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.Suddenly, without reason or warning, the castle wasplunged into total darkness.Thumps, bumps, hysterical shouts and screamsfollowed closely on the heels of this disconcerting event.Chalk, who hadbeen standing back of Skamperoo, immediately leaned forward and grasped hisimpetuous little Master by the seat of his Royal Breeches."Be still!" commanded the white horse through his teeth and the whiteleather of Skamperoo's riding pants, and he held on for dear life as theEmperor, like all the rest of the court and guests, tried to rush in everydirection."He's done it! He's done it, and everything is ruined," wailed Skamperoo,struggling in vain to pull away from Chalk."Matiah has discovered thePage 109 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlsecret of the necklaces, and now we are ruined.Do you hear? Ruined!""I hear," hissed Chalk, giving Skamperoo a little shake, "and so willeveryone else unless you shut your mouth.Be quiet, I tell you; do nothingtill the right moment, unless you want to dash out your brains against apillar in the dark." Too frightened to argue or struggle further, Skamperooat last subsided.All about, courtiers, servants, and guests were screamingand bumping into each other or the furniture, and when a stern handsuddenly seized his bridle, Chalk trembled violently in spite of himself."Follow me," directed a firm, stern little voice, "and no harm will come toyou." Now Chalk had been expecting to see or hear Matiah, and the soundof this small, strange voice was a welcome relief and surprise.Taking afirmer hold on Skamperoo, he thrust out his head in an endeavor to touch orfeel the newcomer.As he did so, the hand on his bridle began to tug himgently but firmly forward."Look out there, mind what you are about, the Emperor of Oz is just ahead!"whinnied Chalk, now thoroughly alarmed."We are not used to taking ordersfrom strangers.""Oh, we won't be strangers long," promised the strange voice pleasantly."SoTHIS is the Emperor of Oz, and is this the way you usually carry him?""Come ON, Bitty Bit, what's the use of all this arguing?" put in anothervoice impatiently."Let's get out of this confusion.The Wizard'slaboratory is right across the hall.Tell him to come there.""A girl!" decided Chalk with another gulp of relief."Maybe we are not sobadly off, after all!" And lifting his head in spite of Skamperoo's greatweight, he spoke proudly and confidently, "Whoever you are, we welcome youto Oz, and if you can explain this unearthly and unexpected darkness, wewill gladly follow you and do as you say.""Good!" chuckled Bitty Bit, tugging manfully at his bridle."This way,please." There was still so much screaming and confusion in the ThroneRoom, no one had overheard the conversation between the newcomers and thePage 110 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlEmperor's horse, and guided by the invisible hand Chalk crossed the roomwithout bumping into anything or anybody.A moment later they were in thedark, quiet laboratory that had once belonged to the Wizard of Oz.CHAPTER 18THE EMPEROR'S HORSE MAKES A BARGAINBitty Bit's shooting tower had made a record trip to the Emerald City, andguided by the little Seer of Some Summit had come to a deft and dexterousstop right outside the windows of the great Throne Room.After a short,anxious look inside and before anyone was aware of their arrival, Dorothyremoved the lid from the box of the powder of darkness and threw a generouspinch into the air, plunging the Emerald City into an instant andthunderous dark.Under cover of this magic darkness, Dorothy, Pigasus andBitty Bit boldly entered the palace and singled out the white horse and histerrified Master.They had fully expected some resistance Dorothy hadbrought a long piece of rope, and Pigasus carried a stout club under hiswing but they were delighted to find the Emperor too frightened and hiswhite horse too clever to resist an invisible foe.Being able to see in the dark themselves, they had Chalk and Skamperoo at adecided advantage.Dorothy's plans, now that they had actually returned tothe Emerald City, were rather vague, but Bitty Bit knew just what he hopedand intended to do.His seerish powers had enabled him to discover that allthe changes in Oz had been brought about by the magic emeralds which insome way had fallen into Skamperoo's hands, and these emeralds Bitty Bitmeant to have at the earliest possible moment.So first he ordered all thewindows and doors to the laboratory closed, then, annoyed by the screamsand crashes still issuing from every room in the castle, he advised Dorothyto put the lid back on the powder of darkness."But supposing someone disturbs us before we finish," objected Pigasus,looking doubtfully at the tremendous warhorse who stood with feet bracedPage 111 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmland ears back ready to listen or defy them.Somehow Chalk had managed totoss Skamperoo back into the saddle, and with both hands fixed grimly inthe horse's mane the Emperor was blinking his eyes in a vain attempt to seethem or catch a glimpse of Matiah, for he was convinced that the merchantwas at the bottom of the whole procedure."If we agree to lift this pall of darkness, will you agree to grant us anuninterrupted hour of your time?" asked Bitty Bit, turning toward theEmperor, but really addressing the horse, whom he considered the better manof the two."I think we can, without undue danger, promise that," answered Chalkguardedly, while Skamperoo hemmed and hawed with indecision."Of course,you must promise to use no more magic against us.""Well, the same goes for you, too, remember," put in Pigasus quickly."Anhour's time and conversation and no trickery.""But who who are you?" muttered Skamperoo, finding his voice at last."Iseem to hear three different voices [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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