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.Flakes of snow partially covered the stains, which meant something had disturbed the snow after the bats had returned to their lair with their prize.It is an entrance.Razvan was pragmatic.We have dealt with them before.The ground beneath them rolled.The mountain shivered and a great chunk of ice calved off the sheer cliff towering above them, driving the snow and ice straight down on top of them with little warning.Without hesitation, both reached for the ringed canisters in their war belts and dissolved into vapor as they leapt into the ominous hole covered by a thin layer of bloodstained snow.The foul stench assailed them first, even before the sounds of highly agitated bats registered.The smell of fetid, rotting flesh burned their noses and offended their stomachs so that they had to fight to keep their present form and not react.The high-pitched angry shrieks swelled in volume as they descended through the narrow tube, scraping like sharp fingernails on the walls of their minds, shredding their nerves to the screaming point.Scorch marks blackened the stains on the walls although bats continued to pour out of the dark, sulfur-smelling holes in the tube, dropping down to join the fierce battle taking place on the floor of the cavern.Bits of rotting meat and splashes of blood and fur clung to the outer edges of each hole where the carnivorous bats dwelled.Xavier has been warned that his fortress is compromised, Ivory said, irritation creeping into her voice.Even weak, he is a formidable opponent.I had hoped to come on him unaware.I do not want him to escape us.He will not give up his fortress easily, Razvan predicted.He has fewer and fewer places to go.He has not had time to fully make this one secure.This is our best chance whether he knows we are coming or not.Ivory refrained from saying Xavier was expecting two hapless hunters who had inadvertently stumbled upon the bats and probably was joyfully preparing for feasting on Carpathian blood.Hurry, Ivory, they attack Natalya.Xavier will order his guardians not to slay them—at least not to slay her.He will want her blood for himself, which gives them a slight advantage, she reassured.They were close to the bottom of the long tube and could see the bats now.Hundreds of them, with black furry bodies and razor-sharp teeth, claws tipping the toes of their feet and their wings spiked at the tips.Swords swept violently through the mass of bats, slicing heads and bodies, but the sheer numbers were overwhelming.Vikirnoff and Natalya stood back-to-back, faces grim, blood streaking every exposed bit of skin.Both Razvan and Ivory had felt the tear of teeth shredding flesh from their bones and, at the sight of the Carpathians, the haunting memories rose up to taunt them.Coming in, Ivory warned, using the more ancient common telepathic path that Vikirnoff would recognize.What we are going to do is change the composition of air using our homemade grenades.The fire will burn hot, very intense, and you cannot draw this chemical into your lungs.You will want to panic and go toward the surface, but the fire will race upward, she warned, giving them nearly the same instructions as she had given Razvan when she’d first used her chemical grenades with him.Razvan reached for his sister, feeling her startle when he used their much older connection, one they had made as children.Fight your way out of the center but stay away from the walls.When we materialize we will use the chemical, and then change back to vapor; do the same instantly, but remember, you will still feel the intense heat.I understand, Natalya sent back.Razvan tried not to see the mass of bats attacking her.She looked fierce, her grim face a mask of concentration, her hair striped with the colors of a tigress.Razvan positioned his body face-to-face with Ivory’s.As soon as they materialized, he knew from previous experience, the bats would attack, ripping and tearing at their flesh.Ready, kont o sívanak—heart of a warrior?Let us get it done, Ivory responded, as calm as always in battle.She could handle nearly any circumstance when it came to fighting without panic; yet when it came to emotion, she wasn’t so good at hiding her nerves and vulnerability.One more thing, fél ku kuuluaak sívam belső—beloved, I love you more than life itself.Now, Razvan added.She wanted to hold him.Wanted to say it back to him.But he was already materializing and she had to match his rhythm.She burst onto the chamber floor, noting that Razvan’s body, while protecting the front of hers, was angled to shield his sister.The moment they donned their flesh-and-blood bodies, the bats went into a feeding frenzy, the scent of prey driving them insane.They ripped and tore, hurling their bodies at the Carpathians [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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