had told him about, the gene they were selling on the black market!"I won't!" he shouted."You can't make me!"Ignoring his outburst, Mrs.Crumlin continued: "The Transmutation takes place the day before your twelfth birthday, just before midnight.The timing could not be more perfect.""No!" bellowed Max."Let's get on with this, shall we?" growled the doctor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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