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.But Rune knew that Amber and Tonno bothworried about this law because the Church had also been behind it-and they feared it mightbe the opening move in a campaign to end the Whore's Guild altogether, and make theHouses themselves illegal.It had been hard for Rune to feel much concern about that, when the immediate result hadbeen to free up half the corners in Nolton to honest musicians and dancers, and to sendeven more clients to Amber's than there had been before.Amber had been forced to add a fifth and sixth lady; both of whom had passed their trial periods with highest marks-whichhad made Carly even more sour than before.Carly now stalked the hall of the private wingwith a copy of the Holy Book poking ostentatiously out of her pocket.And she spent most ofher time off at the Church, at interminable "Women's Prayer Meetings." She had even triedto drag the boys off to a "Group Prayer Meeting," but both of them had told her to her facethat they'd rather scrub chamber pots.The two new ladies, Amethyst and Diamond, got along perfectly well with the other four;Rune liked them both very much, especially Diamond, who had the most abrasive andcaustic sense of humor she'd ever encountered.It was Diamond who had suggested hercurrent project.Diamond was an incredibly slender woman with pure white hair-naturally white, claimedMaddie, who often helped Diamond with the elaborate, though revealing, costumes shefavored.Diamond had been in the common room one night (dressed-so to speak-mostly instrings of tiny glass beads made into a semblance of a dress) when Rune had played acommon song called "Two Fair Maids" at a client's request.Diamond had politely waiteduntil that client had gone upstairs before she said anything, but then she had them all institches."Just once-" she'd said vehemently, "just once I'd like to hear a song about that situation thatmakes some sense!"One of the gentlemen with her, who Rune had suspected for some time really was noblyborn, had said, ingenuously, "What situation?" That had pretty much confirmed Rune'ssuspicions, since it would have been hard to be a commoner and not have heard "Two FairMaids" often enough to know every word of every variant.Diamond, however, had simply explained it to him without betraying that."It's about twosisters in love with the same man," she told him."He's been sleeping with the older one,who thinks he's going to have to marry her-but he proposes to the younger one, whoaccepts.When the older one finds out, she shoves the younger one in the river." She turnedto Rune, then, and included her in the conversation."Rune, what are all the various versionsof it after that?""Well," Rune had answered, thinking, "There's three variations on how she dies.One, theolder girl holds her under; two, she gets carried off by the current and pulled under themillrace; three, that the miller sees her, wants her gold ring, and drowns her.But in all of theversions, a wandering harpist-Bard finds her-or rather, what's left of her after the fish getdone-and makes a harp of her bones and strings it with her long, gold hair.""Dear God!" the gentleman exclaimed."That's certainly gruesome!""And pretty stupid," Rune added, to Diamond's great delight."I can't imagine why anymusician would go making an instrument out of human bone when there are perfectly goodpieces of wood around that are much better suited to the purpose! And I can't imagine whyanyone would want to play such a thing!" She shivered."I should think you'd drive customersinto the next kingdom the first time they caught sight of it! But anyway, that's what this fooldoes, and he takes it to court and plays it for the Sire.And, of course, the moment the oldersister shows up, the harp begins to play by itself, and sing about how the little idiot gotherself drowned.And of course, the sister is burned, and the miller is hung, and the bastardthat started it in the first place by seducing the first sister gets off free." She curled her lip alittle."In fact, in one of the versions he gets all kinds of sympathy from other stupid womenbecause his syrupy little true love drowned.""And that's what I mean by I wish that someone would write a sensible version," Diamondsaid, taking up where Rune left off [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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